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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jesus is the Lord of our past & the God of our future

The Bible teaches us that the Lord will go before us as we go into the new year and He will guard our rear. While it is true that we have sinned in the past. Jesus can transform our transgressions into proceeding into the furtue with thoughtfulness. Jesus is the God of our past and He leads our way into the future.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gifts vs. Abilities

All persons are born with natural inclinations toward certain abilities. Some are skilled with music, others sports. When you are born again from the Spirit of God, you are given Spiritual Gifts intended for use to build up the Body of our Lord. It may be that previously you could never teach, but now in the Church you teach effectively. It may be that you were never generous, but now are exceedingly generous and so forth. These are not by accident or coincidental, but they are of the Spirit of the Lord. They are intended to glorify God and His work on earth.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Having Been Market With The Truth

Once God has revealed Himself to you and you have seen the "heavenly vision" you must strive to fulfill your calling. One cannot compare yourself to someone else, either greater or lesser. The only thing that matters is what God intends for you at this time. If you repress the truth, then the truth will no longer be effective against your conscience. One must press on with the truth so that we can join Christ in His labor.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Continuous Convesion

Our lives need to be characterized by "continuous conversion." The natural man is planted deep within our soul and to bring ones self into total submission requires continuous conversion. This is different than salvation, because once one trusts in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation, they are guaranteed to escape eternal punishment. By continuous conversioon, this is like sanctification whereby all areas that we hold private are turned over to the Lord and they are His. It is through sanctification that we become useful to our Lord and this has the goal of discipleship.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Secret Places of Your Soul

Success in spiritual warfare is dependant on your fighting your battle before the Lord. Strongholds or other forces that keep you from spiritual victory are not won in the flesh or external places of your life. They are won with a decisive battle of your will before the Lord. Here, nothing is held back and your decision of your will assures your victory. When the victory is won here, there is nothing in the external that can defeat you.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

What It Means to "Walk in the Light"

Jesus promises us that if we walk in the Light like He is in the Light that by means of the Cross, our sins will be forgiven us. But what does He mean by walk in the light? In part, it is agreeing with Him about sin and joining Him by fighting against it. Second, it is a sorrow over the sin that is in our life, but a joy knowing that Jesus has the power and the will to remove it. Third, it is a recognition of sin for what it is, that is, its outward and inward working. Lastly, it is the allowance of the Spirit of God to pick up were we are weak to purge sin both at the conscious and unconscious level.

Friday, December 25, 2009

The Birth of Lord Jesus

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, He entered into time and space and took the form of man. Jesus' existence is without beginning or end, but Mary became the mother of the human nature of Christ. His taking on of flesh was necessary for him to offer a substitutionary atonement for fallen man on the Cross. In the same way, all of the human race, through they be born of the flesh, are required to be born of the Spirit if they are to be saved by Him. By being born of the Spirit of God, they allow Christ to be formed in them so that Christ's work is in and through believers in Him. This is the will of God.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I Defy You...

It is not possible to be in the presence of the Living God and His Son and defy them of who they are. Through His Word, the world was spoken into being.
God builds up, but He also tears down. He creates and he kills. He raises up and He throws down. Nobody can deliver out of His hand. The issue is not is He who He says He is or can He do what He says? No. The issue is am I willing to submit myself to Him? In our sinful flesh, we cannot. But if in His presence you are born of His Spirit, then no longer are you separated from God and you agree with His purposes.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The difference between salvation & discipleship

There are many who are saved who are not yet disciples. The old saying goes " salvation is free, but discipleship costs everything." Salvation is trusting in Jesus Christ alone and His finished work on the Cross as your only means of going to heaven. Discipleship requires you to be crucified with Christ resulting in putting to death sin and self interests. When one does not die to sin, the Old Man continues to live. But when you die to sin and to self, the result is a new nature apart from worldliness. The first step after salvation is to agree with Christ about your sin. The second is putting it to death with the help of the Spirit so that you can walk in newness of life.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

No One Can Come to Jesus Unless He is Drawn by the Father

Most people think that it is of their own volition that they become Christian or not. The truth is that unless the Father draws you, you cannot believe. The crossroads then is what happens once He (the Father) draws you? Then, by an act of will, you will either come to Him or not. Coming to Him means coming to Him on His terms which involve the surrender of your will. This is the real reason some are not Christian. It is not a matter of intellectual belief - they surely believe, but it is a matter of choice and all that comes with that. Be assured, that to all who come, they will by no means be disappointed.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Jesus is the object of our faith

If you have been saved, you should know that Jesus Christ alone is the object of our faith. This is very important because any other object for our faith is deceiving. Some say that they have had super natural experiences, but experiences are the last thing we want to trust in because more often than not, they have a false bottom. When you came to faith, it was because you placed your faith in Jesus Christ alone and His finished work on the cross and your only grounds for salvation. Now that you are saved, this is no time to shift the object of your faith, but it remains in Christ alone without waivering.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Raising Christ Up

In our Church Era, the only way to lift up Jesus Christ is by way of the Cross. There is nothing short of the Cross that saves and when people realize the Cross of Christ for themself, they are drawn to Him and are saved. As a Servant of Christ, it is our duty to lift Him up before others, magnifying His Holy Work and continue seeking the lost in His Name.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

You Cannot Find Someone Until They Are First Lost

Many who love evangelism share a common secret. The secret is that one cannot go seeking people for Christ until they are lost in their own sin. The hardest thing for the natural man to admit is that he/she is a depraved sinner in need of a Savior. For the person who glories in their sin, they don't feel lost. One day they will be trapped in their own sin and realize that there is no way out short of a miracle. The miracle of course is the Cross of Christ. And it is indeed a miracle because it gives infinite power to the finate soul. It is as the song goes "I once was lost, but now am found. I was blind, but now I see."

Friday, December 18, 2009

Ask not is He faithful, ask if we are faithful to Him

You see, in the Christian Life, its not about us, it is all about God. Even Christ came into the World "to do my Fathers work." There is nothing that is not under the providence of the Almighty. He even knows the number of hairs on our head!
So what does one do with a God such as this? He wants us to be faithful as He is faithful because all things work together for good for those who love Him.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Ask & It Will Be Given to You" but What Am I Asking?

The reason we ask of the Father is because it is through His Word that He creates in us a need that only He can fill - the power of redemption. The Bible also teaches that the Word is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who believe, it is the power of God. If we ask not, God will not create the spiritual need for Him that leads to redemption. But when Christ is lifted up, to those who see, they are drawn to the Cross of their Salvation. So preach the Word, because faith comes through hearing.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wrestling with and before God

It seems unavoidable that we will all confront our Maker in all things. The Bible teaches us that all things come together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes. This is the explanation for those who are in the path of God's perfect will. The Bible also teaches us that Jacob ( and we) will wrestle before God. This is because we are trying to convince the Holy One of our preferences concerning His permissive will. In Jacob's case, he said he would not stop until God blesses him. In my or your life it may be something else, but you can be sure that if you ask for something outside of God's permissive or perfect will, you will lose the battle and he will leave a scar with you to remember the battle.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rightly Dividing the Word

When I was in seminary, people would ask me what I had learned. I would say, "don't worry, I don't express my own thoughts, but the qualified thoughts of others." But this is not the goal of siminary. The goal of seminary is for yourself to rightly divide the word and express it to others. There is everything right with learning from others, but it is more important to express it for yourself in your own words which makes it heart knowledge for you and blesses the hearer of these words.

Monday, December 14, 2009

God's Stamp of Approval

"Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid" Jesus tells us. "Come unto Me and I will give you peace, because not as the World gives do I give to you." The profound sense of absolute peace is God's stamp of approval when you decide to trust in Him. The World gives a temporal peace, but not the profound peace of the Prince of Peace. This does not mean that when you trust in Christ your troubles deminish. Quite the contrary, they multiply. But what does happen is that you are not worried over them because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the World.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Individuality - Personality - The Total Person

Individuality is the characteristic of the Outer Man. Personality runs deep and is the mark of the Inner-Man. Individuality separates its self off from other people and is self-willed. Personality submits to another personality in wedlock if you will by the force of love. It is the Inner-Man that God transforms into the likeness of Christ. Even Christ said in the Gospel of John "I and the Father are One." When you transform the Outer Man by the will of the Inner-Man you have the Total Man which is what Christ is. He is an individual submitted to the will of the Father where He and the Father have the same will and desires.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Individuality first stiffens and then kills

Humankind is created for the enjoyment and glory of God. Individuality assets self-will over Gods-will and separates us from God and stiffens the work of the Spirit. When we speak of someone being born again, it is a reference to the surrender of self in favor of God. It is a yieldness to God by His help. This does not mean we are without sin, but what it does mean is that our sins are forgiven because we put ourself under Christs authority.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sacrifice, Discipline and Obedience

The will of God is that we follow Him through obedience. Sin complicated this so that it separated our natural and spiritual life. In order to feed the spirit, it is necessary to starve the flesh. This is called sacrifice. It is through sacrifice that we discipline ourself so that our spiritual life may flourish. When we walk by the Spirit of God, then be sure that God is with us in all that we do.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You Must Deny Yourself

Jesus says whoever wants to follow Him must deny himself. He is saying that one cannot be a disciple without self-sacrifice. It is a matter of putting the flesh to death so that the spirit may flourish. This isn't easy because it requires the submission of your own will in favor of His. All people agree about what is bad or evil, but not all agree about what is good. What is good in the natural realm opposes the work of Jesus Christ in the World.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Heart of the Father

It is the heart of the Father that all people shall be saved. Justification is "right standing" before God. The Cross of Jesus Christ is the only means of justification and salvation, but it is a sure way. The only reason that all people are not saved is not because of God, but because people duplicate the sin of Lucifer and are too prideful to accept the Cross for their salvation. Jesus instructs us to follow the narrow way, because the broad way which many follow leads to destruction. Nobody can plead with God for the forgiveness of sins. It is because of the Father's great love for us that He provided a way to Him where He would accept the unholy sinner as a holy saint. By the blood of Christ we are forgiven and sins are remembered no more.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Repentance leading to transformation

True repentance is a gift of God. In our flesh, we are too self centered to truely repent. True repentance takes the form of realizing that it is against God whom we sin and it should lead to profound sorrow. It is as David said in his confession "Against You alone have I sinned." Repentance leads to transformation. Gal. 4:19 speaks of "Christ being formed in the believer." This is the transformation spoken of. The goal of the Father is that the believer image the Son and do His work in the world.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Present Your Body as a Living Sacrifice

