As my year closes I have mixed results. There are areas that are in my past which were failures. These are not as simple as missed opportunities, but failures as Peter was a failure to Jesus in His passion. But Jesus came back to Peter and asked him to feed His sheep.
My present is before me. My past is still clearly in my mind, but God Almighty awaits my call for Him to lead my way this very day.
The future is in God's hands. Yes, I make plans for the future, but all things come together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. My job through all of this
is to be faithful to Him.
Daily Prayer: Lord, let me be anxious for nothing, but in everything seek You with prayer and supplication because You love me and have given Your life for me. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Putting On The New Man Exposes Our Spiritual Gifts
It is not enough to be saved and to know that I am going to heaven. I don't want to be so heavely minded that I am of no earthly good. This is why God makes me unto a new man. Just as Jesus Christ died and was raised up into new life, so our old man was crucified with Him and we too are raised up into a new man (Romans 6:1-14). God blesses our new nature in Christ with Spiritual Gifts. These are abilities that I never previously had which enable me to serve the church (the body of Christ) in a special and God ordained way. The Holy Spirit continues to sanctify me until my departure from the world when Jesus Chist will continue the sanctification process until He can present me to the Father as Christ like in nature.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for not leaving me as an orphan. You have saved and delivered me from death, but also gave me new life and new abilities. Thank you for an eternity of blessing that will never end. Amen.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for not leaving me as an orphan. You have saved and delivered me from death, but also gave me new life and new abilities. Thank you for an eternity of blessing that will never end. Amen.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Justifying Ones Self Is The Root Of Backsliding
There are only two routes I can take. I can either follow the revelation of God as revealed in the Scriptures and through the Holy Spirit, or I can choose humanism and justification of who I am and what I treasure. I can either compare myself to God as the standard or to my neighbor. Whenever I try to seek what is not from God I am trying to justify myself and my actions before God. God has no place for justifing. If that were the answer, the Cross would not be necessary. Even though I cannot be perfect, that still does not change the standard. My salvation is by grace apart from works, but my salvation is for the purpose of good works. Justifying ones self is a rejection of the Cross and leads to back sliding and a hardened heart.
Daily Prayer: Father, keep my conscience sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit. Let me strive to walk in Your Light and not the light of the world. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Father, keep my conscience sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit. Let me strive to walk in Your Light and not the light of the world. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Being Born Again and Again and Again
When I speak of being born again, I am referring to the conversion of the natural man into the spiritual man. This event, however, needs to be repeated in my life as my circumstances and situations change. The challenges that I have now are different than 15 years ago. Remember, when Satan comes to tempt me, even if he fails he pledges to come at a better time. In other words my enemy, the Evil One, does not give up on making me stumble. What I held to today to anchor my spiritual life may not be the very thing I need next time. This is why I must continue to bring myself into submission in all areas of my life.
Daily Prayer: Father, bring out my weakness and put them into the light so that I can see them. Let me not hold onto these things, but deliver me from them. By Your Spirit, guide me and empower me to be transformed again and again and as many times needed until my life is joined with Yours. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Father, bring out my weakness and put them into the light so that I can see them. Let me not hold onto these things, but deliver me from them. By Your Spirit, guide me and empower me to be transformed again and again and as many times needed until my life is joined with Yours. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Settling Matters Before God
When you are in disagreement with someone and you are in a crowd, it is usual to say to that person, can I see you behind closed doors? The reason for this is because you want to settle the matter privately and not publically. So it is with God. He desires the submission of my will to His and if things are not headed that way, He wants to settle the matter between us and not involve a host of others. Once the matter is settled between me and God, then I can go out publically with the safety of knowing God is with me.
