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Friday, October 29, 2010

Jesus Christ Identified With Us So That We Can Identify With Him

It seems that theologians speak of the "identification process." Let us put that in ordinary terms. When we speak of Jesus identifying with us, it means that He became like us and as such could take our sins upon Himself. Jesus Himself did not sin but substituted Himself for us to take on the penalty for our sin which is death. Since Jesus arose from the dead putting an end to death so too are we now able to put an end to death so long as we "identify with Jesus." That is receive and accept His worthiness and our unworthiness. In other words, we must confess our sins and acknowledge Jesus' freedom from sin. When we do this, we are said to be "in Christ" meaning we take on His righteousness and He takes on our sin nature for the purposes of dying to death and living to rightesousnes" Then we are acceptable and justified with the Father and inherit eternal life.

Daily Prayer: Father, we are very prone to our own ways. This perhaps is the greatest sin of all. Let us not lean unto our own understanding, but instead receive that which has been given to us which is a new nature "in Christ." Let us now see things from Your point of view so that we can be more like our Savior who obeyed You, even to the death on the Cross. In Jesus name and for His sake we pray Amen.

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