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Friday, December 31, 2010

God is the God of our past, present, and future

As my year closes I have mixed results. There are areas that are in my past which were failures. These are not as simple as missed opportunities, but failures as Peter was a failure to Jesus in His passion. But Jesus came back to Peter and asked him to feed His sheep.

My present is before me. My past is still clearly in my mind, but God Almighty awaits my call for Him to lead my way this very day.

The future is in God's hands. Yes, I make plans for the future, but all things come together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. My job through all of this
is to be faithful to Him.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let me be anxious for nothing, but in everything seek You with prayer and supplication because You love me and have given Your life for me. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Putting On The New Man Exposes Our Spiritual Gifts

It is not enough to be saved and to know that I am going to heaven. I don't want to be so heavely minded that I am of no earthly good. This is why God makes me unto a new man. Just as Jesus Christ died and was raised up into new life, so our old man was crucified with Him and we too are raised up into a new man (Romans 6:1-14). God blesses our new nature in Christ with Spiritual Gifts. These are abilities that I never previously had which enable me to serve the church (the body of Christ) in a special and God ordained way. The Holy Spirit continues to sanctify me until my departure from the world when Jesus Chist will continue the sanctification process until He can present me to the Father as Christ like in nature.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for not leaving me as an orphan. You have saved and delivered me from death, but also gave me new life and new abilities. Thank you for an eternity of blessing that will never end. Amen.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Justifying Ones Self Is The Root Of Backsliding

There are only two routes I can take. I can either follow the revelation of God as revealed in the Scriptures and through the Holy Spirit, or I can choose humanism and justification of who I am and what I treasure. I can either compare myself to God as the standard or to my neighbor. Whenever I try to seek what is not from God I am trying to justify myself and my actions before God. God has no place for justifing. If that were the answer, the Cross would not be necessary. Even though I cannot be perfect, that still does not change the standard. My salvation is by grace apart from works, but my salvation is for the purpose of good works. Justifying ones self is a rejection of the Cross and leads to back sliding and a hardened heart.

Daily Prayer: Father, keep my conscience sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit. Let me strive to walk in Your Light and not the light of the world. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Being Born Again and Again and Again

When I speak of being born again, I am referring to the conversion of the natural man into the spiritual man. This event, however, needs to be repeated in my life as my circumstances and situations change. The challenges that I have now are different than 15 years ago. Remember, when Satan comes to tempt me, even if he fails he pledges to come at a better time. In other words my enemy, the Evil One, does not give up on making me stumble. What I held to today to anchor my spiritual life may not be the very thing I need next time. This is why I must continue to bring myself into submission in all areas of my life.

Daily Prayer: Father, bring out my weakness and put them into the light so that I can see them. Let me not hold onto these things, but deliver me from them. By Your Spirit, guide me and empower me to be transformed again and again and as many times needed until my life is joined with Yours. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Settling Matters Before God

When you are in disagreement with someone and you are in a crowd, it is usual to say to that person, can I see you behind closed doors? The reason for this is because you want to settle the matter privately and not publically. So it is with God. He desires the submission of my will to His and if things are not headed that way, He wants to settle the matter between us and not involve a host of others. Once the matter is settled between me and God, then I can go out publically with the safety of knowing God is with me.

Daily Prayer: Father, bring all of my matters before You and You alone, because all of my sins are against You only. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

To Walk In The Light Results In A Changed Attitude

It is declared that if I walk in the light like He is in the light, then He will cleanse me of all of my sins. Here, it does not mean to walk in my light or the light of the world, but to walk in the Light of Jesus Christ. The author of the Gospel of John states that Jesus is Light and the Darkness cannot comprehend it. If I truely walk in the Light of Jesus Christ, my spirit will rise up in hatred of the darkness and dwell in the center of the Light. You cannot sit at the table of the Lord and sit at the Table of demons also. You will love one, but despise the other. If I am of the Light that Jesus brings, I will depart from sin and it will have no part in me.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, convict me of all of my sins, especially those that are hidden. Impart Your life into me and place in me righteous hatred for all things that oppose You. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Birth of Jesus Christ, The Messiah That Was Promised

Jesus Christ did not emerge into the human race on this birth in Bethlehem, but instead entered into it from outside of the human realm. This is because he is Christ incarnate, a child born of a virgin. The salvation that He brings causes me also to be born outside of the human realm. Jesus said that unless a man is born again of the Spirit, he by no way can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. This is not an imperative but rather a fact as declared by God Almighty. The evidence of my rebirth is that Christ is formed in me so that He can do his work through me.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, use me in whatever way seems good to you. Let me not be a hinderance, but instead a tool that brings in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. In Your Name I pray Amen.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

If I have been born again, my heart should not be troubled. If I believe in reality of the words of Jesus, then I should never be afraid. If Jesus is speaking to me in my day, then I can cast all of my cares of Him, because He cares for me. The truth of these and other realities is that I am hidden by Christ in God so that my future is no longer dependant on me, but on God. God says nobody can take him from My hand.

Daily Prayer: Father, thank you for fighting the battle of sin and death for me. You did this by the sending of the Son that through his life, death, and resurrection I will no longer die, but have everlasting life. Such a great gift and what great compassion You have for those who love You and depend on You. Thank you God Amen.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How To Be Surrendered

It seems clear enough that to be a follower of Christ, I must be surrendered to Him. This means that I give up all rights to myself and things of this world so that I may be crucified to sin and death with Him. Death of myself and the world is no easy task. The how to directive is that I must become alone with Jesus and settle the matter. It involves my will being transferred to His if I am to be of any value to Jesus. It must be said aloud. Either no I cannot surrender to You or yes by Your grace and power I shall. When I commit to Him, He will draw near and bring it to pass.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, bring me into conformance with your desires and plans for me. Let me forbid myself to remain a part of this world when so much more has been offered to me. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Who Can Stand When The Power Of The Almighty Comes Near?

There is but one reason that I come to the knowledge of God and it is because the Almighty came into my presence and drew me to Himself. The power of the Almighty is transformational.
I cannot believe because of a persuasive argument or through the power of preaching. I cannot believe because my parents believed and their parents believed. I can only believe because I have been drawn to Him and my will surrendered to His. Belief is a matter of my personal will, not because of intellectual discussion. I believe because I desire to believe. All people have been given the power to reach beyond their human limitations, but some rebel preferring the ways of the Old Man over the transformed one. Transformation begins with my agreement with God over the matter of my sin. It must be a reproach. I must acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a Savior and He is that One. Then I can come into right standing with God and allow the Spirit and the Son to continue to shape my inner-man (my personality) until the Day of Christ's return.

Daily Prayer: Father, thank you for drawing me unto Yourself. Thank you also for giving me the faith I need to believe. Bless others also Father, especially those of my own house. Nobody can stand in the company of the Almighty except through bringing ones self into good standing with the Sovereign. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I Cannot Find Faith In My Own Experiences

The Christian has only one grounds for truth and that is faith in Jesus Christ and His Word. Experience one claims apart from this is anti-Christ no matter how good or real it may appear.
Faith hold that Christ is true and every man is a liar. The way to discern whether something is from God is that it must have God as its source and Christ as its result. All other so called experience is counterfeit experience that the Evil One sends to misguide the believer. The believer has the Spirit of Truth to guide them into all truth so that whatever comes our way, we are able to cope with it.

Daily Prayer: Our Comforter, take control over my life. Let not my life be valuable to myself. Instead, keep me grounded in Jesus who is my Savior and my Redeemer. Amen.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Christian Worker's Mission

Our usefulness to the Lord Jesus Christ can be summed up as one who exposes sin and reveals Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ must be lifted up and the Spirit of God must draw the unbeliever for them to come to know God. Our value is not in our sympathy, love, or understanding. Our value is in identifying the human condition and making known the only answer and only path given by God for salvation. We have not the power to save, but we do have the power to live in truth and in declaring the Cross of Christ boldly and without shame. This is our call and our mission.

Daily Prayer: Lord, this Christmas week, let us not forget the reason for your becoming flesh to dwell among us. You left the glory You bestowed before the beginning of the world, to be sin for us so that we might live. Let us then live with gratitude and by faith and declare Your wonderful works boldly. Amen.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Relationship Between Faith And Our Circumstances

You shouldn't believe that anything happens by chance. The same God that sustains the universe it the cause of all human affairs. The thing that separates a Christian from the world is faith. Our faith to have any meaning at all must be grounded in Jesus. He is the object of our faith especially in difficult times. A true follower of Jesus praises Him even when they themself are oppressed. It is because all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes. It is as Job said when he was going through hard times: "Do we only expect blessing from God?" God rewards our faith by giving us eternal life and a promise to be where He is.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, strengthen and preserve me in my faith and faithfulness. Let me not rely on my strength or things of this world, but let You be God and my Good Shepherd. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Gospel Lifts Jesus Up & Creates The Need In Us To Ask

People often say that why must I ask for forgiveness instead of just receiving it from God. It is because before we are forgiven, we must realize our need for forgiveness. The gospel identifies this need within us, because Jesus is lifted up and we do not compare to His righteousness. Therefore we find ourselves with a void or a need that only God can fill. Therefore we move forward in faith believing that He who brought me into this world will take me to his at the end of my days. Yes, we ask, like a little child we ask. And Jesus says whoever askes receives and whoever seeks finds.

