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Thursday, September 30, 2010

To Be Crushed By Man For Christ's Sake

It should come as no surprise that if we are to suffer pain for His Name, the pain will come at the hands of men. Christ Himself does not crush us for his sake. Instead, we are squeezed like grapes by evil men and poured out as a drink offering for the benefit of the body of Christ which is the church. Christ does not unduly sacrifice us. It is for the sake of the greater good that we are offered up and counted as worthy to suffer shame for His Name.

Daily Prayer: Lord, teach us to discern your will from the calling of the world. Let us not be bitter for pain and suffering that we may go through knowing that you are in control and will surely reward those we lay down their lives for you. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Receiving The Call Of God

Receiving a call from God has nothing to do with salvation or sanctification. It means God wants you to share the gospel. The call can come as sudden as a clap of hands or gradual over time. When you are aware of this calling, then woe to you if you do not obey. It has little to do with your circumstances because if God is seeking you, He will make all things come together for you so that you can work according to His will. It is a matter of Your Will not my will be done. God desires to work through You for His purposes and for His glory.

Daily Prayer: Father, thank you for the call You have given me. It is not the call I expected, but what from on high is ever what one expects? Now, let all things come together for good according to Your Will and Purposes. In Your Name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It Is Because of Jesus' Great Love That He Calls For Surrender

The way to have intimacy with Jesus is to surrender your will to His permanently. The reason Jesus requires this of us is because of His great love for us. Love with the world is emnity with God. If you have no attachments to the world or even to your own self, then the devil has little room for entrance into your life. Jesus says to Satan the tempter, man does not live by bread alone, but on every Word that proceeds from God.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, even though saving transformation has already occured in me, continue to transform all parts of my life until they are surrendered to You. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Lord Knows What Is In Man

Some of us in good consciousness say to the Lord that I will follow You only to receive a rebuke from the Lord. This is because the Lord knows what is in man. This is why all of Christian service is "in Christ." Only by being under His protective cover can we pull off good works for him. Our natural tendency is self-service even if our intentions are good. This is also why when we go to the Father, it is in Christ's name. Only Christ perfectly submitted to the will of the Father and only in Christ are we able to do so as well.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, we are aware of our frailities and short comings. Fill us with the Spirit so that we can know you and serve you. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

In Our Journey, Our Beginning & The End Are The Same

The Christian walk begins with Jesus and ends with Him. Our mission is to know Him and to be like Him. When you find us patterning ourselves this way, we can always say that I came to do my Savior's work. The result is to glorify Him in all that we do and not to waiver to the cares of this world.

Daily Prayer: Lord, it is our desire to be like You in our life. By Your Spirit, continue to transform me so that my mind and my body and my will are pleasing to you. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Big Difference Between Master & Being Mastered

Jesus Christ is my Master, but I am not mastered by Him. This is to say, Master refers to His special standing of knowing me in every detail, even better than I know myself. It implies His ability to meet my every need and to give me understanding. What it doesn't say is that Jesus by no means imposes His will on me or forces obedience. This is because that kind of obedience lacks relationship. So when I say Jesus is my Master, it is because He is. It is my decision to choose obedience to Him.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, teach me those things about myself that I need to know. Show me what true love looks like. Let not my heart be hardened, instead let it be filled with trust. This way, I will follow You because You are the Good Shepherd. Amen.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

God's Purpose For You: To Be His Servant

God created us for Himself and His delight. Although the Evil One tried to throw us off course by introducing sin, God Himself has made no changes in His purposes for us. This is why God has us be born again. We are not reborn in the flesh, but in the spirit so that we can pull-off the Christian life in Christ and fulfill our created order in becoming a delight to the Most High. Even though we may feel unworthy, we must remember that it is not in the flesh that we serve, but in the spirit and the spirit is that of Christ our Redeemer.

Daily Prayer: Lord, help us to walk in the Spirit so that we do not fulfill the desires of the flesh.
Let us lead a worthy life and one with Your purpose in mind. Give us the reassurance that we are worthy and the courage to reject Satan in Christ. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Be Perfect As Your Father Who Is In Heaven Is Perfect"

This is the high calling of the Christian life. We are not called to be a good person, instead we are called to exhibit the godly qualities that come from our identification with Jesus Christ. Jesus said " a new commandment I give you. You should love one another." This horizontal love is only possible if you have the vertical love of the Father. This is why Christians are transformed.
Without transformation the love of God and of man is impossible.

