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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Understanding How God Relates to His People - Dispensationalism

In Genesis, we observed how the Triune God created the heavens and the earth, and all that was made was good.  We then saw how through the Serpent of Old tainted God's good creation by tempting humankind into rebellion against a holy God through sin and we and the earth were judged.  God, in His loving kindness, sets forth a plan to restore the world to Himself though the redeeming sacrifice of His only begotten Son so that all who come to Him in faith may be redeemed and obtain good standing before God.  A long the way, we will be a witness to various periods in which God interacts with Creation differently to lead us on a path back unto Himself.
The label "dispensationalism" is derived from the idea that Biblical history is best understood through division into a series of chronologically successive dispensations. The number of dispensations held are typically three, four, seven, or eight. The three- and four-dispensation schemes are often referred to as minimalist, as they recognize the commonly held major breaks within Biblical history. The seven- and eight-dispensation schemes are often closely associated with the announcement or inauguration of certain Biblical covenants. Below is a table comparing the various dispensational schemes:

The label "dispensationalism" is derived from the idea that Biblical history is best understood through division into a series of chronologically successive dispensations. The number of dispensations held are typically three, four, seven, or eight. The three- and four-dispensation schemes are often referred to as minimalist, as they recognize the commonly held major breaks within Biblical history. The seven- and eight-dispensation schemes are often closely associated with the announcement or inauguration of certain Biblical covenants. Below is a table comparing the various dispensational schemes:

or Edenic
or Antediluvian
Civil GovernmentPatriarchal
or Promise
or Law
or Church
Millennial KingdomEternal State
or Final

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