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Thursday, February 18, 2010


Dispair is part of the life of the Christian just as it is part of life this side of the Cross. Despair comes and that is real. Who had more right to have dispair than Peter. He had denied Jesus three times when he said prevously that He would die with his Savior. Jesus did not leave Peter in dispair. The Risen Christ came to Peter and told him to "feed my sheep." Jesus was inviting him back into ministry. Just as a child when learning to ride a bike will sometimes fall, they don't stay down. So it is in our life. By the power of the Spirit that dwells within us we get up, but leave dispair down.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for freeing us from condemnation and guilt. Your forgiveness is much greater than we would do for ourself. Help us not to be hindered by our failures. Let us not get discouraged and know that when dispair comes, opportunity is just around the corner. In Your Name we pray Amen.

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