The reasoning for the presentation of the body as a Living Sacrifice is because it is the Temple of the Spirit of God for those who are saved. God has give humans authority over all of creation and that includes the body.
Our flesh has yearnings that conflict witht he Word of God and our responsibility is to bring the Body into subjection of the Word of God. While grace is abundant, it is not right to use grace as an excuse for lack of disciple in our lives.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Maintaining Life is a Fight

It doesn't come as a surprise that life is a fight. Our bodies are created for life, but everything outside of the body that does not mentor life is your enemy. Don't think things are any different in the spiritual realm. Here we hear of spiritual warfare so there is even a greater fight in the heavenlies. We are not born with moral excellence. Instead it is acquired, but not without a fight. The Apostle Paul speaks of fighting the good fight, but in the end, keeping the faith. This is our objective too, to fight the good fight and keep the faith.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Preaching the Gospel in the Spirit

Never be downcast if your local pastor does not possess the preaching elequence of Tony Evans. You see, no man can save and the power of the Gospel is unleashed in the Power of the Spirit. It is the Spirit that illuminates the eyes of men and it is the Spirit who purifies the heart. It matters not if Billy Graham speaks of an ordinary guy like Ron Akerson, the result is still the same which is unleashing the Power of God in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blessed are those who mourn

The standard of a healthy Christian life is not only having a vital and active relationship with the Living Jesus, but also yearning and mourning for other's to have a relationship with Jesus also. To this Jesus adds, to those who mourn, they will be comforted. Living for the Kingdom of God is one of having passion for the coming Kingdom and you entering it now followed by others who you lead there.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jesus did not come to destroy the Law, but fulfill it

The reason that the Law is important in our Age of Grace is because it is God's expression of Moral Excellence. It sets the standard for behavior and is absolute. To fallen man, it is not obtainable, but that does not change the fact that it is good and pleasing to the Father. Our world has resorted to relativism rather than adherence. It choses to make the Law and option rather than an absolute. People say things like "I'm Ok and you're Ok." This is instead of being convicted of their sin and seeking a Savior. Without the realization of man's depravity and inability to please God, man cannot be saved. Jesus says "nobody comes to the Father except through Me."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Humility Before God Is Trusting & Giving God Credit

In the World, we hear people say "I'm only human." Before God, this is not humlity, but contempt. It is the same as saying that God cannot guide me away from falling short of the mark. He would much rather hear, by His strength and might I can do all all things. See the difference? One credits fallen man where the other credits a Risen Savior.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Sign of Holiness, The Blood of the Lamb

Many try to give the impression of holiness before God. If any man could do this, wouldn't Jesus who was not born into sin? Even for Jesus, holiness was more than not sinning as much as your neighbor. It was His costly obedience to the Father and the laying down of His life for His friends. The stain on the Cross is the mark of His holiness before God. Now, who among us considers ourself holy? Holiness, like salvation cannot be achieved in the flesh. It too, must be given to us by the Son.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Power of the word "Alone" in the Gospel

When I received Jesus as my Savior, it was when I recognized that my redemption was based on His finished work on the Cross alone. This mean that it is apart from a contribution from me or anyone else. One might say, should I read the Bible? Of course you should, but salvation is apart from that. It is Christ's work on the Cross alone that provides that. But what about my prayer life? You should pray, but praying will not bring salvation because that is a work of Christ alone apart from your sacred acts. If I go to church, will I go to heaven. No, but many who are saved go to church, but that will not insure salvation because the work of Christ alone is what brings salvation. So what then can I do? You can come in faith realizing your sinful plight and receive the Holy Spirit who that Son gives to those who accept His finish work alone as their only hope for eternal life.

Friday, November 27, 2009

We are called to be "in the World", but not "of the world"

Followers of Jesus are consecrated (set apart) for His service. Christ's role is to make us holy (sanctification) as He is holy. His business is in the world and so should ours be. Jesus' prayer is that we be involved in evangelization of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but protected from the Evil One. Spiritual power can not be saved up for later, it is a now event. Opportunities given to you by the Master are meant to be accepted cheerfully because they may not be offered to the unfaithful later. It is like manna from heaven, it is only good for that Day.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Preaching Christ Crucified

The Church often speaks of the effects of the Cross instead of preaching Christ crucified. It is more politically correct to speak of sanctification, spiritual giftedness, even salvation rather than the tradgedy of the Cross. Spiritual power begins with the Cross. It captures the Mind of God when we witness Him offer up His Son in sacrifice. From this emulates all of the power of the universe. To change the hearts of the people, they need to hear over and over again the Cross and from that God will release His power.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Agony of God

"It pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe... we preach Christ Crucified (1 Cor. 21, 23)." The gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who believe it is the power of God. This is the gospel, God laid down His life so that we may have eternal life. When one considers the circumstances and the things to which we spend time worrying about, when compared to the eternal blessing showered on us through the blood of Christ, these things seem rather small. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible writes and you shall be saved and thy house. One could go from the Indian Reservations to the nation of India, to Afganistan to Haiti and one could not find among these peoples a greater message of hope than in found in the gospel.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

False Humility

It comes as no surprise that anything that is false isn't a good attribute. The Bible teaches us to depend of God and not on ourself, leading to humility attributing all success to God. The problem occurs when God uses someone and later that person thinks or says "I guess I was expecting too much of myself." This is failure to realize that you were expecting nothing from yourself and everything from God. When you later reflect on a prior high point and say it is too much, then you are in essence saying that you no longer look to God, but to yourself. God demands recognition for all that He does and failure to point to Him as your strength results in spiritual bankruptcy.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Do not worry about the cares of this world

It is the small things of this world that can do damage to our souls. We agonize over the trivial concerns and leave the eternal cares untouched. Also, do not justify yourself to others. The Master never did, He left the impressions of people untouched. Instead, bond to the work of the Lord. Be about His business and be useful to Him and He will by no means leave you uncared for.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Forgiveness of Sins Resulting in a Thankful Heart

God is God forever and in eternity. The Father is perfect in every way, yet we come seeking forgiveness of sins. There are many who believe that there is more than one way to salvation. The means for forgiveness of sins and the path to righteousness is only one: the Cross of Christ. He who believes in Him shall be saved and thy house the Bible reads. The path is a narrow one. This is not because it is difficult, but because there is only one path to reconcile our self with a Holy God. Simple faith, that of a child, is the means to our receiving forgiveness of sins and eternal life. For sure, all will receive eternal life, but some to everlasting righteousness and others to everlasting contempt. Jesus says "I am the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father but by Me.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Being Convicted of Your Sin

To say that God is love therefore He forgives sin is not being convicted of your sin. To be convicted of sin means a brokenness about ones self to fully realize you deserve no forgiveness. It is as David said, " Against You only have I sinned." We cannot approach the Throne of God for forgiveness without the New Nature offered to us in Jesus Christ. The miracle is this: Sinners receive the righteousness of Christ when they receive Him as Savior. It is on the righteousness of Christ that God forgives, not on a basis of love alone.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed

The essence of the argument is not to substitute Savior for Son. The Savior sets us free from sin and death. But it is the Son to allows our mortal self to be free. This is not by way of discipline. It is up to us to take every thought captive to our Lord Jesus Christ. Where individuality lives, submission to Christ is missing. We must give up our right to our self so that our spirit is free to serve God.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

At Any Cost, Dear Lord, Down Any Road

The incarnational work of Jesus is shown through our act of obedience. Sometimes we think that we need to do a spectacular work to be noticed by God. But by a small act of obedience, we show our trust in the Risen Lord and are seen by Him. The goal of the Christian Life is a relationship with Christ and the evidence of that relationship is our obedience to Him.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hidden in Christ

In our life, we should not seek to be an avenue for signs & wonders. That's what Jesus and the Apostles did. In our life, we should be hidden in Christ, that is, humbly submitting to Him in secret. Christ will honor that decision. He says that His power is perfected in weakness and He chooses to weak and the humble in heart to do His will, not the one who works for the approval of men.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Seeing God At Work

One of the surest ways of spiritually maturity is being able to see the hand of God in the small events of life. God does not raise us to be a fanatic, because Jesus never was. What He raises us to be is faithful in all our ways and to know the sure sign of His leading in our life. Humility before God and faithfulness to his leading is His design for our lives.

Friday, November 13, 2009

It is our faith from which salvation springs

Whenever we feel upset, mad, or depressed, we should recall the sacrifice of the Son of Man who loved us and laid down His life for us. Sparing us from the gates of Hell, He gave us the wisdom of God and the righteousness of our Savior. This will take care of a bad day in a hurry. Our joy then should be complete, trusting in Him who gives us new life.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sanctification that follows salvation

When you are born again of the Spirit of God, the Spirit takes residence in you so that you become a new creation. This frees us from all kinds of sins so long as we are in the light, as Christ was in the light. This means that we must abide in Him and He in us to make our transformation complete. It is also the grounds for our testimony that once we were lost but now are found - once blind, but now we see.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Drink the Cup the Father Gives You

God tests us by our obedience. He doesn't seek future obedience, but obedience today. We sometimes question whether something is of God. We try to "reason" what He is doing. This is the last thing we should do since God is not reasonable, He is God. Therefore, if He offers a cup for you to drink which is sweet, drink it with grace. If He offeres a bitter cup, drink it in communion with Him so that He can identify you as one of His own.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Key to being useful to God: Abondon one's own plans

Even the good plans we make for ourself when it comes to our own strategy to serve God are a hinderance when they block God from using you as he sees fit. Unless called by God, our plans are apt to end in ruin. Once called by God it is he that fulfills the plan. For this reason, our surrender to God is the key to being useful in service to him.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Preach the Word

We are useful to Jesus when we proclaim his gospel. Have you ever noticed that among the Trinity, glory in not pointed to the Holy Spirit. We read how the Holy Spirit edified the Father and the Son, but we really do not see the Spirit exalted. This is because the Spirit functions to point to the Father and to the Son. In the same way, when we preach the gospel, we are pointing to our Redeemer Jesus Christ and giving him the credit for our salvation. The words that we preach are sacred because they are Christ's gospel and point to him so that others too may come to faith.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Uttering the unspeakable in the temple of the Lord

In the New Testament, Jesus cleansed the temple declaring it to be a "house of prayer." Since Pentacost, the believer's body is the temple of the Spirit of God. We are charged to keep it holy in our conscious life. But the Spirit of God prays in our behalf when we don't have the words to utter. The Spirit of God speaks in our behalf uttering what is for us the unspeakable words to build up the believer to the Father. This is the Word of the Lord.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Making the best of your circumstances

As a child of God, He directs your whole life from your birth to your death including today, the day we live in the present. Never think things are not as they should be. Instead, ask yourself by the spirit, what is God intending for me here. Whenever you direct your present efforts to His glory that is the intercession of the saints. That's why God saved you. He saved you for His purpose. Now that purpose may seem small to you, but it is everything to God. So make the best of your circumstances, because you are where you are by the knowledge of God.