Daily Prayer: Father, allow me to exhibit the new life You have given to me to those around me. Let me set aside foolish ways and live out the salvation I have in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

From That Day, Many Of His Disciples Turned Back & Walked With Him No More

How can someone who has walked with Jesus turn back? One of the main reasons is fear. Recall it was fear that caused Peter to deny Jesus. Other times it is because we don't understand Him. It is our call to trust Him. He even does things that may embarace us. When Jesus said eat my flesh and drink my blood. Many said how can we listen to this any more. Or when Jesus was hung on a tree like a criminal. Though the disciples scattered, His advarsaries said physician, heal yourself. It is no wonder that Jesus uttered Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. Now we have the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. If we do not thwart Him, He can guide us into all truth and comfort us in times of trouble. Our duty is not to be noble, only to trust and believe.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, we are often times far away from You. Forgive us. Lead us like a Shepherd leads His sheep. Hold not our transgressons against us and lift us up to a place of understanding. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Satan's Motivation In The Temptation Of Believers

In may come as a surprise to you that when Satan tempts the believer, his motivation is not to make us commit a sin. Satan realizes that the regenerated saint has Christ formed in him. It is by this re-wiring that the believer is different from the natural man. The natural man is not drawn to sin because sin is his nature. But for the Christian, sin is not their nature and Satan desires to make us useless to God and to disrupt our new nature. Satan tried to tempt Jesus, but Jesus nature was such that He is both man and divine. This divine nature is what Jesus gives us when we trust in Him and this is what Satan desires to disrupt.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us live by the power of the Spirit that indwells me. Greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world. Let me walk by faith in Jesus and the Spirit so that I do not fulfill the desires of the flesh. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Temptation - What It Is - What Is Your Part? - What is God's Part?

Temptation is common to the human race. Temptation itself is not sin, but what it does is reveal our true inner nature and it potentials. Christ Himself was tempted, but did not yield to it because His inner-man would yield only to God. Our part in temptation is to rise above it. We do this by building our allegiance to Christ who is number one in our life. God's part is to sustain us through it. He intervenes in the life of the believer, especially when the believer requests so by prayer. The result is a stronger saint who can weather the storm by knowing who he is in Christ.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, we do not like temptation, but in this world there will be tribulation.
Equip us so that when trouble comes, Christ who is formed in us will rise up and go to another level apart from it. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Praying To The Father In Secret

There is nothing more unattractive to the Father than one who prays publicly to be heard by man. This makes man the god to whom we pray. Instead, God wants relationship with you. This is because if Christ is formed in you and if Christ's word abides in you, then you can know the Father and you can be His son or daughter. A father delights with the conversation with their child. Without this conversation, we cannot know God and knowing God is the primary purpose of prayer. It doesn't matter whether you are unloading your troubles, asking His guidance or simply need a favor. Whatever it is, by the cross of Christ, you are invited to have an audience with the King of the universe. There is nothing He cannot do for His sons and daughters when they ask.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us not concern ourself with how or when to pray. Instead just let us pray. It is so foolish to have the answers to all of life's problems at hand and forget to ask. It is a matter of our molding our will with Your's so that we come to You for everything, just as Jesus did before us. I will no longer fear to come to you by faith. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Renounce Your Hidden Sin

If the truth be known, all of us have "hidden sin" in our lives that if it were made public it would cause us shame. These sins are different than the sin nature we were born with. These sins come from the flesh and are deceptive and stray from the truth that is in us. Do not put God to the test. By His grace He allows some sins to be covered, but if you push Him to far He will make it known from the roof tops. It is far better to renounce the sin as soon as it comes to mind. Ruin it's taste and make it a reproach. When you do, the Spirit of God will transform you and heal you from this sin. Then you can walk in newness knowing that you are now walking in the light like He is in the light.

Daily Prayer. Lord, Spirit of the Living God, hear my prayer. Allow me to trust in You by calling on You. I cannot trust someone I never call so place in my mind a trust and urgency to bring all of my conflict to You. In Jesus' name and for His sake I pray Amen.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To Have A Quality Christian Life, It Ought To Be A Simple Life

There is no benefit to having life be spiritually complicated. Complication in your spiritual life leads to sin and separation. We cannot reason like we do in the natural realm. Our reasoning is contrary to God and considered disobedience. Abraham set the stage for New Covenant righteousness. Righteousness comes through belief and through belief comes obedience and righteousness. When we stray from God we need to stop and call upon the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. By simple obedience, the picture becomes clear and a clear picture is a simple one.