Daily Prayer: Father, bring all of my matters before You and You alone, because all of my sins are against You only. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Father, bring all of my matters before You and You alone, because all of my sins are against You only. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
To Walk In The Light Results In A Changed Attitude
It is declared that if I walk in the light like He is in the light, then He will cleanse me of all of my sins. Here, it does not mean to walk in my light or the light of the world, but to walk in the Light of Jesus Christ. The author of the Gospel of John states that Jesus is Light and the Darkness cannot comprehend it. If I truely walk in the Light of Jesus Christ, my spirit will rise up in hatred of the darkness and dwell in the center of the Light. You cannot sit at the table of the Lord and sit at the Table of demons also. You will love one, but despise the other. If I am of the Light that Jesus brings, I will depart from sin and it will have no part in me.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, convict me of all of my sins, especially those that are hidden. Impart Your life into me and place in me righteous hatred for all things that oppose You. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, convict me of all of my sins, especially those that are hidden. Impart Your life into me and place in me righteous hatred for all things that oppose You. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
The Birth of Jesus Christ, The Messiah That Was Promised
Jesus Christ did not emerge into the human race on this birth in Bethlehem, but instead entered into it from outside of the human realm. This is because he is Christ incarnate, a child born of a virgin. The salvation that He brings causes me also to be born outside of the human realm. Jesus said that unless a man is born again of the Spirit, he by no way can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. This is not an imperative but rather a fact as declared by God Almighty. The evidence of my rebirth is that Christ is formed in me so that He can do his work through me.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, use me in whatever way seems good to you. Let me not be a hinderance, but instead a tool that brings in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. In Your Name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, use me in whatever way seems good to you. Let me not be a hinderance, but instead a tool that brings in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. In Your Name I pray Amen.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
If I have been born again, my heart should not be troubled. If I believe in reality of the words of Jesus, then I should never be afraid. If Jesus is speaking to me in my day, then I can cast all of my cares of Him, because He cares for me. The truth of these and other realities is that I am hidden by Christ in God so that my future is no longer dependant on me, but on God. God says nobody can take him from My hand.
Daily Prayer: Father, thank you for fighting the battle of sin and death for me. You did this by the sending of the Son that through his life, death, and resurrection I will no longer die, but have everlasting life. Such a great gift and what great compassion You have for those who love You and depend on You. Thank you God Amen.
Daily Prayer: Father, thank you for fighting the battle of sin and death for me. You did this by the sending of the Son that through his life, death, and resurrection I will no longer die, but have everlasting life. Such a great gift and what great compassion You have for those who love You and depend on You. Thank you God Amen.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
How To Be Surrendered
It seems clear enough that to be a follower of Christ, I must be surrendered to Him. This means that I give up all rights to myself and things of this world so that I may be crucified to sin and death with Him. Death of myself and the world is no easy task. The how to directive is that I must become alone with Jesus and settle the matter. It involves my will being transferred to His if I am to be of any value to Jesus. It must be said aloud. Either no I cannot surrender to You or yes by Your grace and power I shall. When I commit to Him, He will draw near and bring it to pass.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, bring me into conformance with your desires and plans for me. Let me forbid myself to remain a part of this world when so much more has been offered to me. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, bring me into conformance with your desires and plans for me. Let me forbid myself to remain a part of this world when so much more has been offered to me. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Who Can Stand When The Power Of The Almighty Comes Near?
There is but one reason that I come to the knowledge of God and it is because the Almighty came into my presence and drew me to Himself. The power of the Almighty is transformational.
I cannot believe because of a persuasive argument or through the power of preaching. I cannot believe because my parents believed and their parents believed. I can only believe because I have been drawn to Him and my will surrendered to His. Belief is a matter of my personal will, not because of intellectual discussion. I believe because I desire to believe. All people have been given the power to reach beyond their human limitations, but some rebel preferring the ways of the Old Man over the transformed one. Transformation begins with my agreement with God over the matter of my sin. It must be a reproach. I must acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a Savior and He is that One. Then I can come into right standing with God and allow the Spirit and the Son to continue to shape my inner-man (my personality) until the Day of Christ's return.
Daily Prayer: Father, thank you for drawing me unto Yourself. Thank you also for giving me the faith I need to believe. Bless others also Father, especially those of my own house. Nobody can stand in the company of the Almighty except through bringing ones self into good standing with the Sovereign. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
I cannot believe because of a persuasive argument or through the power of preaching. I cannot believe because my parents believed and their parents believed. I can only believe because I have been drawn to Him and my will surrendered to His. Belief is a matter of my personal will, not because of intellectual discussion. I believe because I desire to believe. All people have been given the power to reach beyond their human limitations, but some rebel preferring the ways of the Old Man over the transformed one. Transformation begins with my agreement with God over the matter of my sin. It must be a reproach. I must acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a Savior and He is that One. Then I can come into right standing with God and allow the Spirit and the Son to continue to shape my inner-man (my personality) until the Day of Christ's return.
