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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Lord Is The Source Of Our Strength

In our bodies, we are very weak. This is why Jesus said "Your spirit is willing, but your bodies are weak." Yet on the Day of Pentacost, Peter stood with the eleven rebuking the same Judaizers who crucified Jesus and from whom the disciples fled from. Where did this new strength come from? The crowd said it looked like they had been with Jesus. That is it! Our strength is in the Lord. This is why Paul & Silas when they were thrown into the Phillipian Jail could sing songs of praise to the Lord, because they counted it worthy to suffer shame for the name. Never flee from what the Lord sends to make you strong. Instead bear it with joy, because it will give you strength to persevere until the end.

Daily Prayer: Lord, we are weak, but you are strong. Raise us up to imitate you so that others too may say "they look like they have been with Jesus." Amen.

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