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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It Is Not Self-Disgust, It Is Self Sorrow

The repentant man is not angry at himself for his deeds, he is sorry that they fell upon another.
Jesus bore the burden of our sins and this is why when we sin, we are convicted of our sin because it is a deed against God. Repentance is not a choice, rather a reaction because of the Spirit that dwells within you. Without repentance there will be no change in your life. It is turning away from the Old Man and putting on a new way of living. This is the transformation: feeling the pain of unholy living and recognizing that you are not good, but he who saves you is.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us put on a repentant heart and set aside those things that hurt You. Create the tears in our own eyes when we fail to live a holy life and let us set aside all foolishness and self centered ways so that we may walk humbly before You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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