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Monday, April 5, 2010

Jesus' Struggle in Gethsemane

In order to understand the true nature of Jesus' struggle in the garden, we must remember that at an earlier time Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert. Here Jesus as the Son of Man resisted the enticement of Satan, but Satan pledged to come back at a more opportune time. Jesus never disagreed with the cross in His deity. It was as the Son of Man that he wasn't sure if he could go through it. Neverthess, not his will but thy will be done. So in his flesh, Jesus with stood the cross so that all people who come to him may have access to the Father.

Daily Prayer: Thank you Christ Jesus for with standing the agony of the Cross. Let the cross be a reminder of the high price of sin and the eternal debt we have for our salvation. In Your Holy Name we pray Amen.
April 5, 2010

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