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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Deliverance Of Israel (Genesis 50:20)

You tried to harm me, but God made it turn out for the best, so that he could save all these people, as he is now doing.

The context of this verse is that Joseph as a youth was envied by his brothers. They plotted and sold their brother into slavery. During his servitude, Joseph spends time in an Egyptian prison where it is learned that he has the ability through his LORD to interpret dreams. The Pharaoh benefits from this gifting and promotes Joseph to second in command in all of Egypt during a severe famine. It is because of this that Joseph was able to give provisions to the clan of Jacob to insure their survival. Now Joseph meets the brothers who had harmed him and because Joseph is an obedient man of God, he explained to his brothers that they mean harm for him, but God used their evil intentions for the good of all of Israel.

Christians often ask the question, "Why does God allow evil if he is good?" We are a short sided people. God is never evil, but indeed does use evil including Satan for his own purposes.
The question we should be asking is what should I learn from this? Or we may ask that I not be led into temptation and deliver me from evil. To ask what benefit will come is a question of a son to his father.

Daily Prayer: Father, I don't and cannot understand all that is evil in the world. Oft times it seems together we should bottle up evil and cast in into the depts of the sea. Instead, I will say like the prophet Habakkuk said which is that I need to learn to live by faith. Amen.

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