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Monday, January 3, 2011

God promises a Savior for the world (Genesis 3:15)

"You and this woman will hate each other; your descentants and hers will always be enemies. One of hers will strike you on the head, and you will strike him on the heel."

This is poetic language stating that the Savior promised will be a Suffering Servant. His enemy will be the Serpent of Old who is Satan and the serpent will injure or kill the Promised One, but the Savior will deliver a fatal wound to the serpent which is a strike to the head. Jesus is the Suffering Servant of God who endured the cross to be our substitutionaly atonement to receive forgiveness of sins. Not only that, but because the Savior did not sin and perfectly obeyed the Father, even death on the cross, he was raised from the dead, dying to both sin and to death so that those who believe in his name will never die, but receive eternal life. Also, because of his rightousness, we inherit Christ's righteousness so that we may be acceptable to God, swinging open the doors to be received as Children of God. This gives the believer direct access to God Almighty because our new life is lived "in Christ" which means it is hidden in Christ according to his righteousness.

God insures that the Promised Savior will not come from the seed of Adam, but from the seed of woman. This is accomplished by placing hatred or emnity between the woman and the serpent. The woman is renamed Eve which means life. It is through her off-spring that the Messiah will be born insuring that this one will be both the Son of Man and the Son of God.

Daily Prayer: Thank you Father for sending the Son and redeeming me not only from my sins, but to give access to the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Nor greater love is shown than your loyal love. Empower me Father to be used to tell of salvation which can only be found in Jesus Christ my Lord. In his precious name I pray Amen.

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