Friday, November 6, 2009

When Your Belief Becomes Personal

We confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord, but for our belief to be personal, we call on Him in a personal crisis. We must believe that Jesus is who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do without a backup plan for our life. Do you believe this, Jesus asks? You who have little faith. Whatever you ask of the Father in My name He will do. Do you believe this? Faith is only as good as the object of our faith who is Christ Jesus, the eternal Son of God. Amen.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

We are to be partakers in Christ's suffering

Jesus suffered according to the will of God. He suffered for the Jew and alien alike. His offer of the gospel was to all, not only to those who were his followers. In the same way, if we are to be like Jesus, we too must not shun suffering, because we are His workmanship and instruments of His divine journey. Count it all as joy when you are chosen not only as recipients of grace but also granters of mercy.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who believe, it is the power of God

One reason some fail to respond to the gospel, is because they are afraid they cannot pull off the Christian life. They're right, they cannot in their own flesh. Our flesh is at war with our spiritual life and our sin nature always "reasons" why it should not believe. It is a comfort to know that the responsibility for the Christian life is the role of the Holy Spirit of God, not our fleshly selves. But what we can do is agree with God and with Christ concerning Christ's redemptive work and accept the fact that Christ alone can rid me of my sin problem and nature. Agreeing with the gospel is a huge step, because it takes the action out of the physical realm into the spiritual one where the battle is really fought. In the end we will emerge victorious because our results do not depend on us but on God.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

When Jesus says "for My sake."

In the World, we consider the idea of "give and take" to be fair. This is not true to the followers of Jesus. Jesus wants EVERYTHING to be for His sake. This is a giving up of what you want for what He wants EVERYTIME. Is this fair? I think so. If we were being ordered to serve Him it would be one thing. But Jesus says "for My sake" and for the sake of the gospel, do this. It is a motivation based on loyal love (agape) instead of on any requirements of faith.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Love of Self vs Love of Jesus

Jesus exhorts believers to obedience, but doe not require it. Salvation is a free gift of God, but discipleship is costly. To be a disciple, Jesus states you must give up your right to Yourself and give it to Him. Whoever wants to be a disciple must pick his cross and carry it through obedience. My brother in Christ may still go to heaven based on his trust in Christ for eternal life. But only the disciple will help build the kingdom this side of heaven.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Enter Into Fellowship With Me, Arise & Shine

The gateway to fellowship with the Father is the same gateway that He provided His Son which is the way of the Cross. Pain and suffering are not the mark of losers, but the mark of those who have been called by God to enter into fellowship with Him by way of the Son. Count it all as joy when God knows you by name and has called you into His marvelous Light.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Trial of our Faith

New faith and the "faith of a musterd seed" is a joy, because it is not too demanding of us. There are times, however, that the Lord allows the bottom to fall out of our life of experience. It is then that we ask is this discipline or a trial of my faith? The correct response is to trust God even if blessing does not flow from your belief. It is the a matter of fact attitude that we confess we are dead apart from Him so even if He travels away from me, there I will be also.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Faith is active & purely dependant on it's Object

On the one hand you have faith and on the other hand you have common sense. Which will prevail? As a word of wisdom, common sense is not able to bring a person into full realty, where faith is not dependant on reason, but on God. God and His Son Jesus Christ is the object of faith. It is walking based on revelation, not human reason that purifies faith and permits it to surpass reason. There is nothing too hard for the One who creathed the heavens and the earth and He is willing to give personal revelation to those who follow Him in faith.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our Right Standing Before God is a result of Him

Justification is "right standing before God." This was made possible for us because of the death of Jesus Christ. Our right standing is not a result of repentance or belief, but of the death of Jesus Christ. Belief is the realization of what Christ has done, but it is not the means. Turning away from our sins is the result of right standing, but it is not it's cause. Justification and sanctification are a work of God and not of man so none may boast.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Lord, Myself, & My Hope, but no Goodbyes

Jesus' words can be stinging to the point where if there is anything separating you from loyalty to Him, He puts that very thing to death. Jesus cannot tollerate other allegiances. You must hate all other things including yourself if you want to be His disciple.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Our Inspiration is Behind Us

Many believe that the inspiraton for the Believer is in front of them when indeed it is behind them. The driving force in the life of the Believer is Jesus Christ who has gathered us, grown us, and now is behind us saying go...make disciples of all nations. When Jesus says go, woe to he who does not heed His command. Our mission is a single one...preaching Christ crucified for the redemption of our sins.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

You Have Been Chosen

We don't make a choice for Christ. Instead it is Christ who chooses us. It is important that we learn God's purposes without which we will be a misguided arrow. We have not come to be seen and approved of by men.
We have come to call men, women, and children into the Kingdom of Heaven. There is only one way to enter and that is to accept Christ Crucified for yourself personally. Then and only then will you live for Him.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Seek not God's Blessings, but seek God

In our sanctification process, the Holy Spirit puts all aspects of our Old Life to death. The result of sanctification is God Himself and not those things that He gives. As Job said when stricken by God,
"Do we only expect blessings from God?" This is the mark of total surrender. We believe not my will but Thy will be done.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Spirit Bears Witness...

If you wonder why God does not reveal Himself to you, its because He cannot. We, His people, do not totally surrender to His nature preventing Him from revealing Himself to us. But once we come to trust in Jesus Christ, then the Spirit of God will give witness to His nature concerning the redemption of God. Then we will come into relationship with Him.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Failure of Impulsiveness & the Discipline of Discipleship

Impulsiveness is an enemy of the disciple. Peter tried to walk on water to get to the Lord based on impulse, but Jesus followed Peter at a distance on dry land. Would in not be better to walk a mile for the Lord on dry land than three feet for him on water? Restraint does not come to the disciple by natural means. It is a gift of God by grace that we are able to be a disciple. Intentional unnoticed living is the calling for those who want to follow Christ.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Be Therefore Holy, Because I Am Holy

This holiness is what the New Testament saint calls santification. This is the miracle of Jesus working in me! This is the setting aside of the Old Man and growing the New Man day by day. This is brokenness over sin and repentance. All of these things are impossible in the Flesh, but made possible for those who are in Christ. Santification is a work of the Cross just like salvation is so one needs to look to Christ for both.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Kingdom of God is Hidden

Many well meaning persons think that if they serve others, they are valuable to the Kingdom of God. But this my friend leans more toward religion than the Kingdom. In a Kingdom, you serve the King who is Jesus Christ.
Kingdom activity is submission and relationship to the King and a willingness to so whatever He asks of you - great or small. We simply don't know the plans of the King, but in the mean time, we would do well to build a close relationship to Him which will strength us for what He has in store.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Greater Thing You Shall Do Than I...

The Greater Things that Jesus is referring to here is not the computer or the telephone, not advanced medicine or science and not World travel, but it is prayer. Before the Ascension of Jesus, people did not have access to the Father except the High Priest, but once per year. Now, after the passion, we can call to God "Abba, Father" and He will listen. Prayer is the evidece of Christ formed in me and now I can go the the World continuing the work of the Savior in me.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pray to the Lord of the Harvest

Every single soul is called to reap the harvest. It is the Lord's harvest that He made to grow and become alive. So how can a single saved person not participate in the harvest? We are not called to special tasks, but to be His instrument to bring in the harvest. We are not greater than our Master, therefore we must labor for Him so that none of whom He saved is lost.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Good News: Jesus Christ Crucified

This is why so many people can't understand the Gosepel. They try to reason how Jesus Christ crucified is the best good news you'll ever hear. The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Apart from the Gospel, we are strangers and aliens to the Father. But with Christ crucified, the vail of the temple is torn makeing the only and first access from man to the Father since Adam's sin. Jesus teaches, "I am the way the truth and the light. Nobody comes to the Father except through Me."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Growing Up in the Wilderness

We may feel called by God, but have we grown up in the wilderness? Even if called, we must be in stride with him. If you are saying to yourself "I know I can do it" you can be sure that you cannot. After you have spent your time in the wilderness with God your answer will be "Who am I that I should go?" Then you know that God will be will pleased with you.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Walking With God Means Oneness With Him

We say our journey is the "walk with God." What does this mean? One word that is similar is to abide in Him. This is the comparson Jesus uses when He states "I am the branch and you are the vine. Abide in me and I in you." This was also His prayer to the Father in His High Priest Prayer: "Father, I ask they we be One just as You and I are One." As one can see, it is not a matter of merit, but of imitation of the One who is your leader.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

God's Truth is sealed until the Day of Obedience

One does not become wise by being an avid reader. God's truth is sealed and is disclosed through us through our obedience. It is by our obedience that Heaven opens to the saint. Also, God does not sanctify us more day by day, but Jesus tells us that if we walk in the light, we will not sin. Therefore our calling is clear: Obey God and follow Jesus.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Come To Me"

This is the greatest imperative in the New Testament: "Come to Me." You know we often times will not do that because we put Jesus in a catigory of religion instead of one of Life. Come to Me with your victory. Come to Me with your trouble. Come to Me with your problems. Come to Me with your praise. In all circumstances we are called to come. Jesus went from Hades to Heaven and back again so He could be our all in all.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Our redemption is based a release from our nature

Jesus death on the cross was not to take on all of the sins of the world, but to take on the sin nature of the world. He did this by identifying with man by becoming as one of us. Now through His life, death, and resurrection, those who identify with Him are freed from their sin nature and are given a new life in Chirst.
This is the basis for our redemption.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My holiness comes from Christ being formed in me

Our nature at physical birth is a sin nature. At some point we recognize our need for a Savior and by the power of the Spirt, Christ is formed in me. Now I agree with Him concerning sin and repent of the sins of my flesh. This is what is meant by regeneration. The ability for Christ to live through me.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The nature of sin all boils down to this...