Daily Prayer: Father, thank you for drawing me unto Yourself. Thank you also for giving me the faith I need to believe. Bless others also Father, especially those of my own house. Nobody can stand in the company of the Almighty except through bringing ones self into good standing with the Sovereign. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I Cannot Find Faith In My Own Experiences
The Christian has only one grounds for truth and that is faith in Jesus Christ and His Word. Experience one claims apart from this is anti-Christ no matter how good or real it may appear.
Faith hold that Christ is true and every man is a liar. The way to discern whether something is from God is that it must have God as its source and Christ as its result. All other so called experience is counterfeit experience that the Evil One sends to misguide the believer. The believer has the Spirit of Truth to guide them into all truth so that whatever comes our way, we are able to cope with it.
Daily Prayer: Our Comforter, take control over my life. Let not my life be valuable to myself. Instead, keep me grounded in Jesus who is my Savior and my Redeemer. Amen.
Faith hold that Christ is true and every man is a liar. The way to discern whether something is from God is that it must have God as its source and Christ as its result. All other so called experience is counterfeit experience that the Evil One sends to misguide the believer. The believer has the Spirit of Truth to guide them into all truth so that whatever comes our way, we are able to cope with it.
Daily Prayer: Our Comforter, take control over my life. Let not my life be valuable to myself. Instead, keep me grounded in Jesus who is my Savior and my Redeemer. Amen.
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Christian Worker's Mission
Our usefulness to the Lord Jesus Christ can be summed up as one who exposes sin and reveals Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ must be lifted up and the Spirit of God must draw the unbeliever for them to come to know God. Our value is not in our sympathy, love, or understanding. Our value is in identifying the human condition and making known the only answer and only path given by God for salvation. We have not the power to save, but we do have the power to live in truth and in declaring the Cross of Christ boldly and without shame. This is our call and our mission.
Daily Prayer: Lord, this Christmas week, let us not forget the reason for your becoming flesh to dwell among us. You left the glory You bestowed before the beginning of the world, to be sin for us so that we might live. Let us then live with gratitude and by faith and declare Your wonderful works boldly. Amen.
Daily Prayer: Lord, this Christmas week, let us not forget the reason for your becoming flesh to dwell among us. You left the glory You bestowed before the beginning of the world, to be sin for us so that we might live. Let us then live with gratitude and by faith and declare Your wonderful works boldly. Amen.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The Relationship Between Faith And Our Circumstances
You shouldn't believe that anything happens by chance. The same God that sustains the universe it the cause of all human affairs. The thing that separates a Christian from the world is faith. Our faith to have any meaning at all must be grounded in Jesus. He is the object of our faith especially in difficult times. A true follower of Jesus praises Him even when they themself are oppressed. It is because all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes. It is as Job said when he was going through hard times: "Do we only expect blessing from God?" God rewards our faith by giving us eternal life and a promise to be where He is.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, strengthen and preserve me in my faith and faithfulness. Let me not rely on my strength or things of this world, but let You be God and my Good Shepherd. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, strengthen and preserve me in my faith and faithfulness. Let me not rely on my strength or things of this world, but let You be God and my Good Shepherd. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Gospel Lifts Jesus Up & Creates The Need In Us To Ask
People often say that why must I ask for forgiveness instead of just receiving it from God. It is because before we are forgiven, we must realize our need for forgiveness. The gospel identifies this need within us, because Jesus is lifted up and we do not compare to His righteousness. Therefore we find ourselves with a void or a need that only God can fill. Therefore we move forward in faith believing that He who brought me into this world will take me to his at the end of my days. Yes, we ask, like a little child we ask. And Jesus says whoever askes receives and whoever seeks finds.
Daily Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for Your exaltation before us. You are worthy of our praise and adoration. Draw near to those in my family and those who I love so that they may see You and know You. You Lord, are the Desire of the Nations. Amen.
