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Thursday, August 5, 2010

In Order To Understand God, We Must Share In His Nature

It has been said that people must act according to their nature. There was once a young man who could not understand how a fire-plug could possibly put out large fires. His grandfather explained to him that underneath the plug is plumbing that runs deep into the ground and carries out to the large dam of water. This is how it could put out fires. The young man then reasoned that if he desired to understand God, his undergrould plumbing should be hooked up with God's. So it is, if God's Sprit connects with our Spirit, then we can understand what is happening all around us because we are hooked up internally with it's cause who is God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us learn from the young man not to depend on human reasoning for our understanding because we have access to the Cause. Let our spirit connect with Your Spirit, so that we may love You and know You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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