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Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Cares Of This World

Have you ever wondered why Jesus sent out his disciples without any provisions? The clothes they have on their back is all they took. He sent them with no "contingency plan." Instead He gave them His peace and instructed them to stay in the house of the brethren and do not go from house to house, but instead so long as someone would feed them and give them lodging He told them to let His peace reside over that household. If someone would not welcome them, He told them to shake the dust off their shoes and there would be no peace over that home.

So it is with the cares of this world. Jesus knows that the greatest enemy of the Christian is not the Devil, or his demons. No. The greatest enemy of the Christian are the "things" we lose sleep over. For this reason, Jesus taught us to ask for our daily bread and that is enough. Whenever we fret over things, we are demonstrating our lack of trust in the Almighty God. We know He has cattle on a thousand hills, but we want to see some of them on our hill. Even Solomon who prayed for wisdom, lot his common sense when he had too many possessions.

Daily Prayer: Father, we confess to you that we do worry about the cares of this world. We are taught from our infancy to be a self made man to our own distruction. Now that we know the truth, let us depend on You and Your provision for us. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

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