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Monday, January 11, 2010


Jesus was quoted as saying: "Nobody can serve two Masters. He will either love one and despise the other or despise one and love the other." This is the way it is when you make a decision to be a follower of Jesus. Every act of obedience to Him offends and takes away from someone else. This is part of what Jesus refers to as the high cost of discipleship. Also, by our own strength we cannot follow Jesus. It takes the divine work of the Holy Spirit to empower us to stay the course and to drink from His cup. Our only choice is that by His strength, we follow Jesus and let Jesus and the angels of heaven attend to the offendeed ones.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, give the Holy Spirit His way in my life. I know that though I desire to follow you with my lips, often times by my actions my heart is far from You. Forgive me Jesus. Transform Me by the power of the Cross so that I may serve You and bring others to know You as I do. In Your Holy name I pray Amen.

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