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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

When We Tell Jesus "I Cannot Possibly Keep Your Standards'" He Says Blessed Are You

With the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus fortold the Law of the Kingdom of God. If one ever though the Law of Moses was hard, it is not nearly as lofty as the standards of God's Kingdom.
Why would Jesus announce such high standards? These Standards we cannot possibly keep.
It is so that we will recognize our own limitations and come to him and say "I cannot possibly do what You require." He will answer "Blessed are the poor in spirit, they will inherit the Kingdom of God." God's kingdom does not have a foundation of merit, but it has one of poverty. Jesus is not saying to the church that these standards can be met my her. Instead, He is saying that these are the standards to which I will make you become. Sanctification is a positional purity based on the purity of Christ in our lives. In our lives to come, Christ finishes the work of sanctification by making us into the same holiness that He is and presents us to God as finished work. So blessed are those who realize their poverty, because for them, thy kingdom will come.

Daily Prayer: Oh, such great things You have in store for those who believe. Let us rest on Your promises and not become discouraged. Let us instead rejoice. Rejoice in the work and the plans you have for those who belong to You. Amen.

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