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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The faith of Job in the midst of adversity (Job 2: 3 - 7)

Then the LORD asked, "What do you think of my servant Job? No one on earth is like him - he is a truly good person, who respects me and refuses to do evil. And he hasn't changed, even though you persuaded me to destroy him for no reason." Satan answered, "There's no pain like your own. People will do anything to stay alive. Try striking Job's own body with pain, and he will curse you to your face." "All right!" the LORD replied. "Make Job suffer as much as you want, but just don't kill him." Satan left and caused painful sores to break out all over Job's body-from head to toe.

Prior to Jesus' passion, many people of God believed that adversity was because of sin against God. Here we see that Job was not in contempt with God, but was being tested by God through Satan. The Bible teaches us that our suffering is not from flesh and bone, but from heavenly powers of darkness that war against God's authority and kingdom. Not all people who are going through trauma have dealt unfairly with God, but may be suffering because their Savior who is Christ Jesus suffered. God may strengthen our faith through testing.

Daily Prayer: Father, the world is a place where suffering takes place. Many say, "Why does God allow suffering?" God allows suffering because he allowed his own son to suffer. He allows suffering to consecrate me and you as offerings to God with our body and to make us holy to him. I pray for strength in times of testing. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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