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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Jesus' High Priest Prayer (John 17)

Before going to the cross, Jesus petitioned the Father concerning those who are His. He prayed that we be "one" with the Father, just as he is one with the Father. The Father always answers the prayers of the Son, because the Son agrees with the will of the Father. Yet, most of us are not one with the Father. Why? It is because we have not fully surrendered our will to His. We have hidden sin or hidden agendas that are not from God and we don't want to let go of. These plans may not be evil in and of themself, but when they oppose the will of God they become evil.
So what do we do? We must pray in earnest, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." When Paul was setting up his church plants, his attendant Luke (who was a gentile) said to Paul that he knows there is so much more, but what is the sign? Paul replys, "There is no sign, it is surrender." So it is with us. Let us pray that we meet Jesus on the road to Damascus (so to speak) so that we release our hold on our own life and give it to Jesus.

Daily Prayer: Father, give us the power and the belief to let go of our own life and put our trust in You. By doing this, I will by no means found to be guilty, but instead obedient to You. In Jesus name and for His sake Amen.

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