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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 (Life's seasons)

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven. A time to give birth and a time to die; A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal; A time to tear down and time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to dance. A time to throw stones and a time to gather stones; A time to embrace and a time to refrain from it. A time to search and a time to give up as lost; A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear apart and to sew together. A time to be silent and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate; A time for war and a time for peace.

The point that the Preacher makes is that the times of our lives or its seasons that are fixed in advance and there is nothing one can do about it. He gives prominent the comparison between life and death which he lists first. He claims that the human mind can know life's seasons, but there is nothing he can do about it because it is God who has established those times and he has charged man with the task of discovery. A Christian awaits the blessed hope of Christ's return so that he can explain everything to us.

Daily Prayer: Father it is true that there is a time for everything. I am thankful that there is a time for my and other's salvation and forgiveness of my sins. I didn't know the day of my salvation in advance, but now that it has arrived I can see that you protected me until that day.
I pray in your holy name Amen.

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