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Saturday, January 30, 2010


If we are to hear the voice of God, we must first believe that He either causes or permits all of our circumstances. It is through circumstances that we can hear God's will and His commands for us. When God speaks to you, he doesn't always tell us what to do with what we know. It is our conscience that guides us with this truth and how to handle it before God. To those experiencing divine discipline, it may be that God is waiting for you to say Speak Lord, I am listening. Trust in the Lord for your guidance here, because to consult man is to seek the advice of the devil.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us not be dull to the circumstances You bring into our lives. Also, let is abondon any dependance on our flesh to work things together for good. Instead, let us take the time to say Speak Lord and than wait on your reply. In Your Holy Name we pray Amen.

Friday, January 29, 2010


With whose spirit do you come to the Lord with? His spirit is one who is a joy to serve and not a burden. Christ wants us to trust in Him by faith. This involves any reliance on self to satisfy Him. You see, Christ does not need anything from us. Nothing from our hand will win salvation through Him. He has done it all and paid the full price, the ransom for our allegence. When we come to him with what we have done or what we have given, this is not longer His Spirit, but the Spirit of the Adversary. Come unto me all you who are burdened and heavy laden, Christ says. Yoke with Me and learn from Me, because my burden is easy and you will find rest.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, forgive us for trying in our flesh to satisfy You. Instead, let us be satisfied with You for who You are and for what You have done. We have been given Your Spirit, but often times quench it so forgive us. Instead, let us delight in Your will and walk in Your ways so that we do not a shame to You in the world. In Your Holy Name we pray Amen.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


It is not only the sinner who injures the work of Jesus, the zealot is far more dangerous. This one presents himself as one who leads men into God's Kingdom and thinks highly of his sacrifice. It is to this type of person that Jesus said "Be gone from Me you law breaker. You say that you did these things in My name, but I say I never knew you."
Yet, the publican (sinner) prayed as he pounded his chest to exclaim "have mercy on me, a sinner." This one walked away justified. Righteousness should take the form of lowlyness before Jesus, because Jesus' righteousness is to carry a cross.

Daily Prayer: Lord, have mercy on us because we are sinners against Your Kingdom. Let us yoke with You so that you can teach us and lead us in Your ways. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Friends and Riches Will Fade

If you ever wonder if you are where you need to be, consider this only: Are you in right relationship with God? If friends and riches were to be our concern, wouldn't the Son of Man had striven for them? But you say, if I don't look out for Number One, who will? Your Father cares more about you than you could possibly care for yourself. Never compromise the temporal for the eternal. God's promises to you are not riches or fame, but Life Eternal in fellowship with Him. It is not a sin to have things, but more people agonize over stuff than people who lack them. So be of good cheer! Your where you are suppose to be.

Daily Prayer: Lord let us pray and mean from our hearts that all we desire is our daily bread. If we have that, that is enough. Amen.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


We are so worried about the cares of this life that we have a hard time trusting in God to fulfill our every desire. We make plans, but fail to make contact with God about His plans for us. Jesus teaches us that the birds of the air have fewer cares than us, because they trust our Father. In the same way, the lillies of the field grow where they are planted, but we often times don't find life where we have been planted. The solution: let go and let God. This is easy to say, but so hard to do. In your flesh you can't pull it off. Make your prayer then to be to be faithful, by the power of the Spirit, so that God can have His way in your life.

Daily Prayer: Oh Lord, we are so sinful. We call ourself a Child of God, but at the same time put our trust in ourselves. This is so wrong. We obviously have a low view of God because if we could see Him for who He really is, we would fall on our face with fear and trembling. Draw us close to You Lord Jesus. Help us to cling to You. Amen.

Monday, January 25, 2010


The way we should live out our life is in constant expectancy of the appearance of God. We don't know God as we may think. He observes the unobservable and cares for the small areas of our lives. It is not a matter of heaven or hell, but a matter of whether we are pleasing to the Almighty. In many instances, those who are first among us will be last with Him and those who are last will be first. Honesty before God is also integrity before Him. Never be a man pleaser, rather be a God pleaser when He comes.

Daily Prayer: Lord, I know that there are areas of my life that are not pleaseing to You. I also admit that there are areas of my life that I cannot change by my own power. Transform me it these areas. Help me first to come into agreement with You and then by You be made whole. In Jesus' name I pray Amen.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Obeying the Heavenly Vision

You did not chose Christ, but He chose you. What are the implications of this? First and foremost, we are to be His witnesses in the World. We carry on the message of Jesus Christ crucified so that the Living Savior is heard throughout the nations. Jesus says "Go therefore to all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And I will be with you until the end of the age. This charge is known as the Great Commission. Jesus' instructions were to witness to where you now live, but extend your witness until the ends of the earth. This is in keeping with what God originally told Adam when He wanted him to rule over the earth in His Name.