Daily Prayer: Thank you Lord Jesus for Your exaltation before us. You are worthy of our praise and adoration. Draw near to those in my family and those who I love so that they may see You and know You. You Lord, are the Desire of the Nations. Amen.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wrestling in God's Presence

When Jacob wanted God's blessing, he wrestled with God, but God made Jacob's leg go out of joint permanently. We are to be wrestlers for sure. We are to wrestle against the forces of darkness when they hinder our access to God. When we seek God's approval for things that fall into His permissive will (as opposed to His perfect will which cannot change) we are to wrestle before God seeking his approval. If a brother or sister in Christ wants you to pray for them wrestle with them in prayer. But be wary of those who wrestle against God as did Jacob, because God will put you out of joint permanently as He did with Jacob. We are at our best when we wrestle before God.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us not take anything lightly as though you do not concern Yourself with our desires. Let us come before Your throne so that we may show you the desires of our hearts. Make us complete in Christ so that our prayers may receive Your approval. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Cause Of Evil & The Road To Find Peace

I frequently turn to God when I find myself in trouble. The Bible teaches us that we are born into sin and we are cleansed by a spiritual rebirth into Christ. What is the cause of evil in me?
Evil is seldom found in a child. It is not that children don't error, but they are seldom found in contemplative sin. When I began to grow up, my mind was then able to cast visions for myself for my future. This casting of visions which is not under the direction of God is the cause of evil. It puts myself as the most important person and denys God's sovereign and faithful hand over my life.

Jesus says, "suffer the children and deny them not, because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Jesus is explaining to me that for me to be received by Him, I must come to Him as helpless as I really am and then He will give me peace. Jesus says "My peace I give to you, but not as the world gives do I give to you." Jesus' peace is a settling and abiding peace. It isn't a temporary cure. Now, as an adult, when trouble comes my way, I realize their are two kinds of trouble. First their is the kind of trouble that is brought about by me through willful disobedience. This creates tension between me and my Savior. This is sin and needs to be confessed. The second kind of trouble is the kind that I experience because I belong to Jesus. The world crucified Jesus and they will crucify me. I need not worry about this kind of trouble, because Jesus promises me His peace through the tribulation and promises to take care of it for me.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, remind me once again that I need not worry so long as I am trusting in You. By Your Spirit, guide me and direct me and protect me. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Intercessory Prayer: What it means and involves.

Intercessory prayer is not simply praying for or about someone who has a problem. It is not praying for a change of circumstances. Intercessory prayer is grounded in Christ's redemption.
It is through redemption that we become people of God. Here the intercessor stands in the place of God and takes on God's mind set and point of view. It allows the intercessor to judge a situation rightly and based on Christ's redemption to take it before the Throne of God. God will honor the petition so long as you prayed according to His will in the first place.

Daily Prayer: Father teach us to pray as we ought to. Give us confidence to stand in for You when the we are called to. We know You hear our prayer because of Christ and His making us a child of the Most High. For this reason, let us pray boldly and in Jesus' name. Amen.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Difference Between Individuality & Personality

When we describe the Godhead, we speak of three persons or personalities. When we speak of a person's soul, we label it their personaity. Personality then identifies the inner-person. Individuality, on the other hand, defines what characterizes the physical or outer man. The total redeemed man is one whose individuality is transformed by a merger with another person and that person being Jesus Christ. No longer does the transformed man seek individuality, rather he strives to imitate Christ. This is what Jesus means when he says go and make disciples of all nations... He means not necessarily to make church members of all people and all nations, but lead people to Him so that they can be transformed and also imitators of Christ.

Daily Prayer: Father the world needs to hear the gospel, but we must start with our own household. Let the members of my house belong to you and let each of us then to and tell the good news of salvation through Christ Jesus . Amen.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

You Cannot Sit at the Table of the Lord & the Table of Demons also

Our life is one of chosing one thing or the other. We already know that the spirit is at war with the flesh. Additionally, our individuality cannot surrender to God. Individuality asserts its rights to itself. Surrender gives up personal rights for a relationship with God. You cannot sit at the table of the Lord and the table of demons also. You will either be the leader of your own life or will be led by the Spirit of God but you cannot have it both ways. The time will come and it will be sooner rather than later that you will be forced to choose.

Daily Prayer: Father, dying to ones self is as hard as dying physically. Dying does not come easy as You know. Help us through this time Father and reassure us that when we fall, You will be there. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Friday, December 10, 2010

At what point does God satisfy our natural desires?

A human being is a composite of human flesh and a spiritual being. Most generally, the flesh is at war with the spiritual nature. In order to become saved, one must be regenerated which is the spiritual birth of a person. This spiritual rebirth is the new man for which Christ died for and made possible.

In order to live for the God of your salvation, one must give your body as a living sacrifice for Him. The best way to accomplish this is through discipline of your mind and your body. You can not give in to all the desires of the flesh and still live a holy life. Successful discipline takes the form of obedience to the Spirit of God who indwells the believer. This is known as being led by the Spirit.

If one does not allow the Spirit to lead your life, you end up as a double minded man and are no longer pleasing to the Lord. If you are a double minded man, then repent, so that the Spirit can revive and renew your relationship with God. Only then, will God satisfy those natural desires which are not in a contest with the Spirit.

Daily Prayer: Father, it is very hard to die to the flesh, but we must. Help us in this crucifixion.
Help us endure those things that seem good, but are not. When we walk through the valley, comfort us so that we do not give in. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why Jesus Condemned the Pharisees

In Jesus' day, the Pharisees were known as those Jews who most closely followed the Law of Moses. They made great strides to obey the Law and considered themselves to be holy. They made a special point of separating themselves from sinners.

Then Jesus comes onto the scene. Jesus came first to the Jews, but also turned to the gentiles. He was seen eating and drinking with sinners and gentiles. Jesus proclaimed that He is the Son of God and the Son of Man. He established that He came to seek out sinners so that they could be saved.

The Pharisees believed that their obedience to the Law was sufficient for salvation. Jesus stated that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, you by no means will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is by the sacrifice of Christ and by His grace that men can be saved and not obedience to the Law. The Law came to condemn men of their sins, not to make them righteous.

Whenever we think too highly of ourselves, total surrender to Christ is like a mountain. We must come as a sinner saved by grace and then Jesus will substitute His righteousness for yours and salvation will be found.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us realize the depth of our sins. Let us not hide from Jesus because of our guilt, but instead turn it over to him so that we may be saved. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

By His Stripes, We Are Healed

In the life of Jesus I can find life. Life is not only eternal life which it certainly is, but also abundant life or a fullness in my relationship with God. It means I need not hide like Adam and Eve in the garden, being ashamed of their nakedness. It means that God has received me and made this sinner well again. I'm sure you have had illnesses when your health took a turn for the worse. After suffering you begin to get better. You look with hope because day by day you feel a little better until one day you are well again. So it is in the spiritual life. The sinner realized the depth of his agony and turns to Jesus - the author and perfecter of our faith. Radically the sinner is cast from death into life and is called Son by the Most High. How good it feels not to be condemned. This is my life in Christ.

Father, thank you for sending the Son and making me Your Son as a result. Open the eyes of those who cannot see, but desperately need You. If You do not seek them, they won't be found.
Seek them Father I pray Amen.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It Is Not Self-Disgust, It Is Self Sorrow

The repentant man is not angry at himself for his deeds, he is sorry that they fell upon another.
Jesus bore the burden of our sins and this is why when we sin, we are convicted of our sin because it is a deed against God. Repentance is not a choice, rather a reaction because of the Spirit that dwells within you. Without repentance there will be no change in your life. It is turning away from the Old Man and putting on a new way of living. This is the transformation: feeling the pain of unholy living and recognizing that you are not good, but he who saves you is.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us put on a repentant heart and set aside those things that hurt You. Create the tears in our own eyes when we fail to live a holy life and let us set aside all foolishness and self centered ways so that we may walk humbly before You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Monday, December 6, 2010

How The Christian Becomes Complete

When God brought salvation through His Son Jesus Christ, He at the same time brought our sanctification. The work of Christ is finished. Our realization of the effects of Christ's work depend on faith. No longer should we be looking to God to act, instead we should be coming to Him by faith believing that all that He has is ours as well. In Christ we find salvation, sanctification, provision, peace, and fulfillment. In our flesh, we are separated from these good things. No longer must we wait, but instead step forward in faith to God who has always been faithful.

Father, forgive us for not trusting You with our whole heart. Let us recognize this lack in our own walk and gain confidence by letting go of our own control and submitting to You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Judge Ones-Self

It is because that I am saved that I can make judgment on myself. My body now is the only external evidence of the Spirit that dwells within me. As my body goes, this is what the world sees. If my body is a servant, the world sees my God as one who serves. If I give into the lusts of the flesh, I am regarded as immoral and worse than a heathen. It is for this reason that I must judge myself lest I be judged by the world.

Daily Prayer: Father, compel me to a complete understanding of the consequences of my actions. Let me not fail my commission because I myself am disqualified. Instead, let me put on the armor of God so that when evil comes, I will not be swayed. In Jesus name and for His sake Amen.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Spiritually Healthy Person

Health is not without a dedication of the will. All of the forces that are not of spiritual balance are able to destroy you. The will to have a healthy spiritual life is acquired through discernment. Here, the Christian makes choices. These choices express themselves as choosing Christ instead of the world. To the world, these choices are foolishness, but to the beliver, they are acts of obedience and sonship.

Daily Prayer: Father, give us both the will and the ability to discern. All good things come from Your hand, therefore equip each one of us for the spiritual warfare we are tested with each day. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Being Rooted In The True Gospel

Evangelism is dependant on the preacher speaking the Gospel of Jesus Christ alone with no personilizing of the message. Our salvaltion is based on the life, death, resurrection and ascension of the living Christ and His taking the punishment for the payment of our sins.
Sanctification is a work of God, just as salvation is. We now live our lives in Christ, because our life was preserved by the Living One.

