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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Whatever you have to do, do it quickly!

Whether it be confession, reconcilation, or coming to terms with your adversary, do it quickly. If postponed, the flesh will begin its work of rationalizing spiritual failure. The flesh is at war with the spirit, so for Christ's and the spirit's sake take action now.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Whatever Causes You to Sin, Cut it Off

The natural man doesn't know sin. When a person has been regenerated by the Holy Spirit, there are many things that this one can no longer do because they are sin to him. Remember, the life of the Christian is a life of devotion. Jesus says, if you love me you will obey me. This is why elsewhere, Jesus says if you cling to anyone other than Jesus, you should hate that relationship and follow the Savior.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

He will deliver us our life...

The Lord God Almighty protects our lives, but it is Christ who exhorts us not to worry about our own lives, because those who do lose them. Our call is devotion to Christ and that's it. If Christ is for me who can be against me? Righteousness in the Kingdom of God is all about devotion and trust. Never put your own pursuit of happiness on the Throne of God.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Through it all, I have just enough Grace to get me through today

Life is tough and is seldom fair. It matters not whether you are a baby or a grandpa, life has a way of punishing us. So how does a Christian "make it" through it all? God sovereignly designed it so that all persons have just enough grace for that day. Just as the sun only raises once in a day just to set again, so too God empowers those who call on His name. The sure signed of misdirected trust is saying to yourself, I can do it. The more normal Christian response is by God's grace I can do anything.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

God will not deliever you from trials, but out of them

A person who has faith recognizes that God is God and there is no other. It was Job in his affliction who explained to his wife in the time of dispair that we should not only expect good things from the hand of God. Jesus said not my will by Thy will be done. Paul said we are more than conquerers for those who are in Christ. The opposite reaction is also possible. Judas, fearing the power of Rome handed Jesus over to them. Through trials, we will either become stronger so that others can be nourished by us or we will become broken and full of contempt. Understand that in our flesh dwells no good thing, but in Christ, we have the power over sin and death.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

An innocent man is never safe

Jesus teaches us wisdom and not innocence. The one who is discerning weights life's choices to see which are from God where the so called innocent always justify themself instead of being guareded against evil. The innocent man is not walking by the Spirit of God, because he is trusting in his own virtues and life's offering. Your power is from above and from within, not from what you can see or reason.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sin Must be Dealt With

For the Christian, sin must be dealt with. When Christ was crucified he died to sin and died to death so that we may have newness of life and life eternal. This is by grace through faith. Then the believer must consider themself to have died to sin so that they may live to righteousness.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hypocrisy is the grounds of our judgment of others

The Bible says that when we judge others, we judge them according to what we find in ourself.
Jesus always condemned the hypocristy of the Pharasees by saying that unless your righteousness surpasses theirs, you will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. The eternal law of God is this: judge not less you will be judged also. We are without merit. Apart from God's grace, we all stand condenmed.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Secret of Christian Service is...

Devotion is at the center of Christian service. If one were to serve their fellow man, they will soon find that their fellow man doesn't return their love to you. If your service is to a cause, your service is only as worthy as it. But if your service is a result of your devotion to Jesus Christ, your legs will run but never be weary. Though people may spat you, you will not be offended. The value of our service is dependant on the person of our service.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Bible Says...Judge Not

Judgment, like revenge do not serve to build up the Body of Christ. The very thing you may find wrong in another is what God finds wrong in you. This is why it says judge not, because the measure of judgment you use will be used unto you. Jesus says how can you complain about the speck in another's eye while you harbor a plank in your own? Judgment is for Christ alone, but Christ is slow to judge and swifter to set people in good standing.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Hardest Thing You Will Ever Do

Jesus does not ask us to die for His name's sake. He asks us to lay down our lives for Him. Day after day, we wants us to remain faithful as He is faithful. But we are so self-centered and our self-centeredness runs deep into our personhood. It is easier by far to be a hero than a friend.
Regular obedience brings Christ glory and this is our high calling.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Never do your duty for duties sake

In II Timothy, the Apostle Paul spends his whole time exhorting Timothy to keep the faith, to endure, to be steadfast in the Word of God. It is for Christ's sake we fold fast to our faith. But whenever you do good things because they are expected of you or to satisfy man, then you lose your reward from Christ. Christ will say, "You left your first love." If service cannot be for the love of Christ, it is service better left undone. If duty is done with the expectation of reward, then set it aside and do something else. If your labor is in secret, then your Father who is in Heaven will recognize your labor no matter how great or how small. We can never outgive God.

