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Friday, July 29, 2011

Jonah 1: 1-4, 12, 17 Jonah's Disobedience

The word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai saying, "Arise, go to Nineveh the great city and cry against it, for their wickedness has come up before me." But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. So he went to Joppa, found a ship which was going to Tarshish, paid the fare, and went down into it to go with them from the presence of the Lord. The Lord hurled a great wind on the sea and there was a great storm on the sea so that the ship was about to break up. Then Jonah said, "Pick me up and throw me into the sea. Then the sea will become calm for you, for I know that on account of me this great storm has come upon you." The Lord appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the stomach of the fish three days and nights.

Who can run from the presence of the Lord? If you go as high as heaven or as low as Sheol, God is there too! Jonah should have known that God is righteous, and every man is a liar.
Nineveh was the capitol city of Assyria, who were a world dominant power at that time, and no friend to the Jews. They were known for their cruel treatment of their enemies, so Jonah decided to ignore God's command and flee. Jesus refers to Jonah in the gospels. He says that just as Jonah was in the belly of a fish for three days, so must the Son of Man be in the grave for three days before he is resurrected from the dead, claiming victory over it.

Daily Prayer: Father, it is hard for man to obey ever since the fall of Adam. I thank you for Jesus Christ who is the second Adam. He was fully obedient to you, even death on the cross.
It is through him that we share the victory and right standing with you. It is in Jesus name that I pray Amen.

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