Daily Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for Your exaltation before us. You are worthy of our praise and adoration. Draw near to those in my family and those who I love so that they may see You and know You. You Lord, are the Desire of the Nations. Amen.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wrestling in God's Presence
When Jacob wanted God's blessing, he wrestled with God, but God made Jacob's leg go out of joint permanently. We are to be wrestlers for sure. We are to wrestle against the forces of darkness when they hinder our access to God. When we seek God's approval for things that fall into His permissive will (as opposed to His perfect will which cannot change) we are to wrestle before God seeking his approval. If a brother or sister in Christ wants you to pray for them wrestle with them in prayer. But be wary of those who wrestle against God as did Jacob, because God will put you out of joint permanently as He did with Jacob. We are at our best when we wrestle before God.
Daily Prayer: Father, let us not take anything lightly as though you do not concern Yourself with our desires. Let us come before Your throne so that we may show you the desires of our hearts. Make us complete in Christ so that our prayers may receive Your approval. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Father, let us not take anything lightly as though you do not concern Yourself with our desires. Let us come before Your throne so that we may show you the desires of our hearts. Make us complete in Christ so that our prayers may receive Your approval. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Cause Of Evil & The Road To Find Peace
I frequently turn to God when I find myself in trouble. The Bible teaches us that we are born into sin and we are cleansed by a spiritual rebirth into Christ. What is the cause of evil in me?
Evil is seldom found in a child. It is not that children don't error, but they are seldom found in contemplative sin. When I began to grow up, my mind was then able to cast visions for myself for my future. This casting of visions which is not under the direction of God is the cause of evil. It puts myself as the most important person and denys God's sovereign and faithful hand over my life.
Jesus says, "suffer the children and deny them not, because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Jesus is explaining to me that for me to be received by Him, I must come to Him as helpless as I really am and then He will give me peace. Jesus says "My peace I give to you, but not as the world gives do I give to you." Jesus' peace is a settling and abiding peace. It isn't a temporary cure. Now, as an adult, when trouble comes my way, I realize their are two kinds of trouble. First their is the kind of trouble that is brought about by me through willful disobedience. This creates tension between me and my Savior. This is sin and needs to be confessed. The second kind of trouble is the kind that I experience because I belong to Jesus. The world crucified Jesus and they will crucify me. I need not worry about this kind of trouble, because Jesus promises me His peace through the tribulation and promises to take care of it for me.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, remind me once again that I need not worry so long as I am trusting in You. By Your Spirit, guide me and direct me and protect me. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.
Evil is seldom found in a child. It is not that children don't error, but they are seldom found in contemplative sin. When I began to grow up, my mind was then able to cast visions for myself for my future. This casting of visions which is not under the direction of God is the cause of evil. It puts myself as the most important person and denys God's sovereign and faithful hand over my life.
Jesus says, "suffer the children and deny them not, because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Jesus is explaining to me that for me to be received by Him, I must come to Him as helpless as I really am and then He will give me peace. Jesus says "My peace I give to you, but not as the world gives do I give to you." Jesus' peace is a settling and abiding peace. It isn't a temporary cure. Now, as an adult, when trouble comes my way, I realize their are two kinds of trouble. First their is the kind of trouble that is brought about by me through willful disobedience. This creates tension between me and my Savior. This is sin and needs to be confessed. The second kind of trouble is the kind that I experience because I belong to Jesus. The world crucified Jesus and they will crucify me. I need not worry about this kind of trouble, because Jesus promises me His peace through the tribulation and promises to take care of it for me.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, remind me once again that I need not worry so long as I am trusting in You. By Your Spirit, guide me and direct me and protect me. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Intercessory Prayer: What it means and involves.
Intercessory prayer is not simply praying for or about someone who has a problem. It is not praying for a change of circumstances. Intercessory prayer is grounded in Christ's redemption.
It is through redemption that we become people of God. Here the intercessor stands in the place of God and takes on God's mind set and point of view. It allows the intercessor to judge a situation rightly and based on Christ's redemption to take it before the Throne of God. God will honor the petition so long as you prayed according to His will in the first place.
Daily Prayer: Father teach us to pray as we ought to. Give us confidence to stand in for You when the we are called to. We know You hear our prayer because of Christ and His making us a child of the Most High. For this reason, let us pray boldly and in Jesus' name. Amen.
