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Monday, February 14, 2011

Moses is succeeded by Joshua (Numbers 27: 15-21)

Moses replied, "You are the LORD God, and you know what is in everyone's heart. So I ask you to appoint a leader for Israel. Your people need someone to lead them into battle, or else they will be like sheep wandering around without a shepherd. The LORD answered, "Joshua son of Nun can do the job. Place your hands on him to show that he is the one to take your place. Then go with him and have him stand in front of Eleazar the priest and the Israelites. Appoint Joshua as their new leader and temm them they must now obey him, just as they obey you. But Joshua must depend on Eleazar to find out from me what I want him to do as he leads Israel into battle."

Like the entire generation of those who came out of Egypt (except Caleb and Joshua), Moses too will die before entering the Promised Land. However, unlike Aaron, God gives him a special grace of being able to set his eyes on the land from a distance before he dies. But Moses' thoughts are on the people and, as a result of his mediation, God gives them a new leader, so that even though they lose Moses the promise will be kept.
Joshua already posses the spirit which is the ability to act with the strength of God, but now Moses will give him part of his authority to equip him to lead the people. Yet Joshua does not receive all the authority because Moses is the only one who sple fact to face with God.
Daily Prayer: Father, I and my house also are like wandering sheep if it were not for the Holy Spirit who dwells in me as a believer. On this side of heaven, I need a heavenly guide to convict me of sin and to lead me into truth. Thank you Father for restoring me to Yourself. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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