Father, thank you for not only our savlation but our sanctification in Christ. Use me as You will, so that I may be Your instrument to spread the Good News of salvation. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Christian Notion Of Perfection Is A Living Relationship With God

What the world calls holy and what God calls holy are different. Holiness is not perfectness as the world sees it. It is a vatal union between the believer and Christ so that Christ can have His sway in the life of the believer. It is more a matter of perfection of the heart than perfection of the body. What matters most to Christ is the intentions of our hearts and our willingness to rest in Him for our strength.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for comforting me to be who I am. It is not necessary for me to worry about every little thing so long as my ambition is to be like You. In Your holy name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Moral Law Is Absolute, No Exceptions

God does not have one set of rules for the weak and another for the strong. No, God is who he is and never changes. He says "be therefore holy, because I the Lord your God am holy." He doesn't say give it your best, but to be like He is. Man can only attain fellowship with God through the Son. The Son is holy like His Father is holy and by way of the cross, He transfers His holiness to believers so that they too can be like Him and be where He is.

Daily Prayer: Father, let not our inability to be holy be a stumbling block. Instead, let it convict and convince us of our sin and to come to you not by good works, but through faith. Let Your Son be the way, the truth and the light. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When You Boast, Do So About Jesus Christ Crucified

It seems fashionable to be humble in front of others. This kind of humility is a reproach to God. When God saved me, His purposes were also to sanctify me and to strengthen me for service. This is all a God thing, but He does so because He does not want His work to be in vain. It is good then to boast, but boast in the power of the God you serve and not about your unregenerate skills.

Daily Prayer: Yes Father, I do thank you for equipping me for godly service. Apart from You, I can do nothing, but with You I can do all things because You strengthen me. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Jesus Is Not An Example: He Is A Savior

Many religions and even many Christians regard the life of Jesus Christ as an example for holy living. To those who see no more than that, they will forfiet the blood of the lamb, regeneration of the spirit, the Kingdom of God and forgiveness of sins. Jesus Christ is all about laying down His life for His friends and for His Father. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. He is the beginning and the end. He is the expression of God's will.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us not lose sight or be short sided when it comes to the Son. Jesus is God incarnate and no less. He came to take upon the sins of the world and put and end to death.
He is victorious and we must explain the gospel as the necessary shedding of blood to Christians and to the world. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It Is Better To Receive Than To Give

You probably think I made a mistake by saying it is better to receive than to give. This is not an error, rather it is the gospel of grace. That which was beyond you (forgiveness of your sins) suddenly came to within you (Holy Spirit) and allowed you to go above (to where Christ is).
Unless you come to Jesus as a sinner he cannot help you. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ His Son.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, I do accept your invitation of grace. I realize I am a sinner in need of a savior, so be my savior today. Amen.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our Spiritual Life: We Do Our Part (And God Does His Part)

Because of the cross, our lives are to be directed to the service of Jesus Christ. The WWJD is appropriate. What would Jesus do? This should be the guiding question that determines our daily life. This is called consecration which means dedicated to God. Now God has a part also.
His part is to separate you from sin and to provide a way for you to live a holy life. This is called sanctification. Many people work on sanctification like it is a work of man and it is not. This is God's work and your part is dedicated service to Him.

Daily Prayer: Father, help us to straighten out our priorities. Let us not try to do godly work, only the work that we have been separated from the world to do which is service to you. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What It Mean To Be Grounded In Christ Jesus

For the mature Christian, their message is simple: "Jesus Christ crucified." Apart from the Cross, the Christian's life is a fraud. Christians are sinners saved by grace on their best day. On their worse day, they are sinners saved by grace. The entire message is Christ crucified. The result: forgiveness of sins and dying to our sin nature. Then our soul dwells in heavenly places while our body members labor on earth grounded in Christ.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for enduring the cross for me. You know what is in a man, yet You laid down Your life for Your friends. Thank you. Amen.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Recognize The Difference Between Humility & Spiritual Laziness

If a person is not under the council of God, one may think in their heart, I don't want to show off by taking a stand for God. That would be too assertive. It is better to remain humble. No true servant of God has drawn back when it came to taking a stand for God. Elijah commanded the skys to withhold the rain. Daniel refused the food from the king's court. Jesus threw the trader's out of the temple. The real people of God are His front line soldiers. They don't make claims to themselves, but they do make claims for their awesome God. Christians are brave and do not cower back.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us stand beside You when facing your adversaries. Let us learn from you so that we may be equipped when our time of service draws near. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Following The Mind of Christ

It is your mental aptitude that control the decisions made for your mouth, hands, and feet. The most hurtful part of sin is that if we are not careful, we may become hardened to it. You may think that my sin is not as bad as another's sin. In God's world, both are reproachable. Be as condemning of your own sin as the sin of another. Never try to explain your sin to God by way of the circumstances that you are in. Remember, God made your circumstances what they are, so no need to explain them to their author. Finally, do not fight spiritual warfare in the flesh. There is not a thing the flesh can do that will affect the heart. If your heart is healthy, so will be your flesh.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us not disturb the leading of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us. Let us keep on track by making response to Him and not to our circumstances or to the world. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Monday, November 22, 2010

So Spiritually Minded & No Earthly Good

Jesus said in his high priestly prayer, " I do not desire to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the Evil One." Jesus wants us in the world. He doesn't want us up on a cloud or in the depts of hell. He wants us in and among those who he died for. He wants us to be salt and light, but we fail in that charge if we exalt ourselves over others. Our time is not on the mountain top, but in the valley where people walk, run, play and work. This is the life of the people of God - not separated from the people, but among them.

Daily Prayer: Lord, a servant is never greater than his master. Let us be like you who came not to be served, but to serve. Amen.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It Is Finished

These words by Christ on the Cross typify the conclusion of His mission. His mission is the redemption of man by making the ultimate sacrifice to the Father - By being the Passover Lamb to all those who believe. Jesus came out of necessity. It was not by mercy or pity, but by a decree of God that Jesus was sent to live, dwell, and die among us. Short of the Cross, men would be separated from God, but because of the Cross, Jesus has made reconcilation possible and righteousness in through Him.

Daily Prayer: Father, allow us to live our life under the cover of our Lord Jesus Christ. By Your Spirit, protect us from evil and the Evil One. Let us walk by faith in Him who died for me. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Miracle Of Forgiveness

Most people believe that God's forgiveness of our sins is the result of a combination of grace and mercy on God's part. While God certainly has those capacities, the problem arises when we speak of God's holiness. In holiness, there can be no defilement. This is God's nature. This is why we are born into the world separated from God. Here is the miracle: We are born separated from Him, but He makes a way for reconcilation to occur. How? By slaying His own Son at the Cross at Calvary. Only a perfect sacrifice can be sufficient for an all-powerful and all-holy God to reconcile to sinful man. The result is that sin only needs to be paid for once which is through the atonement of Christ on the Cross.

Father, You did for us that which we cannot do for ourself. You made way for us a reconcilation which will go into eternity. Keep our hearts and minds on this as we live our daily lives. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Friday, November 19, 2010

What Happens When God Forgives

God forgives my sin not because He has mercy on me, but because I have been identified with His Son. God forgives me because of Jesus and that's all. God's love is shown in the Cross. Without the Cross no amount of love would bring forgiveness. With the Cross I am forgiven because I am "in Christ" and forgiven based on the merit of Christ which is given to me a sinner.
This is why I can make no claim to righteousness apart from Jesus, because without him I am an unpardonable sinner.

Daily Prayer: Father, bring to my consciousness the level of payment that has been rendered for my sins. Keep me abiding in you so that I do not stray after such a great price has been paid for me and all who come to Christ for forgiveness. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Our Role In The Spiritual Life

I have a role to play in my spiritual life which is abiding with the Holy Spirit so that I do not obey the passions and lusts of the natural life. I myself, must beat myself into submission and obedience. I must discipline myself so that I do not require divine discipline. I must agree with God in His choices and values, but I must conform myself into acting on them. This is not for the purpose of salvation, but to have the freedom and life earned by Christ on the Cross.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let me not take my salvation for granted. Instead, let me with all my might to fight the good fight for the freedom earned me on the Cross. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When You Say Amen To God

God and His Son Jesus Christ reveal themselves to me through my mind. The extent to which I understand it measured by my obedience. When I say Amen, I am saying "so be it." In other words, I am agreeing with God about what He has revealed in me. It doesn't take a great work of faith because God rewards even small actions of obedience. When we come to obedience, then we have come into relationship with our Savior.

Daily Prayer: Father, convince and convict me of Your ways to me. Let my belief be an action word that works itself out in my life to where I say Amen, so be it. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hidden In Christ

To be hidden in Christ means that in your everyday life you exhibit the values of Jesus. Most of these details would invlove asking the question: What would Jesus do? Where would Jesus go? To whom would Jesus speak? It is our imitation of these things, most of which go un-noticed in the secular world that sets us apart in the eyes of Jesus as those who are His and working for Him. We do not do this for our own recognition or self-worth, but in loyality to Jesus Christ our Savior.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to be mindful of all of Your needs for us to be You in the world to others. Let us be others minded and mindful to You in the living of our daily life. Amen.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Where Is God? - Anywhere & Everywhere

Many people when asked about the presence of God say they are looking for a sign. There is no sign because God is everywhere. God exists in the darkest of places and the most brilliant places. He is on the ground, in the heavens and above the heavens. He is beneath the earth but most importantly He is in you. All that you will ever be or do is witnessed by Him. He is the one to chasten you and to exalt you. So in all things seek God, because you will find Him.