Friday, June 12, 2009

And He (Jesus) will give you a new name

Many of the Bible legends were given a new name. Jacob was called Israel. Saul was named Paul. Simon was called Cephas (Peter). A new name cannot come to an old person. If you are still loyal to self and not abondoned to Christ, there is no use giving a new name to an old person.
Jesus wants to call you Christian, but to do this, we must be His followers.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Got Sin?

Are you tired of trying to manage your sin-life? Then come to Jesus. Jesus gives us no commands, but instead an invitation to "come." What if we don't come? We continue in our sin. What happens if we do come? He gives us rest. Do you see what I mean? In the flesh, we can do no good thing, but if we walk by the Spirit of God, in Christ we can accomplish anything.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We are all the prodigal son

Its not that some persons desires are pure and the other's defiled, there is none righteous, no not one. We pray to God, but many times pray misguided prayers. If the goal of our prayer is to build up self, how does that build up God. If we seek bread for temporal hunger, why don't we seek eternal bread? The point is that we need to change our point of view. Seek the narrow gate and God will fulfill all other needs.

Monday, June 8, 2009

God want obedience and not sacrifice

Obedience is the outworking of discernment. Sacrifice is the result of fulfilling one's own will, no matter how nobile it may be. There is no safety in safety. Staying tied to the dock when there is a storm coming is not the result of insight, but the result of folly. God wants us to go into deeper waters trusting in Him and learning the deeper secrets of God.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Whatever you ask of Me I will do

Why would Jesus make such a claim? In what way do we ask something in His name? The life of a disciple is one of abiding in Jesus. This means that he is adopting the priorities of his leader Jesus Christ. The mystery is this: Those things that I freely choose while abiding in Christ are indeed Christ's priorities, but it doesn't occur unless you are abiding in Him. Those who are not abiding in Him, He is not speaking to. The feel will of the saint will agree with and be answered by the Father.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thy Will Be Done

Our will is in agreement with God's will. Why? Because we were created that way. Our failure to accomplish His will is not because we disagree with it. It is because "no good thing dwells within me," which is our stubborn resistance of the flesh. The power of sin was done away with on the cross. If we are still fighting sin, we are fighting a dead enemy. That is why we can work out our own salvation, because God has worked His will in us so that it can be shown as evidence by faith.

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Child's Faith Will Succomb Our Fears

The reason a Christian may sometimes fear is because they forget who their Father is. As a child, if your Dad says its OK it was definitely OK. Why? Because you trust your father. But that father was limited in his abilities, but you were unlimited in your faith. Now that your own faith, which is sometimes fragile dwindles, at least you have a Father without limited abilities. Don't sell your Father short, because for Him, nothing is impossible.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

If we are one of His, then we have nothing to fear

There is a reason that the psalmist said, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." This is an unconditional promise, that we shall not want. Often times, we fashion in our own imagination what God is thinking. Seldom is it the reality of the matter. God is not in some lofty place where we cannot find Him. He is in the everyday work, struggles, and impairment of our daily life. Yet at the end of the day we can say "The Lord is my Shepherd. "

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Him shall He teach the way He chooses

My father told me to become someone's friend, you must learn to listen. So it is with God. He desires to show us His ways, but we are so busy talking He can't clue us in. A good friend will stop and let his friend talk. God is our friend, I we should be still and listen to Him.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

God is our all in all

When we refer to the "all in all" that is everything from before you were born until after you die.
God takes preiminance in our lives where we live, move and find our being in Him. We are, so to say, hidden in Him by His all emcompassing presence. Whether we are awake or sleeping, He is there with us.

Monday, June 1, 2009

In Our Flesh, We Are Only Dead Bones

It is foolish to point our finger at someone else when apart from the grace of God we are only dead men's bones. By grace we are save by faith apart from works so that nobody can boast.
It is good to know that God is in charge, because of His decision to save believers, there will be a day again when we will not strive to live apart from our Creator.