It is through redemption that we become people of God. Here the intercessor stands in the place of God and takes on God's mind set and point of view. It allows the intercessor to judge a situation rightly and based on Christ's redemption to take it before the Throne of God. God will honor the petition so long as you prayed according to His will in the first place.
Daily Prayer: Father teach us to pray as we ought to. Give us confidence to stand in for You when the we are called to. We know You hear our prayer because of Christ and His making us a child of the Most High. For this reason, let us pray boldly and in Jesus' name. Amen.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Difference Between Individuality & Personality
When we describe the Godhead, we speak of three persons or personalities. When we speak of a person's soul, we label it their personaity. Personality then identifies the inner-person. Individuality, on the other hand, defines what characterizes the physical or outer man. The total redeemed man is one whose individuality is transformed by a merger with another person and that person being Jesus Christ. No longer does the transformed man seek individuality, rather he strives to imitate Christ. This is what Jesus means when he says go and make disciples of all nations... He means not necessarily to make church members of all people and all nations, but lead people to Him so that they can be transformed and also imitators of Christ.
Daily Prayer: Father the world needs to hear the gospel, but we must start with our own household. Let the members of my house belong to you and let each of us then to and tell the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus . Amen.
Daily Prayer: Father the world needs to hear the gospel, but we must start with our own household. Let the members of my house belong to you and let each of us then to and tell the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus . Amen.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
You Cannot Sit at the Table of the Lord & the Table of Demons also
Our life is one of chosing one thing or the other. We already know that the spirit is at war with the flesh. Additionally, our individuality cannot surrender to God. Individuality asserts its rights to itself. Surrender gives up personal rights for a relationship with God. You cannot sit at the table of the Lord and the table of demons also. You will either be the leader of your own life or will be led by the Spirit of God but you cannot have it both ways. The time will come and it will be sooner rather than later that you will be forced to choose.
Daily Prayer: Father, dying to ones self is as hard as dying physically. Dying does not come easy as You know. Help us through this time Father and reassure us that when we fall, You will be there. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Father, dying to ones self is as hard as dying physically. Dying does not come easy as You know. Help us through this time Father and reassure us that when we fall, You will be there. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Friday, December 10, 2010
At what point does God satisfy our natural desires?
A human being is a composite of human flesh and a spiritual being. Most generally, the flesh is at war with the spiritual nature. In order to become saved, one must be regenerated which is the spiritual birth of a person. This spiritual rebirth is the new man for which Christ died for and made possible.
In order to live for the God of your salvation, one must give your body as a living sacrifice for Him. The best way to accomplish this is through discipline of your mind and your body. You can not give in to all the desires of the flesh and still live a holy life. Successful discipline takes the form of obedience to the Spirit of God who indwells the believer. This is known as being led by the Spirit.
If one does not allow the Spirit to lead your life, you end up as a double minded man and are no longer pleasing to the Lord. If you are a double minded man, then repent, so that the Spirit can revive and renew your relationship with God. Only then, will God satisfy those natural desires which are not in a contest with the Spirit.
Daily Prayer: Father, it is very hard to die to the flesh, but we must. Help us in this crucifixion.
Help us endure those things that seem good, but are not. When we walk through the valley, comfort us so that we do not give in. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
In order to live for the God of your salvation, one must give your body as a living sacrifice for Him. The best way to accomplish this is through discipline of your mind and your body. You can not give in to all the desires of the flesh and still live a holy life. Successful discipline takes the form of obedience to the Spirit of God who indwells the believer. This is known as being led by the Spirit.
If one does not allow the Spirit to lead your life, you end up as a double minded man and are no longer pleasing to the Lord. If you are a double minded man, then repent, so that the Spirit can revive and renew your relationship with God. Only then, will God satisfy those natural desires which are not in a contest with the Spirit.
Daily Prayer: Father, it is very hard to die to the flesh, but we must. Help us in this crucifixion.
Help us endure those things that seem good, but are not. When we walk through the valley, comfort us so that we do not give in. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Why Jesus Condemned the Pharisees
In Jesus' day, the Pharisees were known as those Jews who most closely followed the Law of Moses. They made great strides to obey the Law and considered themselves to be holy. They made a special point of separating themselves from sinners.