Daily Prayer: Father, you truely know each of us before we were born. You gave us our name. Let is not seek the supernatural, but the natural because You are there for everyone who recognizes You and seeks You. Amen.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Fear of Christ is the Beginning of Wisdom

Try to recall a time in your life when you were utterly ashamed. Now, recall a time when you were really afraid. Recall a time when you were guilty. Recall yet another time when you were all alone. Take all of these together and multiply them times the number of days in your life and that's what Jesus has removed from you past plus a whole lot more. What a relief it is to be released from the guilt, the shame, the fear, and the utter aloneness. Your release from bondage is only possible because of the Cross. If Jesus does not save you, who is going to? Should you not fear the only man ever born that can save you from everlasting judgment? Yes, you should fear and revere Him because He cares for you in a way you can never repay.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let us wake each and every day to thanksgiving for our release from bondage and judgment. But it is more than that. Aside from our rescue, you put us in a high place and with opportunity and life. Let the words of my mouth and the actions of me each day express my gratitude. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Knowing God Better

One may ask how to know God in a better way? The answer is found in my obedience to Him. We have already discovered that God is in control of our circumstances, whatever they are. And we know that all things come together for good to those who love Him and work according to His purposes. But there are many well-minded individuals who will obey but start of by saying "wait." True obedience doesn't wait, it employs. When we delay, we are leaning to our own understanding which is in sharp contrast to wisdom. To know God better, we must depend on Him and not on ourself.

Daily Prayer: Father, you do work all things together for good, so allow this to penetrate our soul so that our body obeys without hesitation. Amen.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Purpose Driven Life

The Purpose Driven Life is a curse for the believer. We hear people say that God has a plan for you. Well He certainly does, but if you have a plan for you then God's plan for you will never unfold. For us to have a purpose to God, we must give up all of our rights to ourself and be fully open for His use. It may not agree with what you have in mind, but God expects us to trust Him with the stewardship of our life in Hime.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, use me as You ought to. Reassure me that when I cooperate with You that it is indeed from You so that I may fully surrender to You. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We Are To Be The Bridegroom's Friend

At a wedding, the focus is on the bride and the groom. What kind of man would try to steal the attention of the bride groom for himself? This one is not a friend to him. So it is with the preaching of the gospel. We are to be the messenger and not the message. We are to convey our Lord's life, death and resurrection and draw others to Him alone. These days you hear of charismatic speakers from the pulpit. What does that mean? Who are they trying to proclaim?
Its the message, not the messenger and be a friend to the bridegroom. Amen.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, the Father has turned all things over into Your hands. Let is be Your messengers in this fallen world. Let us not make the grave error of thinking more of ourselves than we ought to. Teach us Lord to walk humbly before you. Amen.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Why Your Body Is The Temple Of The Holy Spirit

Jesus said "My house shall be a house of prayer." In this New Covenant Age, no longer is the house of the Lord a temple made of bricks or clay. Instead the house of prayer is the inner-man who was grown when you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Now, the Holy Spirit indwells you and makes intercession for you to the Father. In our conscious life, we come to the Lord with our petititions, but sometimes we don't pray as we ought to. This is why we need a Helper so that our requests may be known to the Most High and expressed in a way to come to the aid of the believer.

Daily Prayer: Father, it is true that we often times don't pray as we ought to. However, keep your saints praying and petitioning You and Your Son so that we can thwart the schemes of the devil and to be empowered for our daily living. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Your Circumstances Are Ordained By God

If you have been called for salvation you need not worry about your life circumstances. All that you are and all of the people around you and the places you go are from the Most High. Our purposes in salvation for God are to draw other people to the Son for salvation. We do this through intercession. Intercession, though, is a two part work. Their is the godly side which God alone through His Spirit can do and their is a human side also. We are to be sensitive to those around us so that we work all things together for good to draw some to God. This is our calling and our life work.

Daily Prayer: Father, let all things work together for good, because we love You and because we are called according to Your purposes. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Taking The Long Road Home

There are no short-cuts to the Christian walk. We were transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit when we were saved so that we might be equipped to be partakers in Christ's suffering.
When you were in the world, you were a product of the world. When you were created in heavenly places, you are a product of heaven. This is so that we can be salt and light in the world and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to a wanting world.

Daily Prayer: Father, we thank you for your wisdom in supervising our lives. We ask that we remain steadfast in what you first started and not abondon our call. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Life Begins When You Move Toward Christ In Faith

Life for the believer is one driven by faith. Our Savior is seated at the right hand of God and we envision a day when we will see Him face to face. But today we respond to His revelation not on what we can see or measure, but on faith. In order to proceed with the Christian life we must be both convinced and convicted by the the Holy Spirit of God. It is He who imparts new life into the soul and the being of us and from there we walk by faith until the Day of our Redemption.

Daily Prayer: Father, thank you for using faith to draw us. You were very wise not to use the physical body, but instead the immaterial soul for our redemption. Keep us in the faith and foster its growth. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Extreme Difficulty of True Surrender

Surrender is not an ordinary event. To surrender your will takes you outside of your instinct for survival. It is trusting in Christ to the point of dying with and for Him. You can have no say in your affairs and you have not control over your own life or being. It is fully committing suicide for Christ with the confidence of life in Him. Many want and desire to come, but few are able to live for Him alone.

Daily Prayer: Father, we know with our minds that surrender is the true act of devotion. We still struggle in our members Father, praising our Lord Jesus Christ whom we have yet to see face to face, but know very well that He is. Mind over matter is what I desire Father. Let my mind control my members so that I obey for all the right reasons. In Jesus name & for His sake I pray Amen.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Two Good Reasons For Obedience

We know that we ought to obey the desires and the imperatives of our Lord. There are two real good reasons for obedience. First, it is our only way to show our love for Jesus. It is doing what Jesus himself does not force us to do that shows we put Him first in our lives. The second real good reason for obedience is that it leads others to glory. When our life is over and we see Jesus face to face, we will learn that it was through obedience that thousands of people in our life were led to trust in Jesus as their Savior. One can only imagine what disobedience does in our life. Obedience is not grounds for our salvation, but it is our evidence of it.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, command us not to do Your will, but do motivate us and enlighten us to the truth of what obedience is in Your Kingdom. Turn our hearts to day and let them never turn back. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

When God Withdraws His Blessing...

When God withdraws blessing, then what? Does that mean His love has vanished? Is He punishing or disciplining me? Am I to draw near to Him? When God withdraws His blessing, He is testing our faith. Faith is not faith without testing. Faith says I trust in Him and Him alone. Faith is not contingent on reward or blessing. Faith takes on the mind of God and is able to see things from His point of view. Faith is not circumstantial or emotional. What faith is becomes our single minded conviction in the object of our faith in Christ. Apart from Jesus, I can do nothing. While to the world they may see my circumstances as bad, God intends for my good.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let me accept whatever is in Your hand. Let me understand the nature of the natural man and realize the strength in the Almighty. Let me walk humbly before you and not complain, but in all circumstances find reason for thanksgiving. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Faith Is Made Perfect In Jesus Christ

The foundation of the Christian Church is based on faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the object of my faith and for my faith to have truth, it must be made real in Him. Faith works in contrast to common sense. Faith is spiritual where commonsense is the possession of the natural man. In order for faith to become active in my life, I must trust in it entirely without holding back. It must be more real to me than the person to whom I speak with. In faith I find life. Apart from faith there is utter darkness. Some say that I must have a reason for my faith. I say that one who requires reason has contradicted the very nature of faith because it puts God to the test.
Unless I have the faith as a child, I by no way can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are who You say You are which is the Son of God and the Son of Man. Apart from You, I can do nothing. In Your providence and in Your power, reach out to those who hear todays message and grow that large faith in them that is started with faith of a musterd seed. Forgive me my sins and uphold me in Your Spirit. I pray in Your Holy Name Amen.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Jesus Christ Identified With Us So That We Can Identify With Him

It seems that theologians speak of the "identification process." Let us put that in ordinary terms. When we speak of Jesus identifying with us, it means that He became like us and as such could take our sins upon Himself. Jesus Himself did not sin but substituted Himself for us to take on the penalty for our sin which is death. Since Jesus arose from the dead putting an end to death so too are we now able to put an end to death so long as we "identify with Jesus." That is receive and accept His worthiness and our unworthiness. In other words, we must confess our sins and acknowledge Jesus' freedom from sin. When we do this, we are said to be "in Christ" meaning we take on His righteousness and He takes on our sin nature for the purposes of dying to death and living to rightesousnes" Then we are acceptable and justified with the Father and inherit eternal life.

Daily Prayer: Father, we are very prone to our own ways. This perhaps is the greatest sin of all. Let us not lean unto our own understanding, but instead receive that which has been given to us which is a new nature "in Christ." Let us now see things from Your point of view so that we can be more like our Savior who obeyed You, even to the death on the Cross. In Jesus name and for His sake we pray Amen.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It Is Finished!

These are Jesus' final words from the cross: "It is finished." What is finished? The salvation of all who accept Jesus as their Savior. Not only that, in the eyes of the Father we are sanctified "in Christ" which means that the righteousness of Christ is transferred to us. It will take awhile for it to get to our feet, but on the day we were saved we were also justified. This means we can be friends with God. No more separation as in the days of old. Instead, from that day we begin a new relationship with God that was never possible before. It is no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me.

