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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Jesus, when speaking of the Kingdom of Heaven said, " In His Kingdom those who are last shall be first and those who are first shall be last." He goes on to say that we should not be like the Pharisees who treasure their own personal piety, but would not lift a finger to help his brother. He asks what is the value of washing the outside of a cup if the inside is full of dead men's bones.
So it is for followers of Christ. Christ said of Himself that He came not to be served, but to serve.
He warns followers not to take a seat of authority because someone better than you will come along and you will be asked to move back. In our service to Christ, it should hurt a little. It should be sacrificial but the right hand should not know what the left hand is doing. Humble yourself before the Almighty, because in His presence we are like Job who cannot measure up.
By grace we are saved by faith and not of works. It is a gift of God and not of man and no man can boast.

Daily Prayer: Father, we have much to learn. Let our first priority not be one of learning new responsponsibilities or even purifying ourselves. Instead, let our focus be on knowing You and Your Son so that we may naturally imitate you in our daily walk. Amen.

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