Daily Prayer: Father, we need to stop trying to be our own Savior. We cannot do anything to please You apart from believing in You. Let us now become childlike in our belief so that things may go well for us. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Monday, September 13, 2010

True Surrender, What It Looks Like & What It Feels Like

When we speak of surrendering to Jesus Christ, what we mean is the voluntarily release your will to His. It means giving up your own rights, decisions, and goals and adopting the rights, decisions, and goals of Jesus. Jesus says that those who surrender to Him will find rest. Remember that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and His rest is rest indeed. The only thing to hold one back from surrender is if you don't trust Him. You may feel that you have to hedge your opportunities so that you don't have all of your eggs in the Jesus basket. This sounds too much like our contemporary churches. Church people often times like to do work where they are honored before men not realizing that they are not honored before God. Jesus says take my yoke because He intends to do most of the work. By His work and guiding, He can teach us His ways so that we may do likewise. When you come unto Jesus, you become a part of His kingdom, leaving the kingdom of this world behind.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, we say with our lips that we trust You. Our lives are so saturated with sin that it becomes hard to to what is best for our self. We know our sins are forgiven, but help us to remove the mask that we wear and quit fooling ourselves. Apart from You, we can do nothing. Lift us up and draw us to You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

When God Appears As Only A Shadow Of A Father

There are times that God may seem far off to you. He may seem indifferent or even harsh. Job said of these times "Do we only expect good things from God?" Distance and harsh circumstances were also the problem to the prophet Habakkuck. Be be true to our convictions, we must conclude as he did "the just shall live by faith."

Daily Prayer: Father, we ask that we believe with a whole hearted conviction that what You say is true. We are not heavenly at this time and heaven is far off. But You have given the Spirit so that You will never be far away, but rather You are in us. Let us take comfort in this. In Your Name I pray Amen.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

"I Have Done This To Give You An Example"

This is what Jesus said when He washed His discples feet. He gave them an example how they were to minister after He ascended. This is to say that we are walk humbly in the world and before our God. Walk the extra mile, Jesus says. He teaches us that those who are last will be first in His kingdom. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

Daily Prayer: Father, give us a humble and submissive heart. Let us not think more highly of our self than what we ought to. You have given us an example. Help us walk in Your ways.
In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Friday, September 10, 2010

God's Traing Ground For The Believer

Most Christians believe that if they were confronted with a spiritual crisis, they would be ready for battle in the name of Jesus Christ. When trouble came to Jesus' disciples, they scattered.
We are no different than Peter when he disowned Christ. What makes a saint fit for a crises is the daily worship of God and learning from His Word. We cannot go from a babe in Christ to Christian soldiers without having first been on God's training ground which is our daily worship of him and seizing opportunities He gives us. It is as Luther said "the kingdom of God is my love for you and your love to your brother." We need to start at the beginning if we have never been there. Then when trouble comes, we will be useful to our Savior.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let us not serve you in our own flesh. Let us learn to walk by the Spirit by abiding in Him so that we will not meet the desires of our flesh. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bring Every Thought & Project Into Submission Of Christ

The discipline of obedience is what pleases Jesus Christ. We are not our own, but have been paid for with the price of the cross. The Law of Christ is to love Him and your neighbor. He also says that those who love me will obey me. This is why we bring every thought captive to Jesus. This way all that we do is because of His will instead of our will for Him.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, you know that we mean well. Often times our good intentions do not result in good works. Have us hand it all over to You so that Your will can be done through me.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

There Is A Time For Violence

We are holy before God not because God has imparted a holy character in us, but because our sins have been forgiven. Only Christ could wage the war against sin. Yet there are other times when things that are in the natural realm try to boost themselves up against the knowledge of God. To these things violence is in order. These are those that require destruction. It is one thing to make moral choices. Moral choices are good, but to the thing that raises itself against others coming to God, it would be easier to have a millstone around its neck and be thrown to sea than to exist among the follower of Jesus because the follower of Jesus will make a stand.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let us have a discerning mind. Give us wisdom and insight and courage as we fight the good fight for You. Amen.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Those Who Are In Christ Will Flow Rivers Of Living Water

