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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Samson - the Nazirite from birth (Judges 13:5)

"For behold, you shall conceive and give birth to a son, and no razor shall come upon his head, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines."

A Nazirite is one who is set apart or consecrated for the service of God alone. This one must follow various regulations, one of which is not cutting his hair. After the time of Jephthah, Israel once again fell into sin and God turned them over to the Philistines for a period of 40 years or one generation. God often revisits the birth of a "savior" in the Bible. Here, God is making an appearance for the purposes of announcing the birth of a deliverer from the Philistines. In the Samson narrative, the Bible explains how Samson was unfaithful to the Nazarite calling by pursuing pagan women for himself and not caring for his diet. But it was God himself who called Samson. What Samson had was super natural strength every time the Spirit of God came upon him. Apart from those times, he had only human strength. The Samson story concludes with Samson breaking down the pillars of a large building so that all the Philistines located there would perish and he will perish with them. God's purposes for Samson are complete without Samson's contribution to his own calling.

Daily Prayer: Father, I know that you have a purpose for my life as well. I know there are times that I am a stumbling block to my own destiny, but I thank you Lord for having control over my life. Let me be aware of your guiding hand in my life and let me come to you with a thankful heart. In your holy name I pray Amen.

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