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Friday, August 10, 2012

Luke 6:20-21 Blessed Are The Poor, The Hungry, And The Weeping Because They Will Be Comforted

And turning His gaze toward His disciples, He began to say, Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh.

Starting today, we will be going through Jesus’ teaching from the Sermon on the Mount. The beatitudes are part of that teaching where the verses begin with the words “blessed.” The words from the first beatitude in a natural sense seem confusing. Blessed are the “poor,” those who hunger, and those who weep. What blessing is Jesus speaking of? Jesus instructs us about the Kingdom of Heaven and the values of the Kingdom of God. Those who are His, but in the world today, are separated from the True Home which is with the Father in Heaven. We are His workmen, here, and as such suffer when absent from Him. What the world calls rich, God calls poor. Riches are temporary, God’s abiding presence is forever. The poor are those absent from Heaven and God’s glory. There is no replacement for it here. God’s ways which are just are not the ways of the world. The poor are those who long to be with God and benefit from His ways and favor. Blessed are those who hunger. Not those who hunger for food which is temporary nourishment for the body, but those who hunger for justice, righteousness, and the honor of God which is tainted in the world. These who hunger will in due time be satisfied when God brings them home. Blessed for those who weep. Jesus Himself wept over Jerusalem. Jesus spoke how He longed to be a mother to them, but they would not. Fear not, Jesus explains, because those who weep for God will be made happy for Him, because His arm is not short and He can save. So Blessed are the poor, the hungry and the weeping, because God knows their needs and will satisfy them.

Daily Prayer: Father, You do indeed know our groaning and they matter to you. Raise us up by faith to trust in You to cure the anxiety of our absence from Heaven and direct company with You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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