Our sinful nature all boils down to our claim to serve ourself and not God. Whenever we make a choice that is contrary to God's will, we in essence are makeing a claim to make our own decisions based on how it will effect ourself. While sin is inherant based on the sin of Adam, sin that leads to condemnation is only through a result of rejection of the claims of the Son of God for His sacrifice for our redemption. Here Jesus says you are not your own, but were bought with a price. Anyone who receives Him will not be condemned on that Day.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Our response to God's Call:

Working in the valley means that most of our experience comes from the ordinary events and speach of life. We are not put up front nor given high esteem. Instead we are called to be the greatest of all Servants of the Most High. It is He who is exalted, not His servant. Instead, we point to our Savior and His work by working out our calling and election for the King.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Valley of Humiliation

It is through the Valley of Humiliation where our faith manifests itself. Walking with Jesus in the Valley is hard, because we have to go by faith and not by sight. We have to believe that He is who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do. Our Adversary casts doubts on us, but it is in the Valley where if we prevail, it brings the most Glory to the Father and the Son.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Spirituality for the sake of character:

In our Christian life, we have high moments alone with God. Those high moments are not the end, but the means to the end. The anticipated result is a change in character. With a changed character, it gives us strength to walk through the valleys of life not for our own sake, but for the sake of others. This is the reason for our calling and election by serve others.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

When we are ready, Christ will pour us out as an offering:

Brokenness is the end result of our salvation. We cannot walk the same walk after that. Christ will have H is way in our lives. He will squeeze us into uncomfortable places and change us. The Spiritual transformation has already taken place. Now He will point our feet in the right direction. The result: We will be poured out as a drink offering, no longer for ourselves, but for those whom Chirst chose to reach through us.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Oneness With Christ Involves Dying to Self

To be a disciple of Jesus Christ, it requires you give up all rights to yourself and follow Him. It is more than trusting in Him alone for salvation, it requires a singular purpose and identification in this world which is His will for you. Few people can give up all their rights. These personal rights are not necessarily sinful, but whatever good or bad exists outside of Christ must be forfieted in order to pick up your cross to follow Him.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

For He knows what is in man...

With our mouth, we profess great works and loyalty. But in our heart, it is still full of wrath so He knows what is in man. On our best day, we submit to His power and let Him do with us what He wills.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Reconcilation produces freedom and life

Short of reconcilation, we labor with a hindered spirit. The Spirit of God places within us the freedom of a clear conscience to do His work. We should not grieve the spirit by tension among the bretheren. Therefore make it a point to be reconciled to one another, without placing blame so that we can be freed up to serve God.

Friday, September 25, 2009

If we are to be His disciple, it will be through grace

We cannot fill the shoes of one fully surrendered to Jesus, hating our own life in favor of His without supernatural power in us. The Bible teaches that we did not chose Him, but He chose us.
Therefore we should follow Him in the Spirit by faith for His Kingdom comes.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Spirit of God Examines Us

We are not as good as we think we are. In our minds, we imagine ourself to be ones of Great Sacrifice for our Lord. "I will never betray You Lord. Even if I must die, I will never betray You." Do those words sound familiar? Sadly we are no better. We must pray that we yield to the Spirit of God and not only admit our sins, but confess them.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Jesus is both Teacher and Master

If Jesus is not your teacher and master, He is not part of you. Master is greater than friend, because no servant is greater than his master and the master knows all things. The master loves us and we love our master, not because he compels our love, but because his love as our example is greater than our own and we follow the master.

Monday, September 21, 2009

We were formed for God's Enjoyment & Glorification

Once we are born of the Spirit, we realize we belong to God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. We are His workmanship and are wonderfully made. Praise be to God Almighty and to His Son for reconciling us to Himself for salvation.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Our Lord's Expectation: To Be Perfect

This may at first glance seem unreasonable. The expectation is not to be perfect in deed, but to identify with Christ, the Son of God, so that we view the world from His vantage point which is a Kingdom vantage point. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness..." Jesus teaches. This is not an act that can be accomplished in the flesh, but one in which by God's grace we can accomplish.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Temptations are not to entice us to sin...

Temptations to entice us to sin would be futile because our sins are forgiven. The purpose of temptation is the ruin our testimony so that we will not be useful to God. Because if a person is born again, he has the Spirit of Christ formed in him, then the kind of temptations Christians receive are the ones that Christ received which attack our ministry and not our sinfulness.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Nature of Our Soul and the Temptation it Faces

Temptation in and of itself is not sin. Temptation entices that which we already possess in our soul. The soul already perceives this as something good and the temptation is a means to get there quicker. The way is illegitimate and that is the reason it becomes sinful. No temptation has come upon man that the inner-man or soul can not raiser higher than to identify and resist.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pray to God in your secret place

The reason for Jesus' instruction on praying is so that we understand that we are to please God, not man. Those who phrase fancy prayers in public, Jesus calls hypocrits. Those who petition their Father privately are the sons of God. When our will begins to conform the God's will, then we can ask what we may and it will be granted.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Move out farther, for His name's sake

A person's sense of pride covers the evil intents of the heart. Jesus tells us to walk in the light, as He is in the light. We need to walk as though there are no hidden agenda's. Renounce that which is not from God. Do not live the life of a double minded man. Instead move out further, for His name's sake so that all about you is without deceipt.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Spiritual Simplicity Not Spiritual Confusion

When spiritual matters seem confused, you can be sure that there is disobedience somewhere. The Spirit teaches spiritual simplicity and not spiritual confusion. Confusion is not of the Spirit, but from living out of harmony with the Holy One. Therefore when spiritual matters seem confused, turn to obedience and you will find discernment.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Come Unto Me...

This is a call for the surrender of the will. God's original plan for humankind was to be His representatives on earth. We were to work in His likeness, but sin is what caused the division.
Therefore it became necessary to be born again, but this time of the spirit. It is in the spirit where the will is from. When we make the decision to give up your own will so that Jesus can use you as He sees fit, we have come the full cycle to our created order.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Going the extra mile After the first ten steps

Our Lord instructed us to "go the extra mile", but many have difficulty with the first ten steps. Our life is not lived on mountain tops, but in the valley of ordinary life. We must get used to pleasing our Lord in the Valley, among the ordinary people and events of ordinary life. Then at the end of our life, we can look back and see all those whom we touched with the love of Jesus.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Training for battle

We know that our life is confronted by spiritual warfare. Our means of becoming ready for the fight is personal worship with the Lord. It is here where we learn to fight the good fight and to be ready for God when called upon. A person cannot live apart from God in our daily lives and still have hope of being ready when called. So it should be with joy that we spend time alone with our Lord so He can share His secrets and truth with us personally.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Take Every Thought Captive Unto Christ

Our minds are impulsive and tend to wander. Also, it is through our minds and their images from which evil thoughts and desires arise. We tend to imagine the "what ifs" of our inner-thoughts. These are not birthed from above, but from the Tempter. Therefore, before we act on our own accord (like Adam & Eve) take that thought or idea to Christ.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chose to fight the fight

There are times when we are commanded to fight. For every opponent who raises itself against the knowledge of God, the saint is to draw on divine wrath and put the enemy down. These are those things that rise up in the physical realm to block enterance into the spiritual realm. The natural man cannot wage this fight. But the spiritual man not only can, but must.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Let your heart flow like a river

God may be using you without your even knowing it. A river travels down its path but sometimes runs into obsticles. God directs the river around the obsticle and it comes out again on the other side. Along the way it touches all those it passes by. These same persons are affected by your testimony but you remain connected to the Source which is the source of your strength. So it is with the believer in Jesus Christ. Miracles happen every day that we didn't know we were connected to.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Watch with Jesus

In the natural realm, we only know how to watch for Jesus. However, Jesus wants us to watch with Him, that is, to see things from His vantage point. Our means of crossing over to this way of watching comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is He who enables us to do more than we can on our own because he is a Helper or an Advocate. This will remain with us for our whole lives to come.

Friday, September 4, 2009

To Be A Disciple, You Must Be Christ's Possession

To have the Lord claim you as His own, one must give up every other relationship to His. This means giving up marriage, fatherhood, sonship, and the like so that Christ may do His work through You and be responsible for you. Your and the Savior are One.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Out of your heart will flow rivers of living water

The Lord is far less concerned with our deeds than what is flowing out of our hearts. It is the heart, that is his motivation, which defines a man. The Lord is looking for those who do not operate inside the box. He wants those who go overboard for Him. These followers think of ways to please Him. By this, they are demonstrating the rivers of living water flowing from their inner most self. This is pleasing to the Lord.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Your Created Order

The reason for our being is not health, happiness, or is holiness. The bible states "be therefore holy, as I your Heavenly Father is holy. This first means we must admit to our sin. Second, it means we must be in a right relationship with God and the Son. Third it means we are filled with and led by the Spirit. Finally it means submitting to God your very will.

Monday, August 31, 2009

So that your joy may be complete

Our life should be lived hidden in Christ so that our joy may be complete. This expresses the good attitude of walking in the light like Christ is in the light. It comes from service to God and to your neighbor. It comes from repentance and agreeing with God concerning sin. It dying to self and living to God.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

He leads many to glory

The wrong attitude is the belief that you can do something to make yourself acceptable and useful to God. God is in need of nobodys help. We cannot earn His favor. What we can do is to have a right relationship with him. This is accomplished in our belief in what he says is true and He can bring all things to pass. Another right attitude is to believe in the Son. Belief that His work is sufficient to save and to sanctify those whom come to him by faith. So you see, its not what we do rather what we believe.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Faith can only became a possession through conflict

Faith must be tested to become your own faith. It pits the natural world against the spiritual one. It contests human reason verses revelation. It tests whether Christ alone is sufficient.
This testing is brought on not at a point of strength but rather during difficulty. The World scoffs at your faith but your Savior exalts it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Nature of Prayer

The Natural Man does not suffer for lack of prayer, only the Spiritual Man does. As food strengthens the physical life, so prayer is the building blocks for the inner-man. Many believe that people pray only to receive, but if the truth be known, we receive not because we ask not.
The goal of prayer is knowing God. Prayer is the outward manifistation of inner faith in God.
It also builds trust and confidence and gives us rest.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Walk in the Light lest you fall

Jesus shows us what true righteousness looks like and how it is lived out. He says that if one walks in the light he will not stumble or fall. He who goes into the darkness after experiencing the light will surely fall into disgrace.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Let not your hearts be troubled

What Jesus is saying here is "My peace I give to you." In the natural man's inner being, there is no peace. Strife is characteristic of man apart from Christ. But Jesus says come unto me all who are burdened and heavey laden and I will give you rest. Take upon my yoke because my ways are easy and my burden light. This is why we have peace. It is because we have come to a point where we can "rest in the Lord" because the battle is not our's, but the Lord's.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Godly Joy is Impossible Without Putting God First

We know that God gave His only Son so that whoever beleives in Him will have everlasting life. There is joy in giving, even when the giving is sacrificial. This is why we give of ourself to God.
God loves a cheerful giver and when we come to him with this spirit, our reward is profound joy.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Living by the grace that was given to you.