Then Jesus comes onto the scene. Jesus came first to the Jews, but also turned to the gentiles. He was seen eating and drinking with sinners and gentiles. Jesus proclaimed that He is the Son of God and the Son of Man. He established that He came to seek out sinners so that they could be saved.
The Pharisees believed that their obedience to the Law was sufficient for salvation. Jesus stated that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, you by no means will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is by the sacrifice of Christ and by His grace that men can be saved and not obedience to the Law. The Law came to condemn men of their sins, not to make them righteous.
Whenever we think too highly of ourselves, total surrender to Christ is like a mountain. We must come as a sinner saved by grace and then Jesus will substitute His righteousness for yours and salvation will be found.
Daily Prayer: Father, let us realize the depth of our sins. Let us not hide from Jesus because of our guilt, but instead turn it over to him so that we may be saved. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Then Jesus comes onto the scene. Jesus came first to the Jews, but also turned to the gentiles. He was seen eating and drinking with sinners and gentiles. Jesus proclaimed that He is the Son of God and the Son of Man. He established that He came to seek out sinners so that they could be saved.
The Pharisees believed that their obedience to the Law was sufficient for salvation. Jesus stated that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, you by no means will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is by the sacrifice of Christ and by His grace that men can be saved and not obedience to the Law. The Law came to condemn men of their sins, not to make them righteous.
Whenever we think too highly of ourselves, total surrender to Christ is like a mountain. We must come as a sinner saved by grace and then Jesus will substitute His righteousness for yours and salvation will be found.
Daily Prayer: Father, let us realize the depth of our sins. Let us not hide from Jesus because of our guilt, but instead turn it over to him so that we may be saved. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
By His Stripes, We Are Healed
In the life of Jesus I can find life. Life is not only eternal life which it certainly is, but also abundant life or a fullness in my relationship with God. It means I need not hide like Adam and Eve in the garden, being ashamed of their nakedness. It means that God has received me and made this sinner well again. I'm sure you have had illnesses when your health took a turn for the worse. After suffering you begin to get better. You look with hope because day by day you feel a little better until one day you are well again. So it is in the spiritual life. The sinner realized the depth of his agony and turns to Jesus - the author and perfecter of our faith. Radically the sinner is cast from death into life and is called Son by the Most High. How good it feels not to be condemned. This is my life in Christ.
Father, thank you for sending the Son and making me Your Son as a result. Open the eyes of those who cannot see, but desperately need You. If You do not seek them, they won't be found.
Seek them Father I pray Amen.
Father, thank you for sending the Son and making me Your Son as a result. Open the eyes of those who cannot see, but desperately need You. If You do not seek them, they won't be found.
Seek them Father I pray Amen.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
It Is Not Self-Disgust, It Is Self Sorrow
The repentant man is not angry at himself for his deeds, he is sorry that they fell upon another.
Jesus bore the burden of our sins and this is why when we sin, we are convicted of our sin because it is a deed against God. Repentance is not a choice, rather a reaction because of the Spirit that dwells within you. Without repentance there will be no change in your life. It is turning away from the Old Man and putting on a new way of living. This is the transformation: feeling the pain of unholy living and recognizing that you are not good, but he who saves you is.
Daily Prayer: Lord, let us put on a repentant heart and set aside those things that hurt You. Create the tears in our own eyes when we fail to live a holy life and let us set aside all foolishness and self centered ways so that we may walk humbly before You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Jesus bore the burden of our sins and this is why when we sin, we are convicted of our sin because it is a deed against God. Repentance is not a choice, rather a reaction because of the Spirit that dwells within you. Without repentance there will be no change in your life. It is turning away from the Old Man and putting on a new way of living. This is the transformation: feeling the pain of unholy living and recognizing that you are not good, but he who saves you is.
Daily Prayer: Lord, let us put on a repentant heart and set aside those things that hurt You. Create the tears in our own eyes when we fail to live a holy life and let us set aside all foolishness and self centered ways so that we may walk humbly before You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Monday, December 6, 2010
How The Christian Becomes Complete
When God brought salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, He at the same time brought our sanctification. The work of Christ is finished. Our realization of the effects of Christ's work depend on faith. No longer should we be looking to God to act, instead we should be coming to Him by faith believing that all that He has is ours as well. In Christ we find salvation, sanctification, provision, peace, and fulfillment. In our flesh, we are separated from these good things. No longer must we wait, but instead step forward in faith to God who has always been faithful.
