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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hearing is devotion & it takes practice

I believe all want to hear what God says, but only a select number do. God speaks, but we don't hear. This is because hearing takes devotion and we are to consumed with the things of this world that when God speaks, we often times fail to hear. The devotion of hearing is not easy. First, one needs to realize how lame our hearing skills are. Then it takes a commitment to practicing hearing such that we tune out the world so that we can be tuned in to God. Once one develops the regular devotion of hearing, then it improves our speach as well because before we speak, we know what God has said.

Daily Prayer: Father, teach us to be like Jesus who always heard when you spoke. Develop in us the desire to identify ourself as one who needs teaching & instruction.
Finally, knowing that you are faithful in such things, allow us to hear your desire for each of us. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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