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Thursday, January 21, 2010


The Bible reports that King David was a "man after God's own heart." How can this be? He was a man of bloodshed and an adulterer. In what way did he win God's heart? In the Book of Jeremiah, the prophet records God saying "I remember to love of your youth." David's love for God never faded. Most people's love does fade. For those who are married, you likely remember the "new love" you had at first. The kind of love that overwhelms your spouse. Then as the years wear on, you take one another for granted. To be one after God's own heart, God desires a newness about our love for Him once again.

Daily prayer: It is true that too many times I fail to show my love for you as I ought to. I take your grace for granted and expect your mercy. So great of love you had for me that you offered up Your Son so that we would never have to be separated from one another. Place that new love in my heart again. Let me do foolish things to show my love for you. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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