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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Are You Feeling Alone?

Can you imagine how Elisha must have felt when God took up Elijah in a whirlwind? Your mentor is gone and you are on your own. I have that same experience. I learned the Word of God from Dr. Tony Evans. Tony was temporary in my life. He is a footstool for me to receive the Word of God from God. You probably have similar experiences. When you first learned how to drive, you always had someone with you. There came a time when you had to do it for yourself. There were times when your parents supplied all of your needs. The hour came when you had to make the living not only for yourself, but also for your family. The biggest error most people make is presuming this new level of ability comes from self-confidence. If that is the understanding, then you will continue to falter until you truely learn that all of life's circumstances are accomplished by God for His recognition and greater glory. Recognize Him not only for who He is, but what He does. Amen.

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