It may seem that sometimes God withholds blessing even though you earnestly seek His favor.
It may be that he is asking you to examine yourself and see if there is something in your life that needs attention before you get His. It may be an unsettled marriage relationship or a broken promise. It may be your own stubborness on another matter. Whatever it is, it is best to clear that up before approaching the Throne of God in His grace.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baptism of the Spirit

When Jesus invades your life all of your works, whether they be good or bad are put into full view. When this occurs, we can only say as Isaiah did "I am a man of unclean lips." This is true repentance and surrender. Too often we attempt to reason or justify those things that are put into the light. For Jesus to work in and through you, you must renounce your own life and invite Him to live His life in yours.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Jesus says "Come to Me & I will give you rest."

The way in which we come to Jesus is by establishing Christ-awareness as a replacement for self-awareness. Self-awareness is a sin, but Christ-awareness is the power of God. When one is centered in Christ, he gives you rest. This is because you are sensitive to the Spirit of God and do his will without a command. You walk in the light like He is in the light. You follow after truth and have emnity with evil. This allows us to live as a Child of God without worry because we know our Father and Savior.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

He chose us...

The greatness of Jesus' kingdom is that it is possessed by common place people. Jesus says "believe in Me from your heart and from your heart will flow rivers of living water." "Blessed are the poor in heart" he says, "because they will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven." It is because of this that our life should be one of thanksgiving.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Its not self-awareness, but Christ awareness

When ever we spend too much time with introspection, we are not spending enough time abiding in Christ. In our flesh is no good thing, but in Christ we find the righteousness of God. This is why Jesus invites us to follow Him. It is because He is the way the truth and the life.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

To Become Poor for Jesus

This is what He asks of us: to become poor for Him. That is, to give up everything, even your own self and present it as an offering to Him. In order to become His disciple, you must first die to yourself without conditions. Dying is very hard for all humans. Ask for the help of the Spirit so that you can yield to Jesus and your Lord and your God.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Jesus' Words are Harsh

When Jesus speaks to you, His words are harsh and unyielding. The Son of God can speak no other way other than the perfection which He has from the Father. It is not as though He expects works for salvation, but once saved He commands that you walk before Him. In the flesh this is hard to do which is the reason for the giving of the Spirit so that we may walk in newness of life.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

It is better to know Jesus than to know about Him

Education gives the core knowledge about someone. Better than knowledge is the have an active relationship with the Lord you serve. So it was with Mary the sister of Martha. She knew Jesus and He knows her by her name. Those who call themself followers of Jesus are also know by name to Him. This interactive personal relationship separates Christianity from religion. Unlike religion, it is not static or fixed, rather it is dynamic and personal. When He calls you, it is a personal call to service and he calls you by your name.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Gospel is Foolishness to those who are Perishing

The contrast here is between those who are perishing and those who are being born of the Spirit.
The reality of the one who is born of the spirit is blindness to those who are without the Spirit. It is a matter of vision. To be born of the Spirit allows the saint vision to see Jesus and His kingdom. To the one who is perishing they are their own king, to those who belong to the Good Shepherd, they hear his voice and follow Him.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How to bring joy to your Father

Did you ever wonder what you might do in order to bring joy to the Father? Trust Him and take Him at His word. By His Word, the Lord created the heavens and the earth. It shouldn't be hard for us then to take Him at His Word. By his Word He heals and brings to life. We are His children. Children have nobody other to trust in other than their Father. So then, relax, because our home is the Only One who can do something about our circumstances.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Do Not Look for Your Elijah Anymore

Elijah was a school activity in the ministry of Elisha. When Elijah was "taken up" Elisha did not need to look for Elijah anymore. He only needed to look to the God of Elijah. This is the true power and opportunity. No longer will the Jericho's, Bethels, and Jordan's be a place for Elijah, but instead by God's calling, now Elisha must part the waters of the Jordan and move on.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Get Thee Behind Thee Satan

If a believer is called upon to suffer, that one should not accept the sympathy of another. By doing so, it weakens the believer and puts God in a place where it looks as though He is too harsh on His saints. Instead command them to get behind you, because your journey is not to call attention to yourself, but to bring glory to God.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Father, I Thank You That You Hear My Prayers

Our Father hears our prayers. Words are very important to the Almighty. Jesus is described as the Living Word. To his apostles he gave his word. Through the word, salvation comes to humankind. The bible teaches, call on the Lord your God and you will be saved. Chose your words carefully. Where ever two are three are gathered, there I am with you. Lean on the knowledge that your Father hears your cries of distress. Your Father is faithful and you have no hope greater than the fact that he hears your cries.

Friday, August 7, 2009

We Must Be About Our Father's Business

The simple life of a Child of God is to be about his father's business. It is an abiding presence with the Almighty where prayer is a continuous action, like a conversation rather than an event. In the same way, we understand that all you have, all you are, and all you will ever be comes from your Father's hand. No wonder it is not surprising to say "did you not know I would be about my Father's business?"

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Bewildering Call of God

A call to the sea cannot be perceived unless one has the nature of the sea within him. So it is with the bewildering call of God. To the world, his words are foolishness. But for a child of God, they are power and truth. All things under heaven happen to the decree of God. What may seem small in the human heart may very well be mighty in his. Our life need not be filled with toil. They are purposed for calmness if you are a Child of God.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Our Kingdom Value is in our Poverty

Those who are most used of the Almighty are the frail and dependant ones. Those who appear strong, often times have an agenda apart from Christ and therefore are not useful to him. God chose Israel because it is the least of the nations. God chose David, who was the youngest and most frail of all the brothers. God chose Moses who was slow of speech. So as long as our strength is in Christ, we can be his disciples.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Blinded by His Purposes

You know that's what we are. We are blinded to the purposes of God. Why? Because we spend most of our time with introspection and don't look down the road we are led. The other is that our plan for ourselves ususally is different than the plan God Almighty has for us. Therefore we try to conform his leading into our preconceived ideas for ourself and then wonder why we are frusterated. If you can, take your eyes off youself and keep them on Jesus so that when you walk you do not stumble.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Source of Your Strength

When you work physically, you become physically tired. When you strain yourself spiritually, you gain strength. This is the source of our strength. As we abide in Christ and He in us, then we do not become weary, but become stronger by the moment.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where He sends us, there He will also teach

If the Lord has sent you to a particular place, it is because He is coming behind you there for the purposes of instruction. Our role is obedience by going there and waiting. We should not say much because our role is not teaching but obedience to the calling. Therefore go patiently where the Lord sends you and wait on His instruction.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Let Patience have its Perfect Work

When we are saved, we still have a lot of our fleshly baggage left behind. It shows up in our tendency to be careless. Here we are stating that the Holy Spirit will keep bringing us back to this point until we overcome carelessness. The Lord wants an acceptable outward expression of an inward transformation that is within us.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

For your own sake, be disillusioned

Jesus did not trust one human being. Instead he saw them for who they are, but also placed his trust in God for who He is. If a person places their hope in another, they will soon learn that that person never had the ability to fulfill the hope you placed in them. That should not cause us to be bitter or critical, but it should lead us to Jesus who can deliver out his strength instead out of human weakness. When you trust is properly alligned with Jesus, it gives you the ability for forgiveness knowing that your hope is in Jesus not man.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Believers are not spared from dark circumstances

Consider it to be reality or another form of a test, but the believer in Jesus Christ is not spared sorrow and dark days. The test is what our response is to difficult news or circumstances. Does it draw us closer to our Savior or does it drive us away from Him? In Jesus' dark hour, he responded by claiming not My will but Thy will be done. When Job was striken by Satin without cause, his wife said curse God and die. Job said do we only expect good from God? The believer needs to raise above their circumstances knowing who the Redeemer is.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

God's Purpose: Live for the minute, because it is the process that matters, not it's end

It seems that the New Testament Saint often times tries to live under the Law. We think if I obey Christ, He will reward me. We envision great future reward for obedience now and along the way. This is not the way the Lord thinks. To Him, the process of deciding to obey Him now, today, is what is important. The future is not apart of His plans for you right now. We tend to think of the goal at the end of the journey. Jesus only thinks of the journey itself and you decision to Follow Him.

Monday, July 27, 2009

When we stand in the Light, Jesus knows everything about us

There is no hidden sin with Jesus. It is as David said when he says that whether he goes to the highest heaven or to Hades, you are there. We have no wisdom apart from Jesus. Obedience to his tested word is what establishes us. Though we are weak, he is strong, so we must learn to draw on his strength and wisdom for his sake and for ours.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Puirity of an Unblemished Spirit

Most of us consider ignorance to be a valid excuse against a defiled heart. Judgment does not discriminate between intentional malice and ignorant malice. The purity of an unblemished spirit cannot be acheived in the flesh. We become holy through our submission to the Spirit of God, giving Him His sway in our life and releasing our rights to govern our self.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Blessed are those...

Everybody wants a blessing from Jesus. After all, he is the one who said blessed are those...
Jesus was setting the table for the Kingdom Agenda. Blessed are the meek, blessed are the poor, blessed are the peace makers, blessed are those who hunder & thirst. Do you see what I mean? It seems he is blessing the needy, but that's not his point. When he blesses the hungry, he blesses those who hunger for righteousness. When he blesses the poor, he is blessing the poor in spirit (the humble). He is blessing those who conform to the life he leads and the life he leads he lives for God.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Your Motives Are Telling of Who You Are

The theme of the Sermon on the Mount is the measure of man's motives. Bleessed is the poor in spirit for they shall inherit the world. Blessed are the peacemakes, for they shall be called the sons of God. Our inner-man is our redeemed self who is taking on the attitude of Christ this side of heaven.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Death to Self, but Alive to Christ

Death is a very hard process. Jesus wants us to die to ourself, that is, to purge all of my own family, my self interests, my goals, and yes my life for Him. This is what He wants. In exchange, I can live Christ's life in me, but it will not occur until I die to myself. If I were sleeping, it would be hard to do in my sleep. When I am awake, it is freightenly difficult. Thank God, I have a Helper who when my mind is fully made up, He will assist me and make me a disciple of Jesus.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We cannot please God in our flesh

When I say flesh, I refer not to skin and bones. What I am saying is that since the Fall of Man, man apart from God is dead. Within our dead bones, we cannot please God. It takes a work of the Spirit of God to revive those dry bones and make them live. A vine apart from the branch is also dead. The vine is totally dependant on the Branch for life giving nutrition.

