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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ruth gleans in Boaz' field (Ruth 2: 1-2, 18)

One day, Ruth said to Naomi, "Let me see if I can find someone who will let me pick up the grain left in the fields by the harvest workers." Naomi answered, "Go ahead, my daughter." So right away, Ruth went out to pick up grain in a field owned by Boaz. He was a relative of Naomi's husband Elimelech, as well as a rich and important man. She took the grain to town and showed Naomi how much she had picked up. Ruth also gave her the food left over from her lunch.

In these times, God commanded that farmers not harvest a field clean. He instructed them to leave some for the travelers, the poor and needy, and the animals. Ruth was trying to take care of her mother-in-law Naomi by submitting herself as one who gleans with the poor and needy. This way she could make provisions for herself and Naomi. Without her knowing or intending it, the field in which she was gleaning belonged to a relative who was also a kinsman redeemer. This is one who can provide for the widow Naomi and guarantee her inheritance of the land because of her husband and son's passing. As the story progesses, Boaz needs to make a decision if he will be a savior to this family.

Daily Prayer: Father, even before sending your Son Jesus Christ who is my and our Redeemer, you sent types of redeemers before Christ's coming. I thank you for your faithfulness to me and to my family. My salvation is by grace apart from work, but I desire to do good works to honor You and Jesus my Savior. In His name I pray Amen.

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