Daily Prayer: Father, allow the depth of the Cross to be understood by all of those who believe in the Son. Let it wipe away every tear and every fear of the sin that has come into the world. Let not our hearts be troubled and neither let them be afraid. Instead, let us busy our time trying to reach and tell those who don't know. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The Great Commission people refer to in the context of evangelism. "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations," Jesus said. To make a disciple one must be a disciple. Jesus' command was not to make converts to Christianity. It is to make disciples. The second part of the Great Commission is to "be his witnesses." This means you must have a testamony to share. It is this testimony that opens the door to interest in Jesus Christ, but the converting and transforming work is work of the Holy Spirit. We could accomplish much more by way of discipleship and witnessing if we ourselves could know Jesus better.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, our prayer is that we come to know you better. It is our desire to learn to know your word and your ways. Soften our hearts to be less concerned with our self and more concerned about you. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It Is Not The Needs Of The People, But The Call Of Jesus

If one feels the pull toward ministry, that one should not first evaluate the needs of the people, but the desire of Jesus. No matter how difficult and acute the needs of people are, unless Jesus is behind you, your ministry will falter. Jesus says go and make disciples of all nations and I am with you, even until the end of the age. Jesus did not say go and feed the people. He did not say go and educate the people. He said go and make disciples of them. As a product of Jesus' salvation, we above all should know that Jesus will meet the material needs of people. He wants for us to be salt and light to others so that others can be drawn to Him.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, all too often we even make ministry something of the flesh and it was never meant to be. Instead of our focus on the world, let us focus on You who is the author and perfector of our faith. Let us be steadfast in faith and have our faith grow and now dwindle. Then, let us see Your marvelous work come into fruition. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Stray Not From The Hand Of God

We must always remember that God chose us and we did not choose Him. Unless a man or a woman is drawn by God, they will not know Him. Once He has revealed Himself to you through the Son, then give Him His way in your life. He will always do with you much more than you can do apart from Him and He will be satisfied. Jesus says: "Apart from Me, you can do nothing." So let us believe that He is the Good Shepherd and those who He has been given, He loses none.

Daily Prayer: Father, thank you for chosing and revealing Yourself to me. Keep me on the alert, because Satan is like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But greater is He who is in me, than He who is in the world. Let my strategy be this: The battle is the Lord's. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Triumph Is Christ's Victory & We Are In Christ

What makes us part of Christ's victory is not our contribution to it. Our part is that we were the purpose for His victory. Without our needy souls, the cross was not necessary. Jesus was sent by the Holy One of Heaven to be made sin for us and to be punished for it. This is called substitutionary attonement. By overcoming death, He put an end to death and by not sinning He opened the door for us to live apart from sin. No longer do we have a desire to sin, but instead desire newness of life in Christ Jesus. Our part is being received by Christ as His own and being preserved for that day when His Kingdom comes.

Daily Prayer: Create in me a clean heart O Jesus. Renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Your presence. Lead my by the Holy Spirit. Restore to me the joy of your triumph and grant me freedom from sin and death. Amen.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Seek God And Your Old Life Will Dissappear

Have you ever considered praying to God to know Him alone? We often pray for God's blessing, but isn't it better to pray for God? One would think so. Jesus said "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you." What he was saying is that blessings are secondary at best. It is far better to have the life God can give me than have Him boost up the one that I have. When you were born again, you were made a new creation. People should be able to discern a before and after in your life. Together let us seek God and see what He holds in store for us.

Daily Prayer: Father, just as you spoke to the people of old, speak to us today. Change our hearts and turn us toward repentance. Not so much for our sins, but for our lack of understanding. Lift up the church by the power of Your might and show us through You all things are possible. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Witness Of The Spirit

When we come to God seeking the witness of the Spirit, if we come to Him by reason He will not give you response. God only witnesses to the Spirit and the Spirit only witnesses to His own kind. We must come in the spirit which involves surrender to be answered in the spirit. If we abondon our rights to ourselves, surrender, and obey, God will immediatly give us the witness of redemption from His Spirit to ours.

Daily Prayer: Father, for too long we have been coming to You in the flesh and wondering what is wrong. Let us be awakened to the truth that when we abondon ourselves to you, we are on top of the world. Abondonment is the recognition that we are better off with You in control than ourself. So let us come to You by faith and be led by the Spirit. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Impulsiveness Is A Drawback To A Disciple

The disciple of Jesus Christ must follow in His footsteps. Jesus' demeanor was a calm and steady confidence in the Father. He thought not to His own understanding, but lived in dependance on the Father and of the Holy Spirit. In the same way, the disciple should be less worried about walking on water than he is about walking on dry ground. It is on dry ground through the valleys that the Savior will send you to be salt and light in the world. He make take you to the mountain top, but you will spend your time in the ordinary places of life, seeking to live a holy life in Christ in a fallen world.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let us walk according to your ways. You know our frailities, so by Your Spirit, lead us into all truth and strengthen our faith to live a steadfast life. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Inexpressible Thanks - Deep Humility - This Is Sanctification

If you have been saved, you have also been sanctified. Most Christians recognize the sin that dwells within them even though they are saved. They feel the need to be purified in thought and in deed. But Jesus accomplished all of this on the Cross. The Christian life should be driven by thankfulness, service and prayer. It should manifest itself in profound humility. The saint needs also to take some responsibilty for their attitude. Even though the authhority is Christ's and the One who imparts new life is the Holy Spirit, the saint should cooperate with this transformation by yielding to Christ and committing themselves to devotion. All that Christ promised you He has already given. It is now up to you to sieze it by not either grieving nor quencing the work of the Spirit.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, You love us even though we are quite unlovable. Let us live out the new life You have given us on the Cross. Let not the saint win the prize and forget to claim it. Instead, let us put on the new man and walk in newness of life. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Compartmententaized Christian

Many Christians today live like "religion" is part of their life, but not all of their life. Those who observe Christianity ask what good is it for society? To the Christian who is true to Christ, their life is one of a personal relationship with their Savior. This also manifests itself in their activities, their speech, and their other relationships because it is who they are. The true Christian has built the inner man so that the fruits of the Spirit are evident in their life and to their God.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let us not worry about those who try to evaluate our spiritual life, because it is foolishness to many of them. Instead, let me focus on You and You focus on me and the world will take care of itself. Amen

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Ordinary, But Not So Ordinary Person

Jesus uses common folk to do His work on earth. What makes these people extraordinary is their full devotion to Him. When I say full devotion, I mean that our inner-man or soul is connected to Christ alone. But our outer man is fully in touch with the world and can do Christ's work in the world because of the out-pouring of love from the Holy Spirit into our very soul. This is the way we can be in the world, but not of it.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, bring my full sanctification to mind. Often times I confuse my human error with the need to be sanctified when in fact I am sanctified by Your work on the cross and the Holy Spirit who dwells in me. Bring this to my mind and by doing so I can work boldly for You name and for Your sake. Amen.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Battle, The Agony, And The Miracle

As one who has been chosen by God for redemption and forgiveness, our duty now is to abide in prayer. The battle is that it is difficult to pray. Satan discourages our efforts to reach into the heavenlies and our flesh is opposed to surrender to the Almighty. The agony, surpisingly is not our agony that matters most. The agony of Christ's passion is what flew open the doors to the Most High. The miracle is the prayer that we render to Him. It is God who has said whatever you ask in My Name, that I will do. This is the miracle, which is access to the power of God and to be used by Him who are called according to His purposes.

Daily Prayer: Father, thank you once again for sending Your Son so that by His efforts, we can approach you as sons and daughters. Let me not grow faint in my requests. Instead, let me boldly state my case in faith that You will hear me and empower me this side of Heaven. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Labor For The Harvest

The harvest of people who need to know their Savior belongs to God and the Son. It is not hard work that will be sufficient, not common sense, or even wisdom. The key to bringing in the harvest is in the Hand of God and the key to open that hand is prayer. Pray for the laborers to be sent out to bring in the harvest. Whenever you pray into the Will of God, you open up the Power of God. So let us not work with futility, but in companionship with our LORD through prayer.

Father, we defeat ourselves when we try to serve you in the flesh. Let us draw near to you with a sincere heart in spirit and in truth. Guide and teach us to be Your disciples. In Christ's name and for His sake I pray Amen.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Lamb Of God Who Takes Away The Sins Of The World

The Good News should be on our lips daily. The Good News is that we will not suffer for our sins if we are in Christ, because Jesus took the sins of the world onto Himself and suffered their consequences which is abondonment by God and death. So how does this result in Good News? Jesus rose from the dead, and died to both sin and death so that our sins may be forgiven and we can take on a new nature which is from Christ. The Father forgave once and for all, those who belong to the Son, because the Son was obedient to the Father, even death on the Cross. Now, our new life is by identification with Jesus so that we too may die to sin and take on newness of life.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for my forgiveness and the opportunity to serve You in faith and in truth. Let me never lose focus of the gospel and let it be shown by my conduct that I belong to You. In Your Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jesus Says 'Go Therefore & Make Disciples'

Jesus is the head of all of Creation. When He uses the imperative to "go" He is saying to "live."
He is not sending us as missionaries as much as He is saying to "be my witness." To be His witness we must first know Him. To know Him is to abide in Him and His Word. This is how we can be His witness. We must not care so much whether it is here or there. As Jesus says "The Kingdom of Heaven is not something that you observe. One cannot say here it is or there it is.
Instead the Kingdom of Heaven is in you." By having the kingdom at hand, we can count on the Sovereign of the Universe to be our guide where ever He places us.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, allow me to submit to your will. Not my will be done but thy will be done. In Your Name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All Good Things Are In God's Time

When I graduated from seminary, it was my desire to serve the Lord. But all good things occur according to God's timing. It is like Moses who grew up in a royal family. He understood his people were oppressed so he killed an Egyptian who was beating a fellow Hebrew. The problem was that took care of one Egyptian, but with a few million more to go! So God sends him into the wilderness for 40 years to be trained to watch with God and not to move before He says so. Do you have similar experiences? A time when you wanted to please God just to have him send you into the wilderness? The problem is that God wants us to be dependant on Him for all things - even in our ability to serve him. Individuality is a reproach, so He must teach us to walk with Him before we can be trusted by Him.

