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Thursday, January 14, 2010


Did you know that all who have come under the protection of our Lord Jesus Christ have been called into ministry? It is God's will to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to every tribe and every nation. When Isaiah received his call, he was in the presence of God and heard Him say "Who shall we send?" He did not say, Isaiah, will you go. But Isaiah whose heart was sensitive to the Lord said "Send me, I will go." That's the way it is in the church also. Jesus says on two occations "The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few." Another time He says "Many are called, but few are chosen." How about you? Do you value your own salvation enough to tell it to others or is it all about you? There are no legitimate objections. Some will say when I read the Bible in a year or other excuses that sideline the gospel. But to the chosen they will say "Send me."

Daily Prayer: Father, bring to our minds the great gift we have in our salvation and it cost You so much. Let us not relax, but acquire a zeal to tell others. Give us the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. By Your Spirit, give us the words to say and the boldness in which to say them. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

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