Monday, July 20, 2009

And He Says: Walk Before Me

Did you realize that the use of the term "walking before God" dates all the way back to Genesis.
Walking before God is the realization of His continuous presence in my midst. Whenever I find myself seeking physical pleasures you can be sure that I have neglected His overwhelming presence with me. A proper response then is one of abiding and seeking His guiding path for my life one day at a time.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Obedience is the Spontaneous Response to being in the Presence of God

Obedience is a reaction and not an event. It is not a task, but the best choice made between our Savior and ourself. It is not because he purchased us that we obey, it is because of our reverence to him and what he is. Whether we are be beneficiary of blessing or taking the discipline of sonship, our response is the same - obedience.

Friday, July 17, 2009

If Jesus is lifted up, He willl draw people to Himself

If a person were to say of their conversion experience, that "I was saved by so and so," they would be misrepresenting the truth. Faith comes by hearing the gospel and lifting up Jesus so that He can call people to Himself. He is the Savior, not the Preacher or disciple. The work of the Holy Spirit is most effective with a subdued human element.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.

Peter was right on what he was saying. To whom shall I go? Who can substitute for the Almighty? As simple as this seems, we often times do go elsewhere -to someone who we think will understand. This is very silly because if God can give out of His strength, whose arm is longer or stronger than that. We must accept the fact that God is Father and He is right in what He does. His grace is sufficient when I am not. Therefore trust in Him because He cares for you and is able.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

You cannot both be free & a bonservant of Christ

People say that "I'm free!" but those of us who belong to Christ are not free. Christ bought your soul at Calvary with His blood poured out for you. Now you are a servant of His and should be about what He is about which is the saving of souls for the Kingdom. Therefore be steadfast in your service so that you may glorify He who saved you.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It is not your duty or right to strike back

Jesus teaches on the Sermon on the Mount not to strick back at one who is evil to you. Instead, demonstrate the Christ who is in you by going the extra mile, and rendering justice, even if you are not being treated fair. It is Jesus who makes recompense. Therefore, be as a child of God and offer fainess in the face of adversity.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Your Prayer Should Be "There's Nobody Else but You"

God and His Son Jesus Christ want and deserve your utmost priority in your life. Your prayer shouldn't be Lord you are first, Church second, Wife & children third. Rather it should be there is no body else but You. This is because in order to perceive this way, God Himself has put Himself in you so that will see and understand. God will stand for no rivals. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Knowing Christ

Jesus is Christ where ever you may find yourself. Jesus desires those He can use for His purposes. Our service to Him is never about us making an offering and hoping He approves.
It is about us waiting and being willing to go where He sends us or do what He needs done.
It is not about our but His glory. Therefore be ready to say here am I when He calls.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Jesus did not come for peace, but to stirr us up

While peace in our Lord can be comforting, those who love Him will be the ones to confront the world with the gospel. The problem with peace is that it is an act of resigning to the Evil One as opposed to going onto Satan's turf to win others for Christ. Father against son, Mother against dauthter. Resting in the Lord is not a substitute to the spreading of His gospel. Therefore go into the World with the Word to make disciples of all nations.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

You Can't, But Still Must Be Willing

In our own-self, we can do nothing. Yet Jesus does work in and through those who believe that he can do all that he says he can. We are not able to help in any way except in our belief and will that Jesus uses those who trust in Him alone. This is the one thing we can do - believe.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Remember, you are a witness against yourself

Yielding to Christ is a choice. It is a matter of not divine, but of human will. A right relationship with God depends on ones own self. Sin is what separates us initially and sin can keep us apart if one does not yield to Christ and to the Spirit. I must will it to be so and only I know if I am true.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Words of Comfort

"It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." Its good to know that to live the Christian life we don't have to do in from our own flesh. It is God who can take a sinner and make them into a saint. And if it is God who is the One who is Doing, it surely will not fail. There may be difficulties and road-blocks along the way, but as surely as Christ died and arose from the dead, so too God can take us from the depts of our sin the the heights of His Glory. Amen.

Monday, July 6, 2009

If your vision is from God, then press on

To those who have called been according to His purpose, be aware! Before you reach any level of heights, God Himself will take you through the Valley to see if you dispair. How much do you trust the Living God? The Lord's work is not glamorous, it is humbling. But press on to the vision once seen and in the end you will find the One who sent you.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

All of our plans must include God

It doesn't matter whether we are planning a wedding, a career, a vacation, or a education, God wants to included in all plans. God wants to bless us, but when we don't include him in the wholeness of our life, aren't we saying we don't either need or desire His blessing? Jesus says "seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you." Further, we should not dispair in our plans. Plans that fail were never meant to be and plans that far exceed our expectation are not through our own strength or skill. All things come from the hand of God so in Him we shall place our destiny.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's either all or nothing

I am either under the shaadow of the Almighty or I am on my own. I either trust in Jesus whether I have a little or an abundance or I trust myself. I either work for Jesus' and His purposes, or I have plans that may or may not include Him. If I refuse to surrender my will to His I am evil because I value other people and myself more than I value my Redeemer. It's time for me to put down the guard, sleep well at night, a know that my Redeemer lives.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Confess & Surrender Your Sin to Jesus

Isaiah said when he was in the presence of the Lord that "he is a man of unclean lips." He didn't feel that way when he was apart from the Lord, but in his presence, he knew who he is. In all of us, sin tends to concentrate into a stronghold that causes repeating sins. It takes the form of anger, jealousy, sexuality, lying, cheating, and the like. One must surrender this part of our life to Jesus because He is our Savior. He will then, by the Spirit, take us to the root of the problem which often times is our self-centeredness. He will then purge that as unto fire so that we can be set free.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What it means to love Jesus

My love of Jesus cannot be based on what He stands for. My love of Jesus must be based on the person of Jesus and who He is. Doctrine is not devotion. What Jesus desires is a family of people who act the way people in love act. You don't obey because you love Jesus. You obey because you want to please Him. You don't follow or act like Jesus acts because you love Him. You do this so that you can be close to Him and be like Him. If we had no commandments at all, but loved Jesus, Jesus will have reached His goal.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

He shall by no means clear the guilty

Is that you? What is it that separates you from being a hardened criminal? We are you know. It is said our nature is depraved and we are born children of wrath. So how is it that such a person can go to heaven? Jesus said the guilty shall pay the last penny. But Jesus did pay all of that and more. He paid the penalty for our sin and transfered His righteousness to us by belief. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved and thy house.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Whatever you have to do, do it quickly!

Whether it be confession, reconcilation, or coming to terms with your adversary, do it quickly. If postponed, the flesh will begin its work of rationalizing spiritual failure. The flesh is at war with the spirit, so for Christ's and the spirit's sake take action now.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Whatever Causes You to Sin, Cut it Off

The natural man doesn't know sin. When a person has been regenerated by the Holy Spirit, there are many things that this one can no longer do because they are sin to him. Remember, the life of the Christian is a life of devotion. Jesus says, if you love me you will obey me. This is why elsewhere, Jesus says if you cling to anyone other than Jesus, you should hate that relationship and follow the Savior.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

He will deliver us our life...

The Lord God Almighty protects our lives, but it is Christ who exhorts us not to worry about our own lives, because those who do lose them. Our call is devotion to Christ and that's it. If Christ is for me who can be against me? Righteousness in the Kingdom of God is all about devotion and trust. Never put your own pursuit of happiness on the Throne of God.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Through it all, I have just enough Grace to get me through today

Life is tough and is seldom fair. It matters not whether you are a baby or a grandpa, life has a way of punishing us. So how does a Christian "make it" through it all? God sovereignly designed it so that all persons have just enough grace for that day. Just as the sun only raises once in a day just to set again, so too God empowers those who call on His name. The sure signed of misdirected trust is saying to yourself, I can do it. The more normal Christian response is by God's grace I can do anything.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

God will not deliever you from trials, but out of them

A person who has faith recognizes that God is God and there is no other. It was Job in his affliction who explained to his wife in the time of dispair that we should not only expect good things from the hand of God. Jesus said not my will by Thy will be done. Paul said we are more than conquerers for those who are in Christ. The opposite reaction is also possible. Judas, fearing the power of Rome handed Jesus over to them. Through trials, we will either become stronger so that others can be nourished by us or we will become broken and full of contempt. Understand that in our flesh dwells no good thing, but in Christ, we have the power over sin and death.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

An innocent man is never safe

Jesus teaches us wisdom and not innocence. The one who is discerning weights life's choices to see which are from God where the so called innocent always justify themself instead of being guareded against evil. The innocent man is not walking by the Spirit of God, because he is trusting in his own virtues and life's offering. Your power is from above and from within, not from what you can see or reason.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sin Must be Dealt With

For the Christian, sin must be dealt with. When Christ was crucified he died to sin and died to death so that we may have newness of life and life eternal. This is by grace through faith. Then the believer must consider themself to have died to sin so that they may live to righteousness.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hypocrisy is the grounds of our judgment of others

The Bible says that when we judge others, we judge them according to what we find in ourself.
Jesus always condemned the hypocristy of the Pharasees by saying that unless your righteousness surpasses theirs, you will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. The eternal law of God is this: judge not less you will be judged also. We are without merit. Apart from God's grace, we all stand condenmed.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Secret of Christian Service is...

Devotion is at the center of Christian service. If one were to serve their fellow man, they will soon find that their fellow man doesn't return their love to you. If your service is to a cause, your service is only as worthy as it. But if your service is a result of your devotion to Jesus Christ, your legs will run but never be weary. Though people may spat you, you will not be offended. The value of our service is dependant on the person of our service.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Bible Says...Judge Not

Judgment, like revenge do not serve to build up the Body of Christ. The very thing you may find wrong in another is what God finds wrong in you. This is why it says judge not, because the measure of judgment you use will be used unto you. Jesus says how can you complain about the speck in another's eye while you harbor a plank in your own? Judgment is for Christ alone, but Christ is slow to judge and swifter to set people in good standing.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Hardest Thing You Will Ever Do

Jesus does not ask us to die for His name's sake. He asks us to lay down our lives for Him. Day after day, we wants us to remain faithful as He is faithful. But we are so self-centered and our self-centeredness runs deep into our personhood. It is easier by far to be a hero than a friend.
Regular obedience brings Christ glory and this is our high calling.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Never do your duty for duties sake

In II Timothy, the Apostle Paul spends his whole time exhorting Timothy to keep the faith, to endure, to be steadfast in the Word of God. It is for Christ's sake we fold fast to our faith. But whenever you do good things because they are expected of you or to satisfy man, then you lose your reward from Christ. Christ will say, "You left your first love." If service cannot be for the love of Christ, it is service better left undone. If duty is done with the expectation of reward, then set it aside and do something else. If your labor is in secret, then your Father who is in Heaven will recognize your labor no matter how great or how small. We can never outgive God.