Daily Prayer: Father, forgive us for times that we have had missed opportunities to tell of Your Saving Grace. Forgive us for shrinking back and withholding the truth because we were afraid. Instead, convict us by Your Spirit to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and know it is not I, but You who have the power to save. In Jesus' name I pray Amen.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Behold The Lamb of God

Have you ever considered what John the Baptist meant when he said "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World." He means more that take notice. He means that now that Messiah has arrived, we should mirror what He is and do what He says. This is what it means to be "hidden in Christ." As you know, for the believer, they are indwelt by the Spirit of God. This transformation causes us day by day to be conformed to the image of the Son. We are His craftsmanship who are made to glorify our Father who is in Heaven.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us not quench the work of the Spirit and let us imitate the Son. Transform us not only once unto salvation, but day by day so that we can imitate and conform ourselves to the Son. For the glory of Your Holy Name Amen.

Friday, January 22, 2010


It is very common for us to seek God in times of trouble. God wants us to look to him alone. This is why God's blessings are so hard on us. When He blesses us, we shift our eyes elsewhere. It is as when Jesus healed ten lepers and nine went into town and rejoiced, while one remained with Jesus and worshipped Him. Jesus said, did I not heal ten lelpers? Our flesh celebrates blessing apart from the One who blesses them. God does not ask us to look at Him, but He commands it as a condition of salvation.

Daily Prayer: Father, put the love of Jesus in our hearts so that we look to You not because of what you do, but because who You are. Teach us to treasure the Eternal King, not the temporal life. Place in our minds to seek ye first the Kingdom of God, with or without the blessings you pour out freely every day. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


The Bible reports that King David was a "man after God's own heart." How can this be? He was a man of bloodshed and an adulterer. In what way did he win God's heart? In the Book of Jeremiah, the prophet records God saying "I remember to love of your youth." David's love for God never faded. Most people's love does fade. For those who are married, you likely remember the "new love" you had at first. The kind of love that overwhelms your spouse. Then as the years wear on, you take one another for granted. To be one after God's own heart, God desires a newness about our love for Him once again.

Daily prayer: It is true that too many times I fail to show my love for you as I ought to. I take your grace for granted and expect your mercy. So great of love you had for me that you offered up Your Son so that we would never have to be separated from one another. Place that new love in my heart again. Let me do foolish things to show my love for you. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The life and the attitude of a believer is filled with hope, love, and joy. This is because what you see on the outside is a reflection of what is on the inside. When the Spirit of God takes residence in the heart of the believer, they are said to be Born of the Spirit. This is a sudden, dramatic, and sustaining change in your outlook. No longer are you controlled by dispair nor do you feel without hope. Instead, in addition to sustaining your own life, you can be an encouragement to others too. The Bible says that nobody knows the throughts of God, except for the Spirit of God. In the same way, so long as we don't intentionally quench this same Spirit, we too can participate with God that in any other way would be impossible.

Daily prayer: Father we thank you for sending Your Spirit to not only be with us, but to dwell within us. Let us not be affected by the dispair of the World, but instead help us to change the World by sharing what you freely have given to us which is Eternal Life and a life that is controlled by the God of the universe. In Jesus name we pray Amen.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


It is definitely hard for us to wait, but if we desire to hear from God concerning His plan for our lives it often times involves waiting on His timing. Sometimes, while waiting we try to accomplish God's will in the flesh which only results in failure and disappointment. It is important to remember that almost every major person in the Bible waited. Abraham waited until he was 100 years old to have a son through his wife. Moses waited 40 years before he was led to deliver God's people. The Apostle Paul spent three years in the desert before preaching his first sermon. The Apostle John waited until he was in his 90's to write the Book of Revelation.
So if you find yourself waiting you are in good company. All we must do is allow God to lead us and then we can follow His way.

Daily Prayer: Lord, you know how hard it is for us to wait. Each of us has hopes and dreams that cannot be realized unless Your good hand of blessing is upon us. Therefore, help us satisfy ourselves with what You do give us without worry over those things that are now withheld. Then we will find the joy You have given us. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Most Christians spend most of their prayer life in petitioning the Lord to meet their needs and fulfill their desires. Is it usual for the King of Kings to be considered a means to an end? Jesus Christ by His work on the cross offers eternal life to those who call on His name. We should then be His servants for His proposes, for His glory. The Lord examines our heart and the motivations of our prayers and our actions. Let us then purifiy our motives and let the Lord who is gracious and just, have His way in our life.