Father, forgive us for not trusting You with our whole heart. Let us recognize this lack in our own walk and gain confidence by letting go of our own control and submitting to You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Father, forgive us for not trusting You with our whole heart. Let us recognize this lack in our own walk and gain confidence by letting go of our own control and submitting to You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Judge Ones-Self
It is because that I am saved that I can make judgment on myself. My body now is the only external evidence of the Spirit that dwells within me. As my body goes, this is what the world sees. If my body is a servant, the world sees my God as one who serves. If I give into the lusts of the flesh, I am regarded as immoral and worse than a heathen. It is for this reason that I must judge myself lest I be judged by the world.
Daily Prayer: Father, compel me to a complete understanding of the consequences of my actions. Let me not fail my commission because I myself am disqualified. Instead, let me put on the armor of God so that when evil comes, I will not be swayed. In Jesus name and for His sake Amen.
Daily Prayer: Father, compel me to a complete understanding of the consequences of my actions. Let me not fail my commission because I myself am disqualified. Instead, let me put on the armor of God so that when evil comes, I will not be swayed. In Jesus name and for His sake Amen.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Spiritually Healthy Person
Health is not without a dedication of the will. All of the forces that are not of spiritual balance are able to destroy you. The will to have a healthy spiritual life is acquired through discernment. Here, the Christian makes choices. These choices express themselves as choosing Christ instead of the world. To the world, these choices are foolishness, but to the beliver, they are acts of obedience and sonship.
Daily Prayer: Father, give us both the will and the ability to discern. All good things come from Your hand, therefore equip each one of us for the spiritual warfare we are tested with each day. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Father, give us both the will and the ability to discern. All good things come from Your hand, therefore equip each one of us for the spiritual warfare we are tested with each day. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Being Rooted In The True Gospel
Evangelism is dependant on the preacher speaking the Gospel of Jesus Christ alone with no personilizing of the message. Our salvaltion is based on the life, death, resurrection and ascension of the living Christ and His taking the punishment for the payment of our sins.
Sanctification is a work of God, just as salvation is. We now live our lives in Christ, because our life was preserved by the Living One.
Father, thank you for not only our savlation but our sanctification in Christ. Use me as You will, so that I may be Your instrument to spread the Good News of salvation. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Sanctification is a work of God, just as salvation is. We now live our lives in Christ, because our life was preserved by the Living One.
Father, thank you for not only our savlation but our sanctification in Christ. Use me as You will, so that I may be Your instrument to spread the Good News of salvation. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Christian Notion Of Perfection Is A Living Relationship With God
What the world calls holy and what God calls holy are different. Holiness is not perfectness as the world sees it. It is a vatal union between the believer and Christ so that Christ can have His sway in the life of the believer. It is more a matter of perfection of the heart than perfection of the body. What matters most to Christ is the intentions of our hearts and our willingness to rest in Him for our strength.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for comforting me to be who I am. It is not necessary for me to worry about every little thing so long as my ambition is to be like You. In Your holy name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for comforting me to be who I am. It is not necessary for me to worry about every little thing so long as my ambition is to be like You. In Your holy name I pray Amen.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Moral Law Is Absolute, No Exceptions
God does not have one set of rules for the weak and another for the strong. No, God is who he is and never changes. He says "be therefore holy, because I the Lord your God am holy." He doesn't say give it your best, but to be like He is. Man can only attain fellowship with God through the Son. The Son is holy like His Father is holy and by way of the cross, He transfers His holiness to believers so that they too can be like Him and be where He is.
Daily Prayer: Father, let not our inability to be holy be a stumbling block. Instead, let it convict and convince us of our sin and to come to you not by good works, but through faith. Let Your Son be the way, the truth and the light. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Daily Prayer: Father, let not our inability to be holy be a stumbling block. Instead, let it convict and convince us of our sin and to come to you not by good works, but through faith. Let Your Son be the way, the truth and the light. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
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