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Friday, May 14, 2010


The Christian does not choose adversity, but they go through it with grace. Jesus warned His early believers that they would suffer for His name's sake. So we are to count it as joy when Jesus uses us in our life circumstances to glorify Him with our bodies. It is what Paul learned when he petitiioned God three times for the removal of the thorn in his flesh. The outcome was Jesus telling him that My grace is sufficient for you. When we go through trials in the world without complaint or dispair, others see us as different and develop a desire to be more like that.
The church is to be like heaven's embassy. A place where people can experience a little bit of heaven on earth.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us not be like Jonah by fleeing from you when You call. Instead, let us be more like Jesus who was obedient to You, even obedient to His death on the cross. We now know that death is not final, because Jesus arose again so that all who believe in Him will have everlasting life. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

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