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Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Year of Jubilee ( Leviticus 25:23, 10)

No land may be permanently bought or sold. It all belongs to me - it isn't your land, and you only live there for a little while. The fiftieth year is sacred (Every 50th year). It is a time of freedom and of celebration when everyone will receive back their original property, and slaves will return home to their families.

Jubilee has to do with redemption. Often times a Jew would run into hard times to the extent where they had to sell their family land - the land of inheritance from God. Jubilee states that you can only sell land for its crop value from the time of sale until the next Jubilee. At the Jubilee, the land comes back to the person or family of inheritance. In the same way, if a Jew became a slave to another, this person would be set free and returned to their family at the time of Jubilee because God intends for Jubilee to be a time of freedom and redemption.

Daily Prayer: Lord, in my day, we often speak of my house, my car, my home, my property.
It is easy to see and understand that we are all dependant on you and your provisions for our life. All things will come back to you with our passing. We come into the world naked and leave it in the same way. But for now, with the possessions we have that have been given by you, let us learn to be generous with them and give freely to those who have not. In your name I pray Amen.

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