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Friday, October 1, 2010

The Power To Descend

For Peter, James, and John, the high point in their lives was the ascent to the mountain top to see Jesus transfigured and speaking with Moses and Elijah. This was a very special moment for the disciples. It is disappointing to learn that our mountain top experiences are rare and that
it is time to descend from the mountain. What was the purpose in all of this? Was this to be a tool for teaching? No. It is meant to change the character of the disciples and for I and you we have different mountain top events that happen for the same reason. It is God's way of making us and molding us. Our purpose, however, is not a mountain top one. It is to go day after day in the valley with common folk like us. It is to do the Jesus work of binding, healing, reproving, and teaching. This is our call and our labor and how we spend our time. It is our hope that those we serve will be elevated to have their own mountain top experience so that they can join us in our labors.

Daily Prayer: Father, mold us into the person You would have us to be. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Let my yes be yes and my no be no. Let me be Your hands, feet, and eyes until I return to you again. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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