If you have been born by the Spirit of God, then from your inner most heart will flow rivers of blessing to those you serve. Jesus's work is perfected in the body of the saints. The blessing is not a meager thing. It is flowing and in an abundant measure. We are servants of the King of Kings so our duty is great and so is our reward.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let me be Jesus to those around me. Through me, answer prayers, bring blessing, a word of comfort or encouragement. Let me not be self-centered, because I have been given so much. Instead, let the joy of my salvation be enough. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Monday, September 6, 2010

This Is The Work Of God - That You Believe

Jesus says that to the one who believes, He will make rivers of living water come forth from your soul. Rivers of living water are blessings that pour forth from the believer in Christ. This is God's work, not mans. His river takes on all the characteristics of a river. It moves forward and may in time be blocked by an obsticle. Your river will do one of two things. It will either remove the obsticle or it will make a way around it at which time it will come out on the other side wider and stronger than before. The Source of this great strength is the Father and the Son and the Word that they give to those who believe.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us never doubt that You will overcome the obsticles of our life. When You do, for the fury and strength that You possess we give you all the glory. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We Are To Watch With Jesus

Most Christians, even the most devout Christians state that they are watching for Jesus. This is not what the Lord asked from us. He said watch with Me. Do you see the difference? When we watch for someone, we are awaiting them to join us in our circumstances where we are. When we watch with him, now we are joining him where he is and the his plans for himself and those who belong to him. It's like when you were a youngster. You would observe your Dad trying to be like him. You would do this down to the smallest detail. In the same way, Christ wants us to image him so that we can be like him and to know him.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, I want to be like you. I thank you for the cross because now I can move out of my sinful Eden into your New Jerusalem. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

To Be Counted One Of His You Must Give Yourself To Him

There are many who are saved, but fewer who Jesus calls one of His own. Those who give up all rights to themself belong to Jesus. This is a good place to be. By being one of His, He takes responsibility for you. Jesus says "Come unto me all who are weary and heavey laden and I will give you rest." Your cares go away when you realize who is in charge.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let me not put value on anything so that I call it my own. I am not my own if indeed I belong to You. Build my faith so that it doesn't move and so when the enemy comes, I can move mountains. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pour Out Your Blessings Unto The Lord

What a believer does in the natural world seems crazy. If I have been blessed, I need to consider giving it back to God because I am unworthy and the blessing is too wonderful. Do not think more of yourself than you ought to. When entering a room, be seated near the back. This way someone might invite you to move up. If you start in the front and then the host says move back, what benefit is that to anyone? Be of a sober mind. Judge for yourself what is meant for you and what is counterfeit. This way, God who is in heaven, will raise you up to a place you never imagined.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let it be our mind to walk before You without guilt or shame. Give us a humble demeanor and let our minds focus on service instead of being the most important one. In Jesus name who is our example I pray Amen.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"He who believes in Me, out of his heart will flow living waters"

The key is that out of his heart, not into his heart. Jesus wants to pour us out like a drink offering to God first and then to our neighbor. He wants to utilize us so that we become a blessing to others by demonstrating how Christ is formed in us. Jesus does not promise material reward, but he promises to use us for His purposes just like He was used for the Father's purposes. Not my will but thy will be done.

Daily Prayer: Lord, make us receptive vessels for our Lord Jesus to use. Let us draw close to Him so that through us we may bring the love of Christ to others. Amen.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

God's Intended Purpose For Man - Holiness

The Bible states "Be therefore holy, because I the Lord your God am holy." The purpose of our salvation was not to perserve a people out of pity. It was to make holiness possible in their life.
Holiness separates the Christian from the world. It is a matter of consecration which is that setting aside our life and our body as a living sacrifice before the LORD. Yes it is true that we stumble, but when we do we are to get up. If you believe in your heart that you cannot be holy, you will not. Jesus said as much on the Sermon on the Mount when He pointed out the intentions of man are God's first concern. "Blessed are those..."He says who seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Daily Prayer: Lord, make it my first priority to be able to walk before you without same or regret. Build up my heart so that my external life exhibits purity of life of the inner man. In Your Name I pray Amen.