Daily Prayer: Lord, you know me better than I know myself. In my humanity, I confess that I seek self even when I offer service to You. Don't only teach me, but transform me by Your Spirit to seek You first and Your righteousness and be happy with whatever things may come my way. In Your Holy name I pray Amen.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who Hears the Call of God?

There is a reason that some people hear the call of God and others can't distinguish anything. This is because to hear the call of God, you must in some way identify with His nature. It is like having a telephone. If you didn't have the wiring on your side you would pick up the phone to silence.
In the same way God calls out to some and asks "Who shall I send?" To those whom He has property prepared, their natural response is to answer "Call me."

Daily Prayer: Lord, some of us under the sound of my voice have heard you and promised to come. Others have heard you, but have been so preoccupied with the World, that they have turned your call on vibrate.
Still others have never heard you call. Lord, providentially shift our priorities to Kingdom priorities. Help us be instruments for Your Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. Still, if we have not heard Your call, give us the boldness to pray and ask for it. This is because without service to you, we are left as empty vessels that could easily be discarded if they didn't have use for you who is our Maker. This we pray in Your Son's name Amen.

Friday, January 15, 2010

"This is the will of God,...your satisfaction" I Thes. 4:3

Today we are going to speak of your death to self and life to God. To die to ones self means you surrender your will in favor of God's. Do you do this? When the answer to that question is no, that means that even if we agree with God that His ways are higher and better than ours, as hard as we try, we cannot pull off putting the Old Man to death. The answer to this question is this: "This is the will of God...your satisfaction." How can this be so if I cannot come over to His side? The answer is that it is not accomplished by your own might. Instead of dying to self, yield to Christ.
Yielding to Christ is better and easier that having a confrontation with the Old Man. Christ has already put the Old Man to death on the Cross. Your access then, is one of yielding and leaving the battle to the Lord.

Daily Prayer: Lord, it is our desire to live in newness of life as you said we could this side of the Cross. Yet getting there has been an overwhelming struggle. Teach us to put down our troubles at the foot of the Cross where they belong. Convince us to give up the battle that you have already fought for us and believe in you for new life. Let us experience the freedom of living in your victory knowing we are no longer in bondage, but have been set free. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Did you know that all who have come under the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ have been called into ministry? It is God's will to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to every tribe and every nation. When Isaiah received his call, he was in the presence of God and heard Him say "Who shall we send?" He did not say, Isaiah, will you go. But Isaiah whose heart was sensitive to the Lord said "Send me, I will go." That's the way it is in the church also. Jesus says on two occations "The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few." Another time He says "Many are called, but few are chosen." How about you? Do you value your own salvation enough to tell it to others or is it all about you? There are no legitimate objections. Some will say when I read the Bible in a year or other excuses that sideline the gospel. But to the chosen they will say "Send me."

Daily Prayer: Father, bring to our minds the great gift we have in our salvation and it cost You so much. Let us not relax, but acquire a zeal to tell others. Give us the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. By Your Spirit, give us the words to say and the boldness in which to say them. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When We Gain Understanding

So many people wonder why God does what He does. We try to understand every circumstance of our lives and what God means by it. God often times leaves these questions unanswered, but makes a sure commitment to our soul. When Jesus spoke in parables, even His disciples needed to have them explained. They didn't really understand Jesus until after the ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit. We need to be alone with God. We need for Him to speak and for us to listen. Next time when you pray, try meditation of silence and allow God to speak to you through the Spirit.

Daily Prayer: Father, forgive us for occupying all of our time on petitions about things You already know that we need. Help us to be like Isaiah who realized he is a man of unclean lips. Let us close our mouths and open our hearts and our spirit to receive whatever is good and pleasing in your eyes. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