Friday, June 12, 2009

And He (Jesus) will give you a new name

Many of the Bible legends were given a new name. Jacob was called Israel. Saul was named Paul. Simon was called Cephas (Peter). A new name cannot come to an old person. If you are still loyal to self and not abondoned to Christ, there is no use giving a new name to an old person.
Jesus wants to call you Christian, but to do this, we must be His followers.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Got Sin?

Are you tired of trying to manage your sin-life? Then come to Jesus. Jesus gives us no commands, but instead an invitation to "come." What if we don't come? We continue in our sin. What happens if we do come? He gives us rest. Do you see what I mean? In the flesh, we can do no good thing, but if we walk by the Spirit of God, in Christ we can accomplish anything.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We are all the prodigal son

Its not that some persons desires are pure and the other's defiled, there is none righteous, no not one. We pray to God, but many times pray misguided prayers. If the goal of our prayer is to build up self, how does that build up God. If we seek bread for temporal hunger, why don't we seek eternal bread? The point is that we need to change our point of view. Seek the narrow gate and God will fulfill all other needs.

Monday, June 8, 2009

God want obedience and not sacrifice

Obedience is the outworking of discernment. Sacrifice is the result of fulfilling one's own will, no matter how nobile it may be. There is no safety in safety. Staying tied to the dock when there is a storm coming is not the result of insight, but the result of folly. God wants us to go into deeper waters trusting in Him and learning the deeper secrets of God.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Whatever you ask of Me I will do

Why would Jesus make such a claim? In what way do we ask something in His name? The life of a disciple is one of abiding in Jesus. This means that he is adopting the priorities of his leader Jesus Christ. The mystery is this: Those things that I freely choose while abiding in Christ are indeed Christ's priorities, but it doesn't occur unless you are abiding in Him. Those who are not abiding in Him, He is not speaking to. The feel will of the saint will agree with and be answered by the Father.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thy Will Be Done

Our will is in agreement with God's will. Why? Because we were created that way. Our failure to accomplish His will is not because we disagree with it. It is because "no good thing dwells within me," which is our stubborn resistance of the flesh. The power of sin was done away with on the cross. If we are still fighting sin, we are fighting a dead enemy. That is why we can work out our own salvation, because God has worked His will in us so that it can be shown as evidence by faith.

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Child's Faith Will Succomb Our Fears

The reason a Christian may sometimes fear is because they forget who their Father is. As a child, if your Dad says its OK it was definitely OK. Why? Because you trust your father. But that father was limited in his abilities, but you were unlimited in your faith. Now that your own faith, which is sometimes fragile dwindles, at least you have a Father without limited abilities. Don't sell your Father short, because for Him, nothing is impossible.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

If we are one of His, then we have nothing to fear

There is a reason that the psalmist said, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." This is an unconditional promise, that we shall not want. Often times, we fashion in our own imagination what God is thinking. Seldom is it the reality of the matter. God is not in some lofty place where we cannot find Him. He is in the everyday work, struggles, and impairment of our daily life. Yet at the end of the day we can say "The Lord is my Shepherd. "

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Him shall He teach the way He chooses

My father told me to become someone's friend, you must learn to listen. So it is with God. He desires to show us His ways, but we are so busy talking He can't clue us in. A good friend will stop and let his friend talk. God is our friend, I we should be still and listen to Him.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

God is our all in all

When we refer to the "all in all" that is everything from before you were born until after you die.
God takes preiminance in our lives where we live, move and find our being in Him. We are, so to say, hidden in Him by His all emcompassing presence. Whether we are awake or sleeping, He is there with us.

Monday, June 1, 2009

In Our Flesh, We Are Only Dead Bones

It is foolish to point our finger at someone else when apart from the grace of God we are only dead men's bones. By grace we are save by faith apart from works so that nobody can boast.
It is good to know that God is in charge, because of His decision to save believers, there will be a day again when we will not strive to live apart from our Creator.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Place your hope in God, not in man

This is what Jesus understood: All things come together for good to those who are called according to God's will,not man's. He died for man, but was obedient to God. God will use
us as a vessel once He can trust us to exhibit Christ in ourself.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Test of our Faith

Frequently when our faith is examined by God, those things He calls us to do don't make sense.
Our rationality purges our spirituality. Faith depends on the object of your faith. If your faith is
in Christ Jesus, your grounds are good for stepping out onto the waters without anything other than an invitation of Christ.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

You will receive power...

This is what Jesus told the disciples before his ascension. This power was from on high. It is through this power that they were enabled to make disciples of all nations. This same power has been here since Pentecost. We still have the power available to us because greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When Your Pray - Pray Constantly & in Big Proportions

God answers prayer. Jesus mediates our prayer to the Father. The Holy Spirit fashions our prayer when we have groanings too deep for words. God does not only answer small petitions, but also the super-natural. So when you pray, pray without ceasing knowing that your Father hears your words and answers.

Monday, May 25, 2009

My Right to Choose?

Does the Christian have rights of choice? Did not the Lord Almight say "Walk before Me."
The problem with choosing is we may not understand all that God does about His plans for me.\
By insisting on my own rights, in essence we are acting as God and asking Him to follow.

Friday, May 22, 2009

We are to be one with Christ

Christ's High Priest Prayer calls for disciples to be "one with Him" like He is "one with the Father." This requires that we go through trials just as Jesus himself with through trials.
It involves development of the mind of Christ so that we may see through heaven's perspective rather than through one of the flesh.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God & Righteousness

By personal testamony, it is reality that Christ takes better care of us than we can take care of our self. If a person's heart is turned toward Christ, one almost doesn't need to petitition for needs through prayer, because he knows all of our needs and is faithful. We cannot separate ourself from the love of Christ and when we become God centered in our priorities, God will be Solomonic in meeting our needs.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How to take hold of one's own soul

The fundimental principle is learning how to live the spiritual life in the flesh. Pauls says it well when he says that the Spritual Man will not give in to the temptations of the flesh. This is because he understands that Christ died to sin and by our being in Christ, we too have died to sin. Spirituality is a discipline that needs practice to be effective.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What can separate us from the love of God?

The Apostle in this famous Romans passage goes on to say that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ. He goes on to say that we are more than conquerors to Him who loves us.
It is important to realize who is penning this advise. It is the Apostle Paul who surely is not deceived. If he is not deceived, then he tells us the truth about Christ which is that Christ joins us in our trials of life and takes us through them.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Jesus was transfigured on the Mount of the Ascension. He revealed His glory there but was not taken up to heaven then. Instead He began the substitutionary work of the Cross. The transfiguration was a turning point because prior to that time, His life was less threatened. After that time due to his death, burial, and resurrection & ascension He gave access to the Father and to heaven to all those who believe. He was the Son of Man, but also truely the Son of God.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

God's Riches & Our Thankfulness

To anyone who is known to be a child of God, all of what our Lord has becomes ours in Christ Jesus. Anyone who says that can't afford to give is a liar, because God has abundantly blessed all of his children so that they are wanting nothing. The clue to getting along with God is recognizing his faithfulness and giving the credit where credit is due. This is manifested in our willing gifts to others.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Pouring Yourself Out As An Offering

We are to glorify Christ in our bodies. This is the proper role of Spiritual Gifts. It is an exercise of the mind over the body that through our good works, that we may display our salvation who is in Christ to the non-believing world. It is not that we are saved by works, because that is always by grace through faith, but once saved, works are evidence of the salvation received and the changed life to Christ's glory.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Your Service to Christ Is Determined by Him

Have you ever heard a sub-contractor say "I wonder which General Contractor I shall hire?" No, it is the other way around. The General Contractor decides whom He will employ. So it is in Christian service. You may aspire to be a speaker, but He wants you to be a busdriver. Or you may feel comfortable as an usher, but He sees you as a teacher. The only thing we must remember is to obey He whom we serve. This is the nature of Christian service.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So What Is Christian Liberty After All ?

Here is a big surprise. Christian liberty is conforming one's own life to the pattern of Jesus Christ. What Christian liberty is not is trying to shape the opinions and values of others to one's own interpretation of the image of the invisible Christ. This is why the Bible says "work out your own salvation with fear & suffering." Jesus commanded the disciples to make disciples of all nations,"not converts to your version of Christian life. The conscience we have is our measure of knowing whether we are true in our discipleship.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Salvation is God's Idea

Salvation is not an experience, but an idea in the mind of God. He declares those whom he chooses for righteousness through his son Jesus Christ. Preaching is to bring us into God's judgment and making way for the Spirit of God to convict us of our unrighteousness. Therefore praise be to God who though we we were first sinners, Christ died for us.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Identification with Christ

If one is saved, it is good to intercede for the benefit of others. The reason Jesus is the Great Intecessor, is because he took our place and identified with sin and became sin for us. In the same way, to intercede for another, you must identify only with the good of the other and not of yourself. In this way your Father who is in heaven will hear you.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Though it tarries, wait for it.

The vision of God is more that what can be grasped. It is more that what we can apprehend or comprehend. Yet, when a vision of God occurs, it heightens you in every spiritual way. It gives insight where there was blindness. It gives understanding to confusion. It gives the purpose to our being. It adds hope not only for today but also for the future. So though it tarries, wait for it, because what we are waiting for is God.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Love of God

Many things characterize the love of God, but the one thing that shows our love for God is our spontaneity toward Him. This is why God said of David that he is a man after his own heart.
God gives us too the ability to love by the fountains of love poured out on us through His Spirit.
Love is our radical behavior toward our Lord.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Uncertaint, But With Joyous Expectation

It is better to believe in God that to believe in the things about God. In our flesh, we try to predict the future and to make future plans. Jesus said, come to me with the faith of a little child.
A little child makes no future plans, but depends on their parent to guild them. In the same way, we should not limit the acitivity of God by trying to make decisions for Him. Let Him surprise you so that you may have joy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why can I not break sin's stronghold?

