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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Justifying Ones Self Is The Root Of Backsliding

There are only two routes I can take. I can either follow the revelation of God as revealed in the Scriptures and through the Holy Spirit, or I can choose humanism and justification of who I am and what I treasure. I can either compare myself to God as the standard or to my neighbor. Whenever I try to seek what is not from God I am trying to justify myself and my actions before God. God has no place for justifing. If that were the answer, the Cross would not be necessary. Even though I cannot be perfect, that still does not change the standard. My salvation is by grace apart from works, but my salvation is for the purpose of good works. Justifying ones self is a rejection of the Cross and leads to back sliding and a hardened heart.

Daily Prayer: Father, keep my conscience sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit. Let me strive to walk in Your Light and not the light of the world. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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