Daily Prayer: Father, teach us to be able to make strides with You. Let us not lean to our own understanding, but develop wisdom by patience and listening to Your Word. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Keeping Step With The Almighty

In Christianity we use the metaphore of walking with God. Keeping stride with God is learning to see things His way. A good way is to accept the invitation of Jesus who says to take My yoke upon yourself, because His way is easy and His burden light. The reason He can say that is because He does all of the work. We are only keeping His company. So it is when you walk with God. He does all the work, and you do all of the listening and learning. We are to imitate Him and by doing so, we will come to a place where He can trust us to make goldy decisions because we have learned from Him.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, allow me to take steps toward you, even though I may be walking on water. Let me not look down to witness what I am doing is impossible. Instead, let me cast my gaze on you who are preparing my way where all things are possible. In Your holy name I pray Amen.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The First Language of the Almighty - Silence

When a person becomes intimate with God and His Son, it is discovered that their first language is silence. Silence is not a failure to respond to you in prayer - it is the answer to your prayer. When your faith is new, one needs an immediate response to prayer. As you grow in your faith, you can be like Job who says "Do we only expect good things from God?" Silence is the way of becoming intimate with God. He is so pleased at your patience in Him that He brings you into a deeper understanding of Him and His purposes.

Daily Prayer: Father, plant in me and grow in me faith that endures. Let me be comforted in Your silence knowing that You are in control and you care for me. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

It Is Not For The Wise Or The Learned, But For The Obedient

God will share His hidden secrets with those who trust in Him and obey Him for what He has already revealed. One cannot know truth through philosophy, education, or from others. The only truth to be shared and revealed comes from On High and only those who trust and obey.
Revelation is from the heart and not the mind. Where your heart is, there your mind shall be also. For those who obey God, they can share the mind of God and there is no other way.

Daily Prayer: Father, we say we trust in you, but often times we stray. Let our feet follow our heart and our mind be the mind of God. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Our Holiness Must Be Based On Christ's Atonement

The biggest question you will ever face is not what have I done? The biggest question in our life is what do I believe? Christ is our all in all. He not only offers us a new nature, but holiness must have its foundation in Christ. A personal holiness, like that of the Pharasees, is of no value to God and a nuisance to man. Christ built holiness has Christ at the center of our life and all the rest of our life an out pouring of that. It is a natural obedience, not one with great toil and sacrifice. This kind of obedience is based on choice and the choice being to be a follower of Jesus.
This way, many will be drawn to Christ and to the Father for their glory and honor.

Daily Prayer: Father, let me simply let go and let God. Life was not designed to be complicated. It was designed for us to be the flock of the Good Shepherd. That's it. So let us not bring more into the formula than that. Let us simply follow and believe. Amen.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Jesus Says, "Come Unto Me."

It was pride that condenmed Lucifer. It is pride that prevents the saint from coming to Jesus with all of his life. We say unto Jesus "if you will do this or do that, then I can come." But Jesus says "Whoever sets his hand to the plow and looks back is not worthy of Me." Spiritual strongholds are the barrier standing between us and our Savior. Jesus wants for us to come to Him, even with these humiliating problems. You see, everything that we see on the outside has a direct cause from something in the spiritual realm. Once we get our spirit right, the body will take care of itself.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us not go through the School of Hard Knocks. Instead let us turn to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to handle our every affair. Let us set petty self pride aside and turn to to the One who can help us in the time of our dispair. The One being the Son of God and the Son of Man. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jesus Took Upon Himself Not Our sins But Our Sin Nature

Jesus' redemption on the cross is possible because He didn't fall short of the goal which is the righteousness of God. The true victory on the cross is not that Jesus forgave us of all of our trespasses, but instead took upon Himself our sin nature so that we may live righteously in Him.
If you think about it, this is the way Adam began. When Adam was created, he was without a sin nature. It was through choices he made that led him to sin against God. In our time, we are born with a sin nature, but are offered a righteous nature in Chirst so that unlike the penalty of death, we are offered eternal life.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your sacrifice on the cross is greater than what we realize. It is not a matter of wiping our slate clean, but it is a matter of making a new man and a new creation under You and Your person. It means life without ending for those who take the way of life offered to them. Let us spread the Good News in Your Holy Name Amen.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Deliverance From The Sin Nature Into Holiness In Christ

The Bible teaches us that we are born into sin and cannot free ourselves. While this is true, whenever a person comes to the realization of the depraved state, that one can turn to Jesus and receive a new nature. The only requirement of the believer is to agree with Christ about sin. When this happens, this one is justified which means he has obtained right standing before God and the Holy Spirit energizes our spirit until Christ's nature is formed into the individual (Gal. 4:19). Now, when Christ calls for holy living it is not because God requires saints to be holy, but He has given me the means to pull it off.

Daily Prayer: Lord, thank you for coming into my world not only to forgive my sins, but also to transform me. Let me do my part in cooperating with You and the Spirit of God to live out my life "in Christ" so that it may please the Father and be a testimony to those around me. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Wages Of Sin Is Death, But The Gift Of God Is Eternal Life Through Jesus Christ Our Lord

Surprisingly, no man or woman is condenmed because they sin. We learn that sin is the nature of humanity when they are born. But Jesus teaches us that unless a person is born again, they shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus says He knows of our sins and what is in humanity. It is because He redeems mankind from their sins that we have the gift of eternal life with Him. There is only one way that the Second Death (Ethernal Separation From God) occurs.
That is by refusing the redemption of Jesus Christ and chosing to be your own savior to be judged by your works. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So All who choose to be judged on their life and not Christ's will surey be condemned and separated from God.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us not be foolish in our choices and let us not think more highly of ourself than we ought to. Instead, give us eyes that see, ears that hear and a heart that understands. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Monday, October 4, 2010

It Is Up To Me Whether The Call Is Reality

God calls me and gives me vision. That is what God does. I have seen the light and now must decide if it is for me. God will make the call, but it is my duty to step up and say like Isaiah, "send me." Often times where God wants to send us is not a glamorous place or thing to do.
I must remember that so much more was expected of Christ than any other man that ever lived that the things He asks of me will always be small in comparison.

Daily Prayer: Father, keep the fire lit inside my heart. Let me not grow faint at difficulties that may arise. Instead let me give you my upmost for Your highest. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Battle Is The Lord's

When you walk through the Valley of Humiliation, remember that the spiritual battle you face is the Lord's. Not by your own strength or resources can you win. Only by allowing God who is stronger than all of the dark forces against you can you become free indeed. Our access to the heavenlies is by prayer. The Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing. It also says that we should take every thought captive to the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ as your Friend and Savior, then you have Christ formed in you. The reason is so that when trouble calls, your Lord will respond and rescue you in time of dispair.

Daily Prayer: Lord, we continue to try to face the forces of evil on our own and we cannot. Instead, show me how to access the power that resides in heavenly places and to activate the power of God by haveing Christ formed in me. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

If You Can Help Us, Please Do Something For Us

In our world of trials and tribulation, in our hearts we may ask "If you can do something for us, please help us." This is certainly a misguided question. Jesus can do anything He wills. The better question would be "If You are willing, please help us." Here we acknowledge the power and sovereignty of Jesus over His creation. Here it is at the Master's disposal whether or not He will come to our aid. It is far better to plead for His mercy than ask if He is able.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are able to do all that you will to do. Place the confidence in our hearts that You are supreme over creation and the King over the universe. At the same time let us remember you are our brother and friend. This way we can freely come to you in the spirit of grace seeking someone who can help us in our time of need. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Power To Descend

For Peter, James, and John, the high point in their lives was the ascent to the mountain top to see Jesus transfigured and speaking with Moses and Elijah. This was a very special moment for the disciples. It is disappointing to learn that our mountain top experiences are rare and that
it is time to descend from the mountain. What was the purpose in all of this? Was this to be a tool for teaching? No. It is meant to change the character of the disciples and for I and you we have different mountain top events that happen for the same reason. It is God's way of making us and molding us. Our purpose, however, is not a mountain top one. It is to go day after day in the valley with common folk like us. It is to do the Jesus work of binding, healing, reproving, and teaching. This is our call and our labor and how we spend our time. It is our hope that those we serve will be elevated to have their own mountain top experience so that they can join us in our labors.

Daily Prayer: Father, mold us into the person You would have us to be. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Let my yes be yes and my no be no. Let me be Your hands, feet, and eyes until I return to you again. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

To Be Crushed By Man For Christ's Sake

It should come as no surprise that if we are to suffer pain for His Name, the pain will come at the hands of men. Christ Himself does not crush us for his sake. Instead, we are squeezed like grapes by evil men and poured out as a drink offering for the benefit of the body of Christ which is the church. Christ does not unduly sacrifice us. It is for the sake of the greater good that we are offered up and counted as worthy to suffer shame for His Name.

Daily Prayer: Lord, teach us to discern your will from the calling of the world. Let us not be bitter for pain and suffering that we may go through knowing that you are in control and will surely reward those we lay down their lives for you. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Receiving The Call Of God

Receiving a call from God has nothing to do with salvation or sanctification. It means God wants you to share the gospel. The call can come as sudden as a clap of hands or gradual over time. When you are aware of this calling, then woe to you if you do not obey. It has little to do with your circumstances because if God is seeking you, He will make all things come together for you so that you can work according to His will. It is a matter of Your Will not my will be done. God desires to work through You for His purposes and for His glory.