Many of us have sins we both want and need to master, yet continue to allow them sway in our life. Why? The reason is that we see the Cross from a distance. When you see the cross up-close, it hurts and breaks you. When you see the cross from afar, it is important, but not nearly as personal. This is why we need to be sprinkled with the blood. Our sins are forgiven by the blood of Christ, but we need to be close enough to feel the anguish.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Knowing God

In order to know God, one must surrender yourself to his will through obedience. It is through obedience that God allows us into the inner chambers of His being. One doesn't ask to be tested, only to remain true to the Almighty and obey Him.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Be at your best, both in and out of season

The reality is that the world is spiritually perishing. Yet the Bible teaches us that faith comes through the hearing of the gospel. Christ exhorted his believers to go unto the ends of the earth making disciples. Paul's final command to Timothy is the preach the word, both in and out of season. This means that those who have the gift of eternal life should labor tirelessly proclaiming Christ crucified.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hidden in Christ

The work of sanctification is as much a work of God as is our salvation. After we are saved and begin to live out our life (sanctification), we should take on the form and the love of Christ. Christ did not force people unto salvation. Like a shepherd with his sheep, he nurtures them and protects them, but he does not command them. This is how we too, must be. With a loving arm of invitation to those trying to find their way.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Do not become burdened

The reason that God gave us freedom is to set us free. This is why the New Covenant is superior to the Law. No longer are they any "have to do this" efforts in our worship. Yet there are come of us who feel that without work there is no worship. Do not become burdened. Make your first contact with your Savior and allow Him to yoke with you and set you free.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Depending on Christ Alone

Salvation, Eternal Security, Sanctification, and our heavenly home depend on Christ alone. One should not come to Christ with any one or thing aside from what He alone can supply. This is why the self-righteous will say "Lord, Lord, I prophecied in Your name." He will say "I never knew you." It is not on what we can offer, do or say, but on what Christ has done and who He is.
This is why He is my strength and redeemer.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Presence of Christ is Today

Martin Luther put it well when he said that if you are looking for Jesus, look to your neighbor who shows love to his friend and the father's love for his children and the mother's love of her family. God is love. Jesus said this command that I give to you that you love one another. This is the second of the Great Commandments ranking lower only to the love of God. Jesus did not leave us as orphans, but emptied Himself with the grace of God so that He could tabernacle with us.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Spiritual Power Depends on the Spirit of God

We cannot measure the task of our calling based on our own given abilities. Neither can we refuse the work of God by implying He has not adequately equipped us. God depends on God and the Spirit of God in us. He is quite aware of our limitations, but our duty is to trust God not lash back at Him. Therefore if God is calling you and you feel vulnerable, go ahead anyway by faith depending on God to fulfill all He requires of you.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kept by the power of God

One rarely falls into sin in the vulnerable areas of your life. It is in the unexpected and even well guareded areas where sin tends to snare us. In our known weak areas, we place a guard and are on the alert. In areas of considered safety, we lower our guard and find ourself entangled. Therefore do not try to overcome evil with human will, rather cast your cares on Jesus, because He cares for you.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

We Must Be People who are Faithful with a Little

Jesus said that he who is faithful with a little, can be faithful with much. But to he who cannot manage the little that has been given to him, he will take even the little from him and give it to another. In our own flesh, we desire importance in what we do. Our problem is that what we identify as important may not be important at all to Jesus. So the lesson is to listen for his voice and when it is clearly heard, be ready to say "here I am" and respond.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Surrendter of the will

Emotions are a que of your external self where your will is what Christians call heart. Christ wants surrender of the will. As He said to the Father, not My will but Thy will be done. Surrender of the will is the supreme act of obedience and the truest sign of bondage. You are no longer your own, but have been bought with a price. This is why Jesus says "follow Me."

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Too Heavenly Minded and No Earthly Good

That's the problem with folk like us. Like Peter, James, & John, we love those mountain top experiences. The problem is that we don't live on the mountain top and we spend most of our lives in the valleys. Heavenly minded persons are lazy in the flesh. It was Jesus who said that "I did not come to be served, but to serve." We need to take our example from Him who didn't think godliness was something to be grasped, but led His life as a bond servant to the benefit of many.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

There are No spiritual days off

The reason God plants in us our conscience is to monotor our spiritual life. We are rebuffed when God rejects even things we may consider alright. Do not go against good conscience. No combination of good and bad eggs makes a good meal. The Spirit is there to guide you and to comfort you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Do not be weak in God's strength

Jesus says, take my yoke upon you and learn from me. My yoke is easy and its burden light. The reason the burden is light is because Jesus is doing all the pulling. The Bible promises to give strength to the weary. The Lords are is not short that it cannot save. No power in the heavens or on earth is stronger than the Spirit of God that lives in the believer. So take heart, because Jesus has overcome the world.

Monday, April 13, 2009


The Christian should never walk through life trying to bear their own burden. When you cast your cares on Jesus, He will bear your burden. Jesus says that we should yoke with him, because his burden is easy and his light.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Lord Has Risen!

It is an interesting thing to go to Jerusalem and visit the burial sites of David and our Lord Jesus. David who was buried on Mt. Zion is a highly decorated grave site with Royal colors and adornments even to this day. Jesus' burial site is an open tomb where he was buried for three days which He calls the Sign of Jonah. Even though He presented Himself alive from the dead, many still do not believe. Yet in these later days, Jesus still presents Himself as the Risen Lord so that all who believe will be saved.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Holiness is the Evidence of death to sin

Personal holiness will be the result of a person indwelt by the Spirit of God. This Spirit will invade you and control you. This changed nature begins to form after the likeness of Christ and then we can be crucified with Christ to sin yet live.

Friday, April 10, 2009

How one considers sin to be dead in your life

One cannot consider sin to be dead and crucified with Christ until the individual will agrees with God about sin. Even if one intellectually agrees with God about sin, the changing of the will is like the changing of your hard drive that you were born with. But it can be done by the power of the Spirit. I have been crucified with Christ, but yet I live. It is no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

If you have seen Jesus, have you seen Him the way He is?

Did you know that seeing Jesus is an individual matter, that a group cannot see Him together? Yet when you testify to seeing Jesus, nobody believes you. You cannot see the Jesus of my experience. That would make Him too small. Yet, after seeing Him for who he is, you will never rely on experience again. Tell others about the risen Jesus, whether they believe or not.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Destiny of the Cross

Christ's ordained purpose was to bring many into glory. His resurrection gives him the power to convey new life to all who believe in his accomplishment. The life Jesus resurrected to was a life different than the way it was before and will not return. He was raised bodily and eternally. As such, his new life he can impart on believers so that even in our earthly life we can walk in newness of life. Eternal life is a present possession to be believer here and now.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Where sin ends

The cross of Jesus Christ ended sins reign over men & women. No longer are we separated from God over sin. The reason for the incarnation of Jesus was single fold, to die on the cross and be raised from the dead because apart from the cross all mankind would be forfieted. Satan and death are defeated because of the cross. They have been disarmed and have been judged.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world

If we were asked if we have faith, most of us would say that we do. There will come a time when God will put you in a place of outer darkness, separated from Him and His blessing. It is at that time that we are put to the test. The purpose for this is to see if our love is contingent on God's blessing or if we love the person of God. The criteria to quote Job is do we only expect blessing from God and not hardship? The Lord does as He pleases, so grow close to Him and abide with Him so that we don't become permanantly separated from Him.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Are you blinded to God from within your flesh?

If you say that I can see when you cannot, you are a liar. In our flesh, we are rebellious against God and His holiness. For some it is pride, others devices. There is something that is within your inner man that prevents you from enjoying the peace of God. You say what about this or that? God says that the doors that once were open to you are now shut and will not be opened. So what is the remedy? Yieldness to Christ by the Spirit so that you will not give in to the ways of the flesh.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Do you gaze upon Christ crucified?

Do you gaze upon Christ as the crucified Anointed One? This is what Paul did. To him, all things could be set aside except the retelling of Jesus Christ on the cross. He did not picture him as an exalted king, or as a shephard of his sheep. No he pictured him on the cross, the suffering servant of the Most High. This passion wasn't just a season of remembrance, but a passion which drove his apostolic life. And what about us? What about you? What drives you? Is it the king of kings or the lamb of God on the cross?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

If you looking for miracles? Then intercede for others

God places us among people where if we are rightly related to God, we can serve as a pathway to God for others. This is not accomplished by quoting a verse or with a track, but with heart felt prayer for others. Apart from this, we ourselves become hardend and are not useful to God.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How to correct a brother or sister

The way to correct an erring brother is not through rebuke but by intercession with Christ. He gave you the eye of discernment not so that you can take the speck out of your brother's eye, but so that you can go before God in his behelf to correct him without him being a comparison to yourself. This is not only the loving thing to do, but it is the only effective way to live as a witness for Jesus.

Monday, March 30, 2009


One of the most taxing, but rewarding exercises is intercessory prayer. It is quite a thing to set aside what you need for God for the good of another. It is indeed work to do so, but a labor that has no regrets. The greater one labor's for another, the fewer and less severe our own demands become. This is why Jesus calls it the Second Great Demand, that you love one another.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Are you ready to meet Jesus?

The Christian life is all about being ready. We are told over and over again in the Bible about His imminent return. How does one prepare for His return? It is not by being religious, but by longing for His return. Mary was confirmed by Jesus when she spent her time with Him, but Martha was rebuked for caring for "too many things." Did you know that your feet follow your eyes? That is why we cast our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

What Faith in Jesus Means

There is never a guarantee that a person will intellectually understand all of what Jesus requires. This is where faith begins. There are those of us who sometimes call into question what Jesus is saying. We feel that if we could express ourself to him, surely we would keep him from open shame. This is neither the nature of faith or obedience. It is necessary to understand that he is God and we are not. God alone has understanding and where our obligation ends is to believe him and proceed with joy because in him all things work together for good.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Come up higher

Elevevation is both a reward and a temptation. God uses elevation as reward so that He can make further revelation to us. Satan uses elevation to come to a standard that we cannot achieve causing us to fail. Listen to God's invitation and resist other invitation that are of the flesh.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Pure in Heart Shall See God

The reason we strive for purity is for our Lord's sake. Our identification with Christ should be evident to the onlooking public. Christ has saved us by forgiving our sins. Yet we remain in tarnished bodies and must begin to see others as God does which is good because they are in Christ. This involves both our conduct and our thought. Jesus' laws of the Kingdom are weighter than the Laws of Moses because they care about our intent.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Friends of the Bridegroom

When ever someone presents himself as holy, pure, righteous, and obedient - that is not holiness at all. Our actions should ones that draw people to Christ and not ourself. He should increase while we should decrease. Christian piety is the kind that shows others what Christ can do for them in their lives if they trust in Him.