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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Keeping Step With The Almighty

In Christianity we use the metaphore of walking with God. Keeping stride with God is learning to see things His way. A good way is to accept the invitation of Jesus who says to take My yoke upon yourself, because His way is easy and His burden light. The reason He can say that is because He does all of the work. We are only keeping His company. So it is when you walk with God. He does all the work, and you do all of the listening and learning. We are to imitate Him and by doing so, we will come to a place where He can trust us to make goldy decisions because we have learned from Him.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, allow me to take steps toward you, even though I may be walking on water. Let me not look down to witness what I am doing is impossible. Instead, let me cast my gaze on you who are preparing my way where all things are possible. In Your holy name I pray Amen.

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