God Confronts Us About Our Biggest Problem - Pride

People have a tendency to rationalize both the heights and depths of our character. We want to believe that things aren't too bad and not as serious as they seem. The basic problem is we believe that its all about us and not about God. It is not until we deal with pride that God's grace can have its sway in our life. God deals with this by getting alone with us concerning our self centeredness. He reveals the deep dark places of our soul and reveals their full affect on our life. God explains that He sent His Son and by Him will will find life and not die. His presence is constant, seeking to break us of dependance on ourself, so that we trust in Jesus alone apart from any self-goodness.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, break us of our confidence in our own self. Help us to admit to the seriousness of our problem. Help us to accept the lot You have for us, even if it is not what we would have chosen for ourself. Finally, give us your peace over the matter so that we can once again live, but this time for You. In Your Holy name we pray Amen.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Jesus was quoted as saying: "Nobody can serve two Masters. He will either love one and despise the other or despise one and love the other." This is the way it is when you make a decision to be a follower of Jesus. Every act of obedience to Him offends and takes away from someone else. This is part of what Jesus refers to as the high cost of discipleship. Also, by our own strength we cannot follow Jesus. It takes the divine work of the Holy Spirit to empower us to stay the course and to drink from His cup. Our only choice is that by His strength, we follow Jesus and let Jesus and the angels of heaven attend to the offendeed ones.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, give the Holy Spirit His way in my life. I know that though I desire to follow you with my lips, often times by my actions my heart is far from You. Forgive me Jesus. Transform Me by the power of the Cross so that I may serve You and bring others to know You as I do. In Your Holy name I pray Amen.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


When a person becomes enlightened so that there is understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this one is said to be converted. Converson, however, is not salvation. In salvation, the person needs to receive something..."so that they may receive the forgiveness of their sins." Once converted and saved and forgiven, then the second gift of grace "so that they may receive their inheritance among the sanctified" so that they give up their right to their self and indentify with the work and sufferings of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Searching & Protecting the Depts of Your Soul

The Psalmist was right when He asked God to be the God of the depts and the recesses of his soul. He knew that there was more to his being than his concious self. At Calvary, Jesus became the One to fulfill the Psalmist's request by knowing and guarding the human soul until the Day of His return.

Friday, January 8, 2010

What Delights God...

When Abraham offered Isaac for a sacrifice, he thought God would delight in his sacrifice. But we learn that God does not delight in a sacrifice of death. He desires that we die to our own self will and identify with His Good Will. By this then we may become a Living Sacrifice, holy and pleasing to the Lord.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Jesus calls us His friends...

Friendship with Jesus is to identify with Him in thought, word, and spirit. Friendship with Him is greater than friendship in the World. Through Him, He enables His friends to experience the depth of His knowledge, will, and purpose that He brings to our life. It is identification with our Savior on a very personal level and through Him, we begin to know the Father.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

God does not like cul-de-sac's, He prefers through fares

God gives us blessing, not to keep for ourself, but to be an avenue of blessing to others. He who is greedy with God's blessing loses all spiritual blessing attached to it. Also, God expects a return of your first fruit to Him also.
So do not clutch to possessions, but give freely, because God loves a cheerful giver.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What it means to be a follower of Jesus

To be a follower of Jesus means more than following him around. There were many who did that only to turn aside later. To follow Jesus requires an internal transformation whereby you yield to him. Yieldedness means that if your will is one thing and his is another, you change in his favor.
The natural man does not do this. For those who have been given the Spirit of God, they must access his power to pull-off this internal change.

Monday, January 4, 2010

When You Must Wait On God

You cannot take action until God makes it perfectly clear what He desires. This is known as God's providence, which is the wisdom of God. God often times has plans for us which require preparing us for the task. It may involve setting us apart from sin or some other necessary thing required to act for God's purposes. To seek action before God prepares you necessitates failure on our part. God has placed His Spirit in the heart of the believer so that we may know Him and follow according to the plans that He has in store for each of us.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Words of Jesus are Spiritually Discerned

The words of Jesus are foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who believe they are the power of God. The natural man cannot come to the right conclusion in the gospel. Jesus says we must walk in the light like he is in the light for the words to be understood as man's hope for salvation.
It is therefore important that we keep preaching Christ crucified because faith comes through hearing.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

God Reveals Himself

The reason that we can walk by faith is because God reveals Himself to us.
The Bible is the Word of God and Jesus was the Word made flesh to dwell among us. In prayer we send petitions to God and in turn receive answers.
So we can know God's will and live our life walking by faith instead of walking by sight. It is important that you not try to impose your own will on God, but instead follow His guiding, especially the guiding of the Spirit.
By doing so, we are pleasing to Him.

Friday, January 1, 2010


The attribute that the Zealot has is a one-way passion. It is a single purpose for their life which is the magnification of the life and purposes of the Savior. Zeal is a product of will, living your life for Christ alone. Nothing this side of heaven is greater than this.