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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


It is definitely hard for us to wait, but if we desire to hear from God concerning His plan for our lives it often times involves waiting on His timing. Sometimes, while waiting we try to accomplish God's will in the flesh which only results in failure and disappointment. It is important to remember that almost every major person in the Bible waited. Abraham waited until he was 100 years old to have a son through his wife. Moses waited 40 years before he was led to deliver God's people. The Apostle Paul spent three years in the desert before preaching his first sermon. The Apostle John waited until he was in his 90's to write the Book of Revelation.
So if you find yourself waiting you are in good company. All we must do is allow God to lead us and then we can follow His way.

Daily Prayer: Lord, you know how hard it is for us to wait. Each of us has hopes and dreams that cannot be realized unless Your good hand of blessing is upon us. Therefore, help us satisfy ourselves with what You do give us without worry over those things that are now withheld. Then we will find the joy You have given us. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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