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Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Faith Is Made Perfect In Jesus Christ

The foundation of the Christian Church is based on faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the object of my faith and for my faith to have truth, it must be made real in Him. Faith works in contrast to common sense. Faith is spiritual where commonsense is the possession of the natural man. In order for faith to become active in my life, I must trust in it entirely without holding back. It must be more real to me than the person to whom I speak with. In faith I find life. Apart from faith there is utter darkness. Some say that I must have a reason for my faith. I say that one who requires reason has contradicted the very nature of faith because it puts God to the test.
Unless I have the faith as a child, I by no way can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are who You say You are which is the Son of God and the Son of Man. Apart from You, I can do nothing. In Your providence and in Your power, reach out to those who hear todays message and grow that large faith in them that is started with faith of a musterd seed. Forgive me my sins and uphold me in Your Spirit. I pray in Your Holy Name Amen.

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