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Monday, May 25, 2015

Commonly Held Dispensations

The label "dispensationalism" is derived from the idea that Biblical history is best understood through division into a series of chronologically successive dispensations. The number of dispensations held are typically three, four, seven, or eight. The three- and four-dispensation schemes are often referred to as minimalist, as they recognize the commonly held major breaks within Biblical history. The seven- and eight-dispensation schemes are often closely associated with the announcement or inauguration of certain Biblical covenants. Below is a table comparing the various dispensational schemes:
dispensational schemesBible chapters
Genesis 1–3Genesis 3–8Genesis 9–11Genesis 12
to Exodus 19
Exodus 20 until
Birth of the Church
Church Age
until Rapture
Revelation 20:4–6Revelation 20–22
7 or 8 step
or Edenic
or Antediluvian
Civil GovernmentPatriarchal
or Promise
or Law
or Church
Millennial KingdomEternal State
or Final
4 step
3 step (minimalist)

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