Daily Prayer: Father, thank you for the call You have given me. It is not the call I expected, but what from on high is ever what one expects? Now, let all things come together for good according to Your Will and Purposes. In Your Name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It Is Because of Jesus' Great Love That He Calls For Surrender

The way to have intimacy with Jesus is to surrender your will to His permanently. The reason Jesus requires this of us is because of His great love for us. Love with the world is emnity with God. If you have no attachments to the world or even to your own self, then the devil has little room for entrance into your life. Jesus says to Satan the tempter, man does not live by bread alone, but on every Word that proceeds from God.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, even though saving transformation has already occured in me, continue to transform all parts of my life until they are surrendered to You. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Lord Knows What Is In Man

Some of us in good consciousness say to the Lord that I will follow You only to receive a rebuke from the Lord. This is because the Lord knows what is in man. This is why all of Christian service is "in Christ." Only by being under His protective cover can we pull off good works for him. Our natural tendency is self-service even if our intentions are good. This is also why when we go to the Father, it is in Christ's name. Only Christ perfectly submitted to the will of the Father and only in Christ are we able to do so as well.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, we are aware of our frailities and short comings. Fill us with the Spirit so that we can know you and serve you. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

In Our Journey, Our Beginning & The End Are The Same

The Christian walk begins with Jesus and ends with Him. Our mission is to know Him and to be like Him. When you find us patterning ourselves this way, we can always say that I came to do my Savior's work. The result is to glorify Him in all that we do and not to waiver to the cares of this world.

Daily Prayer: Lord, it is our desire to be like You in our life. By Your Spirit, continue to transform me so that my mind and my body and my will are pleasing to you. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Big Difference Between Master & Being Mastered

Jesus Christ is my Master, but I am not mastered by Him. This is to say, Master refers to His special standing of knowing me in every detail, even better than I know myself. It implies His ability to meet my every need and to give me understanding. What it doesn't say is that Jesus by no means imposes His will on me or forces obedience. This is because that kind of obedience lacks relationship. So when I say Jesus is my Master, it is because He is. It is my decision to choose obedience to Him.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, teach me those things about myself that I need to know. Show me what true love looks like. Let not my heart be hardened, instead let it be filled with trust. This way, I will follow You because You are the Good Shepherd. Amen.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

God's Purpose For You: To Be His Servant

God created us for Himself and His delight. Although the Evil One tried to throw us off course by introducing sin, God Himself has made no changes in His purposes for us. This is why God has us be born again. We are not reborn in the flesh, but in the spirit so that we can pull-off the Christian life in Christ and fulfill our created order in becoming a delight to the Most High. Even though we may feel unworthy, we must remember that it is not in the flesh that we serve, but in the spirit and the spirit is that of Christ our Redeemer.

Daily Prayer: Lord, help us to walk in the Spirit so that we do not fulfill the desires of the flesh.
Let us lead a worthy life and one with Your purpose in mind. Give us the reassurance that we are worthy and the courage to reject Satan in Christ. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Be Perfect As Your Father Who Is In Heaven Is Perfect"

This is the high calling of the Christian life. We are not called to be a good person, instead we are called to exhibit the godly qualities that come from our identification with Jesus Christ. Jesus said " a new commandment I give you. You should love one another." This horizontal love is only possible if you have the vertical love of the Father. This is why Christians are transformed.
Without transformation the love of God and of man is impossible.

Daily Prayer: Father, allow me to exhibit the new life You have given to me to those around me. Let me set aside foolish ways and live out the salvation I have in Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

From That Day, Many Of His Disciples Turned Back & Walked With Him No More

How can someone who has walked with Jesus turn back? One of the main reasons is fear. Recall it was fear that caused Peter to deny Jesus. Other times it is because we don't understand Him. It is our call to trust Him. He even does things that may embarace us. When Jesus said eat my flesh and drink my blood. Many said how can we listen to this any more. Or when Jesus was hung on a tree like a criminal. Though the disciples scattered, His advarsaries said physician, heal yourself. It is no wonder that Jesus uttered Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. Now we have the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. If we do not thwart Him, He can guide us into all truth and comfort us in times of trouble. Our duty is not to be noble, only to trust and believe.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, we are often times far away from You. Forgive us. Lead us like a Shepherd leads His sheep. Hold not our transgressons against us and lift us up to a place of understanding. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Satan's Motivation In The Temptation Of Believers

In may come as a surprise to you that when Satan tempts the believer, his motivation is not to make us commit a sin. Satan realizes that the regenerated saint has Christ formed in him. It is by this re-wiring that the believer is different from the natural man. The natural man is not drawn to sin because sin is his nature. But for the Christian, sin is not their nature and Satan desires to make us useless to God and to disrupt our new nature. Satan tried to tempt Jesus, but Jesus nature was such that He is both man and divine. This divine nature is what Jesus gives us when we trust in Him and this is what Satan desires to disrupt.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us live by the power of the Spirit that indwells me. Greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world. Let me walk by faith in Jesus and the Spirit so that I do not fulfill the desires of the flesh. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Temptation - What It Is - What Is Your Part? - What is God's Part?

Temptation is common to the human race. Temptation itself is not sin, but what it does is reveal our true inner nature and it potentials. Christ Himself was tempted, but did not yield to it because His inner-man would yield only to God. Our part in temptation is to rise above it. We do this by building our allegiance to Christ who is number one in our life. God's part is to sustain us through it. He intervenes in the life of the believer, especially when the believer requests so by prayer. The result is a stronger saint who can weather the storm by knowing who he is in Christ.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, we do not like temptation, but in this world there will be tribulation.
Equip us so that when trouble comes, Christ who is formed in us will rise up and go to another level apart from it. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Praying To The Father In Secret

There is nothing more unattractive to the Father than one who prays publicly to be heard by man. This makes man the god to whom we pray. Instead, God wants relationship with you. This is because if Christ is formed in you and if Christ's word abides in you, then you can know the Father and you can be His son or daughter. A father delights with the conversation with their child. Without this conversation, we cannot know God and knowing God is the primary purpose of prayer. It doesn't matter whether you are unloading your troubles, asking His guidance or simply need a favor. Whatever it is, by the cross of Christ, you are invited to have an audience with the King of the universe. There is nothing He cannot do for His sons and daughters when they ask.

Daily Prayer: Father, let us not concern ourself with how or when to pray. Instead just let us pray. It is so foolish to have the answers to all of life's problems at hand and forget to ask. It is a matter of our molding our will with Your's so that we come to You for everything, just as Jesus did before us. I will no longer fear to come to you by faith. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Renounce Your Hidden Sin

If the truth be known, all of us have "hidden sin" in our lives that if it were made public it would cause us shame. These sins are different than the sin nature we were born with. These sins come from the flesh and are deceptive and stray from the truth that is in us. Do not put God to the test. By His grace He allows some sins to be covered, but if you push Him to far He will make it known from the roof tops. It is far better to renounce the sin as soon as it comes to mind. Ruin it's taste and make it a reproach. When you do, the Spirit of God will transform you and heal you from this sin. Then you can walk in newness knowing that you are now walking in the light like He is in the light.

Daily Prayer. Lord, Spirit of the Living God, hear my prayer. Allow me to trust in You by calling on You. I cannot trust someone I never call so place in my mind a trust and urgency to bring all of my conflict to You. In Jesus' name and for His sake I pray Amen.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To Have A Quality Christian Life, It Ought To Be A Simple Life

There is no benefit to having life be spiritually complicated. Complication in your spiritual life leads to sin and separation. We cannot reason like we do in the natural realm. Our reasoning is contrary to God and considered disobedience. Abraham set the stage for New Covenant righteousness. Righteousness comes through belief and through belief comes obedience and righteousness. When we stray from God we need to stop and call upon the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. By simple obedience, the picture becomes clear and a clear picture is a simple one.

Daily Prayer: Father, we need to stop trying to be our own Savior. We cannot do anything to please You apart from believing in You. Let us now become childlike in our belief so that things may go well for us. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Monday, September 13, 2010

True Surrender, What It Looks Like & What It Feels Like

When we speak of surrendering to Jesus Christ, what we mean is the voluntarily release your will to His. It means giving up your own rights, decisions, and goals and adopting the rights, decisions, and goals of Jesus. Jesus says that those who surrender to Him will find rest. Remember that Jesus is the Prince of Peace and His rest is rest indeed. The only thing to hold one back from surrender is if you don't trust Him. You may feel that you have to hedge your opportunities so that you don't have all of your eggs in the Jesus basket. This sounds too much like our contemporary churches. Church people often times like to do work where they are honored before men not realizing that they are not honored before God. Jesus says take my yoke because He intends to do most of the work. By His work and guiding, He can teach us His ways so that we may do likewise. When you come unto Jesus, you become a part of His kingdom, leaving the kingdom of this world behind.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, we say with our lips that we trust You. Our lives are so saturated with sin that it becomes hard to to what is best for our self. We know our sins are forgiven, but help us to remove the mask that we wear and quit fooling ourselves. Apart from You, we can do nothing. Lift us up and draw us to You. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

When God Appears As Only A Shadow Of A Father

There are times that God may seem far off to you. He may seem indifferent or even harsh. Job said of these times "Do we only expect good things from God?" Distance and harsh circumstances were also the problem to the prophet Habakkuck. Be be true to our convictions, we must conclude as he did "the just shall live by faith."

Daily Prayer: Father, we ask that we believe with a whole hearted conviction that what You say is true. We are not heavenly at this time and heaven is far off. But You have given the Spirit so that You will never be far away, but rather You are in us. Let us take comfort in this. In Your Name I pray Amen.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

"I Have Done This To Give You An Example"

This is what Jesus said when He washed His discples feet. He gave them an example how they were to minister after He ascended. This is to say that we are walk humbly in the world and before our God. Walk the extra mile, Jesus says. He teaches us that those who are last will be first in His kingdom. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.

Daily Prayer: Father, give us a humble and submissive heart. Let us not think more highly of our self than what we ought to. You have given us an example. Help us walk in Your ways.
In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Friday, September 10, 2010

God's Traing Ground For The Believer

Most Christians believe that if they were confronted with a spiritual crisis, they would be ready for battle in the name of Jesus Christ. When trouble came to Jesus' disciples, they scattered.
We are no different than Peter when he disowned Christ. What makes a saint fit for a crises is the daily worship of God and learning from His Word. We cannot go from a babe in Christ to Christian soldiers without having first been on God's training ground which is our daily worship of him and seizing opportunities He gives us. It is as Luther said "the kingdom of God is my love for you and your love to your brother." We need to start at the beginning if we have never been there. Then when trouble comes, we will be useful to our Savior.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let us not serve you in our own flesh. Let us learn to walk by the Spirit by abiding in Him so that we will not meet the desires of our flesh. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bring Every Thought & Project Into Submission Of Christ

The discipline of obedience is what pleases Jesus Christ. We are not our own, but have been paid for with the price of the cross. The Law of Christ is to love Him and your neighbor. He also says that those who love me will obey me. This is why we bring every thought captive to Jesus. This way all that we do is because of His will instead of our will for Him.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, you know that we mean well. Often times our good intentions do not result in good works. Have us hand it all over to You so that Your will can be done through me.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

There Is A Time For Violence

We are holy before God not because God has imparted a holy character in us, but because our sins have been forgiven. Only Christ could wage the war against sin. Yet there are other times when things that are in the natural realm try to boost themselves up against the knowledge of God. To these things violence is in order. These are those that require destruction. It is one thing to make moral choices. Moral choices are good, but to the thing that raises itself against others coming to God, it would be easier to have a millstone around its neck and be thrown to sea than to exist among the follower of Jesus because the follower of Jesus will make a stand.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let us have a discerning mind. Give us wisdom and insight and courage as we fight the good fight for You. Amen.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Those Who Are In Christ Will Flow Rivers Of Living Water

If you have been born by the Spirit of God, then from your inner most heart will flow rivers of blessing to those you serve. Jesus's work is perfected in the body of the saints. The blessing is not a meager thing. It is flowing and in an abundant measure. We are servants of the King of Kings so our duty is great and so is our reward.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let me be Jesus to those around me. Through me, answer prayers, bring blessing, a word of comfort or encouragement. Let me not be self-centered, because I have been given so much. Instead, let the joy of my salvation be enough. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Monday, September 6, 2010

This Is The Work Of God - That You Believe

Jesus says that to the one who believes, He will make rivers of living water come forth from your soul. Rivers of living water are blessings that pour forth from the believer in Christ. This is God's work, not mans. His river takes on all the characteristics of a river. It moves forward and may in time be blocked by an obsticle. Your river will do one of two things. It will either remove the obsticle or it will make a way around it at which time it will come out on the other side wider and stronger than before. The Source of this great strength is the Father and the Son and the Word that they give to those who believe.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us never doubt that You will overcome the obsticles of our life. When You do, for the fury and strength that You possess we give you all the glory. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We Are To Watch With Jesus

Most Christians, even the most devout Christians state that they are watching for Jesus. This is not what the Lord asked from us. He said watch with Me. Do you see the difference? When we watch for someone, we are awaiting them to join us in our circumstances where we are. When we watch with him, now we are joining him where he is and the his plans for himself and those who belong to him. It's like when you were a youngster. You would observe your Dad trying to be like him. You would do this down to the smallest detail. In the same way, Christ wants us to image him so that we can be like him and to know him.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, I want to be like you. I thank you for the cross because now I can move out of my sinful Eden into your New Jerusalem. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

To Be Counted One Of His You Must Give Yourself To Him

There are many who are saved, but fewer who Jesus calls one of His own. Those who give up all rights to themself belong to Jesus. This is a good place to be. By being one of His, He takes responsibility for you. Jesus says "Come unto me all who are weary and heavey laden and I will give you rest." Your cares go away when you realize who is in charge.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let me not put value on anything so that I call it my own. I am not my own if indeed I belong to You. Build my faith so that it doesn't move and so when the enemy comes, I can move mountains. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Pour Out Your Blessings Unto The Lord

What a believer does in the natural world seems crazy. If I have been blessed, I need to consider giving it back to God because I am unworthy and the blessing is too wonderful. Do not think more of yourself than you ought to. When entering a room, be seated near the back. This way someone might invite you to move up. If you start in the front and then the host says move back, what benefit is that to anyone? Be of a sober mind. Judge for yourself what is meant for you and what is counterfeit. This way, God who is in heaven, will raise you up to a place you never imagined.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let it be our mind to walk before You without guilt or shame. Give us a humble demeanor and let our minds focus on service instead of being the most important one. In Jesus name who is our example I pray Amen.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"He who believes in Me, out of his heart will flow living waters"

The key is that out of his heart, not into his heart. Jesus wants to pour us out like a drink offering to God first and then to our neighbor. He wants to utilize us so that we become a blessing to others by demonstrating how Christ is formed in us. Jesus does not promise material reward, but he promises to use us for His purposes just like He was used for the Father's purposes. Not my will but thy will be done.

Daily Prayer: Lord, make us receptive vessels for our Lord Jesus to use. Let us draw close to Him so that through us we may bring the love of Christ to others. Amen.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

God's Intended Purpose For Man - Holiness

The Bible states "Be therefore holy, because I the Lord your God am holy." The purpose of our salvation was not to perserve a people out of pity. It was to make holiness possible in their life.
Holiness separates the Christian from the world. It is a matter of consecration which is that setting aside our life and our body as a living sacrifice before the LORD. Yes it is true that we stumble, but when we do we are to get up. If you believe in your heart that you cannot be holy, you will not. Jesus said as much on the Sermon on the Mount when He pointed out the intentions of man are God's first concern. "Blessed are those..."He says who seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Daily Prayer: Lord, make it my first priority to be able to walk before you without same or regret. Build up my heart so that my external life exhibits purity of life of the inner man. In Your Name I pray Amen.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Let Your Joy Be Complete

Joy is a much different word than happiness. Joy is not dependant on the "cares of this world" to express itself. Joy is the inner satisfaction of oneness with her Creator. When you are living out your calling - this is joy. Your calling might involve teaching, coaching or being coached. You calling might be to be an encourager or one who supports another. Whatever your calling is, you will be satisfied with it until you return to God Almighty. Than He will say to you "well done, my good and faithful servant."

Daily Prayer: Father, let us be satisfied with ourself. Let us live out our calling in such a natural way that it as easy as breathing. Let us not try to redefine our role, but instead take the lot you have given and be satisfied. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Many Have Been Brought To Glory

It should come as no surprise that your name is written in heaven not because what you have done for God, but for what the Son of God has done for you. Understanding this right relationship is called being "justified." It is based on this that the Father calls you son or daughter and the Son calls you friend. So many strive to be heros in the church. They desire to "do something for God and man." The Bible says that there is none that are righteous, not even one. When we strive for recognition by God we are fooling ourself because all that is right in what we do is "in Christ." So it is time now to rest in God and be content with what He has given. God will indeed use you, but by His mercy He will not allow you to know it.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us live the life the prophet Micah speaks of, which is to walk humbly before the Lord. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Walking By Faith & Not By Sight

We know that the spiritual life and the natural man are at odds with one another. This is because what we perceive through our circumstances is a false perception. There is more to life than our five senses. Jesus is easy to believe in when you are in His presence. When you go into the demon-filled valley of life, the natural man will call your faith in Jesus folly. This is what is known as the testing of our faith. We must walk through the circumstances and the criticism of others believing the Son of Man is truely the Son of God as well. So when does this testing come to an end? When you die. Death if the final and greatest test of your belief in the eternal life Jesus died to give you. You must walk through the shadow of death and not be afraid because He is with you.

Daily Prayer: Lord Jesus, let my faith be more than intellectually knowing that You are God. Search me and make me one with You so that when trials come I can say that man does not live by bread alone, but from every word that proceeds from God. Amen.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

God's Word Is Foolishness To Those Who Are Perishing

Yes, what we call truth, the world calls foolishness. The natural man is in enmity with the spiritual man. Our only way to God is through prayer. Understand this: we ask God for very little. We are trained to think that meager petitions before God is healthy, but it is not. If you are a Christian, then Christ is formed in you. Nourishment to the inner-man is by way of spiritual exercise which is prayer. Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. Jesus says, "behold I stand at the door (or our heart) and knock." Do not wait until you are your wits end to pray. Instead, be treated like a son or a daughter of the Most High!

Daily Prayer: Lord, apart from You, I can do nothing. Even though I prove myself to be a sinner every day, You bring new mercies every day. Raise up my thinking to the heavenlies so that I may understand You and know You. In Your Holy Name I pray Amen.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jesus Says "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled"

We are aware that in the world there will be tribulation. So how can the Lord say let not your heart be troubled? It is because He promises to leave us and give us peace. He says "not as the world gives, do I give to you." Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Any peace aside from the peace He gives is a counterfeit. The greatest cause of tribulation in our life is when we look to ourself for our own sufficiency instead of looking to our Savior. We were never equipped to work apart from God. It wasn't true in the Garden of Eden and it isn't true today. Peace apart from Christ is havoc and sufficiency apart from the Lord is mayhim.

Daily Prayer: Lord, let us begin each day and end every day in Your presence. Let us not think so highly of ourself that we become our own god. Instead of independence, teach us dependance which is the only way to life. In Jesus name I pray Amen.